



(Text 1)

M: Why do you look so happy, Mary?

W: Well, tomorrow is my birthday and I just found out that there would be no English test tomorrow. (Text 2)

W: Excuse me. I?m looking for Mrs. Smith.

M: Oh, she is not on this floor. She is on the fourth floor. Go down two floors and turn right. (Text 3)

W: What did you think of the European Cup on TV last night?

M: It was great.

W: I thought so, too. I wish that our TV stations broadcast more sports games.

(Text 4)

W: Bob, there?s not much food left in the refrigerator.

M: Well, I might be able to pick up a few things after work, but I?ll be back rather late today. W: In that case, we can eat out at Pizza Hut.

M: OK. See you there at 7:00.

(Text 5)

M: What exactly are you looking for, Lily?

W: I am looking for a collection of 20th century European paintings.

M: Is it the book on your right, the one with the blue cover?

W: Let me see. Yeah, this is what I want. Thanks a lot.

(Text 6)

W: Harry, Kate didn?t come this morning. What?s up?

M: Didn?t you read the newspaper this morning?

W: No. What happened?

M: There was a fire in Kate?s building last night. She heard her disabled neighbor, Mrs. Lee, calling for help and saw a lot of smoke from next door. She called 911 at once and then went to help Mrs. Lee get out.

W: How brave!

M: Yes — but the fire burned her legs. She has to stay in hospital for a couple of days.

W: Oh, I?m so sorry to hear that! Is she getting better now?

M: Yes. She will be back at work next week.

W: I?d like to go and take her some flowers. Which hospital is she in?

(Text 7)

M: Which countries have you been to, Miss White?

W: I?ve been to most European countries, several Asian countries — China, Singapore, and Thailand — and to the United States and Canada.

M: I thought you had been to Australia, too.

W: No, but I?m planning on visiting Australia and Japan soon. What is the most beautiful country you?ve been to?

M: In my opinion, that would be Norway.

W: Isn?t it really cold there?

M: Well, the north of Norway is almost always cold, but in the south, it can be fairly warm in summer. It?s a wet country, so it snows almost everywhere in winter. It?s beautiful!

(Text 8)


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