


Learning to learn

1. be similar to 与…相似

2. discuss sth. with sb. 和某人讨论某事 3. take every opportunity to do sth.利用一切机会做某事 4. put off推迟 5. at present目前

6. in danger of ... 有... 的危险

7. round up 围捕;赶拢;使……集拢 8. round ...off 把…磨圆;使圆满结束 9. on the Internet 在网上


1. out of work 失业

2. do well in 在…方面做得好 3. be determined to do sth. 决心做 4. dream up 虚构出,凭空想出 5. be concerned about 关心

6. turn one’s back on sth. 不理睬;背弃;抛弃

7. give away 放弃,泄漏,分类,赠送 8. drop out 退出,退学,脱离 9. no way 肯定不,没门

10. take off 起飞;脱下;离开

11. be enthusiastic about/over sth 对…热情/热心

12. be confident of对..有信心

13. come on 快点;开始;要求;上演;跟着来;突然产生;加油,加把劲;算了吧!来呀(吧)

14. comment on sth.评论某事 15. pocket money零花钱 16. to be exact 确切地说 17. appeal to 吸引…

18. keep the balance of 保持..的平衡 19. point of view 观点 20. if so 如果这样的话 21. for a start 首先,第一

22. what’s more 而且,更重要的是 23. think twice 仔细考虑 24. go through 穿过/越过

25. credit card 信用卡

26. move /walk around 四处走动 27. be keen to do sth. 渴望做

28. have fun with sb. 和某人玩得开心 29. with ease 熟练地;不费力地轻松地 30. ways of doing sth. 做某事的办法 31. achieve one’s goal 达到目标 32. a piece of furniture 一件家具 33. give up 放弃,交出,停止 34. be tired of 厌倦.....; 对......厌倦 35. be aware of 知道......,意识到...... 36. earn money 赚钱

37. make ...free 使......自由 38. no way 没门儿,不可能 39. if so 如果这样的话

40. It is time for sb. to do sth. 是某人做某事的时候了

41. play the (a) ...role in...在......中起......作用

42. make a living 谋生

43. have an effect on 对......有影响 44. start with 以......开始,开始时有...... 45. have /take a bath 洗澡46. no bigger than 不如......大 47. be made from 由......

制成(制成品不见原材料) 48. be worried about 为…而担心,忧虑 49. in a ...state 处于...... 状态 50. be easy to wash 容易洗


1. soap opera肥皂剧 2. current affairs 时事

3. stand for 是...意思, 代表,支持, 4. react to 对…做出反应 5. in detail 详细地

6. of concern( to sb.) 对(某人)的关心 7. have the distinction of doing sth 有…荣誉/殊荣

8. come down to sth. 可归结为…; 结果是…

9. rush hour (上下班的)交通高峰期 10. provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物

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