牛津英语8B Unit1单元测试


8BUnit 1测 试姓名得分


1.The changes have brought many __________ (好处).

noise pollution.

3、The environment has (改变) a lot.

4、There are many new __________ (发展) here.

5、The airport has been in s__________ since 1998.

6、I will have an _________(采访) with the super star this weekend.

7、The government (意识到)the importance of protecting the environment。

8、I(借)my bike to Jack yesterday.

it for me?

10. People live a better life and eat (新鲜)meat and vegetables every day.


1. Have you been to Hong Kong __________ (recent)?

2、Listening to a talk is __________ (pleasant). We all feel bored.

3、He is __________ (polite). So he isn’t welcome.

4、I __________ (do) my homework already.

5、I __________ (leave) Shanghai last week.

6、(south) part of China.

7.The waste has 8.—the train (arrive) yet?

—Yes, it (arrive) ten minutes ago.

9. The bowl is empty. He (eat) the food.

10、There (be) many changes in China since 1987.


()1.Mr Green has worked in Zhenjiang since his familyto China years ago.

A.has moved B.movedC.moves D.move

()2.It's veryto talk him.

A.pleasue,toB.pleased,with C.pleasant,with D.pleased,to

()3.We invite experts to give us talksA.from a day and night B.from time to time

C.from past to now D.from one to another

()4.He didn't live here. He movedthe city ten months ago.

A.out from B.out of from C.ontoD.out of

()5.The woman wasin that hotel before she came here.

A.on service B.on the service C.in service D.in the service

()6.The twins has studied in this school.

A.two yearsago B. since two years ago

C.for two yeas agoD. since two years

()7.The child has come to school by bike his own.


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