

1. 这里有清楚的说明。__________________________ Here are clear instructions.

2. 没问题。_________________________________ No problem.

3. 代表,象征_________________________________ stand for

4. 代替,而不是_________________________________ instead of

5. 花钱请人做某事 _________________________________ pay sb. to do sth.

6. 你最好去取些工具来。__________________________ You’d better get some tools.

7. 上面写着“自己做”。__________________________ It says, “Do it yourself.”

8. 确切地说,UFO是什么? ______________________________ What is UFO exactly?

9. 制作一些纸玫瑰 _______________________________ make some paper roses

10. 做DIY工作 _______________________ do some DIY work; do a DIY job

11. 享受制作一些新的东西_______________________ enjoy making something new

12. 对打游戏着迷_______________________ be crazy about playing games

13. 他自己装饰房子。 _______________________ He decorates the house himself.

14. 看起来可怕的_________________________________ look terrible

15. 尽力安装一盏更亮的电灯 ___________________________ try to put in a brighter light

16. 在厨房墙上悬挂一幅画_______________________ put up a picture on the kitchen wall

17. 敲到水管 _________________________________ hit the pipe

18. 把房间弄得到处都是水____________________________ fill the room with water

19. 把客厅漆成蓝色 ___________________________ paint the living room blue

20. 反复不停地画_________________________________ keep on painting

21. 在床的上方悬挂一个书架 ___________________________ put up a shelf above the bed

22. 建议他上DIY课程______________________ advise him to take a course in DIY

23. 一条建议 __________________________ a piece of advice

24. 相反,我自己读了所有的书 ___________________ Instead, I read all the books myself.

25. 出席会议/上课 ______________________________ attend meetings/lessons

26. 擅长修理电脑_______________________ be good at repairing computers

27. 用一把剪刀剪出一些卡片 _________ cut out some cards with a pair of scissors

28. 在卡片的另外一面 ________________________ on the other side of the card

29. 不要放弃它。_________________________________ Don‘t give it up.

30. 坚持尝试,你将会更好__________________ Keep trying and you will

地记住他们。remember them better.

31. 给她的同学建议 ______________________ give advice to her classmates

32. 将大块的水果切成小块______________________ cut large fruit into small pieces

33. 给沙拉上加一些沙拉酱______________________ add some salad cream to the salad

34. 当季水果 _________________________________ fruit in season

35. 将草莓和紫葡萄混合在一起 ______________ mix strawberries and purple grapes together

36. 例如_________________________________ for example

37. 准备做某事_________________________________ prepare to do sth.

38. 将它留在空气中一段时间 ______________________ leave it in the air for some time

39. 停止打扫房子_____________________________ stop cleaning the house

40. 在…的顶端_________________________________ on the top of …

41. 收拾,整理_________________________________ tidy up

42. 决定给她制作一张生日卡片 ___________________ decide to make her a birthday card

43. 在封面上粘贴一张画________________________ stick a picture on the cover

44. 单词不断拼错_______________________ keep spelling the words wrong

45. 弄错,出故障_________________________________ go wrong

46. 制作一张有玫瑰在上面的卡片______________________ make the card with roses on it

47. 完成工作 ________________________________ complete the work

48. 组装一件家具______________________ put together a piece of furniture

49. 学习制作饼干______________________________ learn to make biscuits

50. 不同颜色的气球 __________________________ balloons of different colours

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