

In the middle of the miniature come two physically challenged folks whose disabled legs was bound together so that they could run with agility shoulder to shoulder. What a revealing picture it is! And it is without any exaggeration that the spirit demonstrated by this illustration touches me deeply. Apparently, the miniaturist intends to reveal a very practical life philosophy to the effect that collaboration really does matter much.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that almost all of the high-achievers pocket this sort of quality, virtually. Indeed. Those who are not proficient in cooperation with others can hardly survive in this cooperative community where people are in need of mutual help and it is difficult to the point of impossibility for those lacking of the capacity to seeking cooperation with others to get a high achievement, not to mention to gain a edge over their counterparts or rivals in the future career life. Examples abound. Take Kobe, a legend basketball player and the beloved icon of our generation. It is his fantastic teamwork spirit that give a huge boost to his as well as his team's success.

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