

unit2 单元检测题


()1.-______ do you go to school?- Often ______ 7:30 a.m.

A. What time; on B. What time; atC. What; in D. When; in

()I go to ___ work after __ breakfast every day.A. /; theB. the;/C. /;/ D. the; a ()3.Our school ___ at nine o’clock every morning.

A. goes B. takes C. startsD. gets

()4.My mother usually _______ at 5:30 in the afternoon.

A. get home B. get home C. get to home D. gets home

( )5.We just need one of you for the game. ______ you ______your brother can join us.

A. Both; andB. Neither; nor C. Either; orD. Not only; but also ( )6.—What's your ______?—I'm an actor.

A.jobB.workC.jobsD.works ( )7. The salad ______ good. I'd like to have more(更多的).

A.sounds B.tastes C.looksD.smells

( )8. We do morning exercises ______ the morning. Well,it's good _____ your health.

A.for;forB.in;inC.in;forD.at;to ()9. Peter usually gets up ____ seven ____ Sunday morning.A.at;on B.in;at C.at;at D.in;on ()10.Grace usually ______ at 6:50 a.m.

A .does her homeworkB.has breakfastC.eats dinnerD.goes to bed ()11. —What’s the time? —It’s _______ three-thirty.

A. of B. aboutC. at ()12. I have _______ homework to do in the evening.

A. manyB. lot of C. lots of D. much of

()13.Victor wants to doesn’t

A. work; work

B. job; jobC. job; work D. work; job

()14.Little Tony is a dirty(脏的

A. alwaysB. usuallyC. often D. never

()15. A. about; toB. to; toC. about; aboutD. to; about ()16. Bob is very fat because he ______ exercises.

A. alwaysB. sometimesC. usuallyD. never

()17.In the evening ,Jim ____watches TV______plays computer games.

A.either,or B. either,and C.too,to D.doesn’t, or()18.They always _______ at a quarter to seven.

A.get dressB.get dressedC.gets dressD. geting dressed

()19 I can only watch TV _________ half an hour every evening.

A. onB. at C. inD.()20. Do you like ___________ a car?

A. rideB. drivingC. to sit D. to driving

二、完成对话(20分)(A).根据对话内容,从方框中选择合适的句子。 A:Good morning, John.B:Morning, Grace.

A:Do you often exercise in the morning?

B:Yes, I do. 1. ________ Then I exercise from 6:15 to 6:45. What about you?

A:2. ________ But my mother says it’s good for my health. In fact, I’m too fat. 3. ________ B:Yes, I think so. I almost run every morning. 4. ________ A:Can I run with you every morning? B:Of course. 5. ________



A: Hi! Jack. Do you want to (1) ______ an English club with me?B: Yes, I (2) ______.A: What (3) ______ do you often go to school? B: I often go to school (4) ______ seven o'clock.A: Oh, it's quite early. I get (5) ______at seven. I often go to school at 7:30.

B: My home (6) ______ near the school. Do you have lunch (7) ______ home?

A: No, I (8) ______. I have lunch at school. After lunch I play basketball (9) ______ my friends. B: Great! I like playing basketball, (10) ______. But I play it at 4:30 in the afternoon.

_______ ________ _______ ________ _______ ______ ________ _____ _____ _______ 三.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1.Jim brushes his ______(tooth)every morning. 2.Do you have time ______(have)lunch at home? 3.What a ______(fun)time to have dinner at home! 4.I have ______(lot)of things to do on weekends. 5.Anna gets up very ______(quick)in the morning.

7 I’m the last one ______ (take) a shower.8.Let’s ______ (clean) the classroom.

9.M y mother has a _____(health) life.10.I go to school after _____(eat)breakfast every day 四.根据要求改写句子,每空一词(10分)

________ ________ _____ Kate take a shower? 2. I often play the guitar. (否定句) I _______ often _______ the guitar. 3.Miss Sun gets to school at six forty-five. (同义句)

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