

Test for Unit 13

I. Words

Mary always dresses elegantly.

She had a tense expression one her face, as though she was expecting trouble.

It’s rather a coincidence (巧合)that her hair should be the same color as mine. What medicine does the doctor prescribe for your illness?

A religious (虔诚的) person is one whose thoughts are full of his duty to God.

The relationship between teacher and student is of vital importance.

Under the agreement, Germany will cancel seventy million dollars owed by Ethiopia. They have made many enquiries (打听)about their elder sister’s whereabouts.

We should like to hear your remarks on the passage we have just read.

Don’t be so innocent (天真)as to believe everything he says.

II. Phrases

1. 款待客人entertain the guests 2. 深信be convinced that /of

3. 行为异常behave strangely 4. 调查偷窃investigate the theft

5. 受睡眠不足之苦suffer from lack of sleep6. 说话婉转 speak in a roundabout way

7. 犯罪 commit crimes 8.出国 go abroad

9. 油漆污迹 paint stains10. 余生 the rest of one’s lifeIII. Multiple choices

“How did you find the lecture tonight?”

“Very _______. I doubt if I will come for his lecture next time.”

A. encouraging B. encouragedC. disappointing D. disappointed

_____ the poor, Bob himself lived a very simple life.

A. Devoting to helpingB. Devoted to help

C. Devoted to helpingD. Devoting to help

“My mother prepared the dish ______for you.”

“Wow, delicious. Is she a specialist _____Chinese food?”

A. especially, onB. specially, in C. particularly, at D. purposely, for

It ______what he did was right.

A. provedB. was proved C. has proved D. had proved

We talked and laughed ______the dinner and had a wonderful time.

A. inB. atC. overD. for

They decided to drive the cow away _____it did more damage.

A. beforeB. unless C. until D. although

Important people don’t often have much free time as their work _____most of their time.

A. takes awayB. takes upC.takes over D. takes in

The prize will be given to _____has done the best in the contest.

A. whoB. whoeverC. no matter who D. whomever

“Are you pleased with what he has done?”

“Not in the least. It couldn’t be ______.”

A. so badB. much betterC. any worse D. the best

Mr. and Mrs. Scott prefer a restaurant in a small town to ______ in so large a city as New York.

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