

中国科学院2004年3月博士研究生入学考试试题PARTⅡVOCABULARY (15 minutes, 10 points, 0.5 point each)

Directions: Choose the word or word below each sentence that best complete the statement, and mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machinescoring Answer Sheet.


A. equips B. providesC.offers D. satisfies

22. In assessing the impact of the loss of a parent through death and divorce it was the distortion of family

A. dispositionB. distinctionC.distributionD. disruption

the value which our society ascribes to them.

A. stick toB. turn to C.lead to D. take to

24. Smuggling is which might bring destruction to our economy; therefore, it must be banned.

A. pertinentB. fruitful C.detrimental

A. guideline B. definitionD. casualD. idetity C.constraint

A. equally B. individuallyC.sufficiently

A. embracesB. encouragesC.exaggerates D. proportionallyD. elaborate

A. by virtue of B. in addition toC.for the sake ofD. as opposed to

29. He cannot____________the fact that he was late again for the conference at the university yesterday.

A. contribute toB. account for C.identify with D. leave out

30. Please do not be

A. disgustedB. embarrassedC.irritatedD. shocked

31. For nearly 50 years, Spock has been aauthor writing 13 books including an autobiography and numerous magazine articles.

A. prevalent B. stand up toC.prospectiveD. prolific

32. Workers in this country are getting higher wages while turning out poor products that do not____________the test of international competition.

A. keep up with

A. successivelyB. stand up to C.comply withD. attend toD. preliminarily33. The business was forced to close down for a period but wasrevived.B. subsequently C.predominantly

A. worked out B. gone through

A. cleanup

A. rather B. setupC.caught onD. fitted inD. takeout C.breakout36. The poor quality of the film ruined theperfect product.B. muchC.otherwiseD. particularly

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