Do we live a better life than our grandparents? Why or why


Do we live a better life than our grandparents? Why or why not?

Nowadays, it is commonly accepted that recently people's style of living is more comfortable and they don’t struggle with the problems which people faced into in the past. Contrary to this popular belief

[b?'li?f], there are still those who argue that today's life is not easier than our grandparents' life. I quite agree with the first opinion that we live in more comfortrather than before.

First and foremost, we all live in a modern society and we use a variety of technologieswhereas our grandparents spent their childhood in the era['??r?] without any special technologies. No one can deny this point that advent of technology brings more facilities [f?'s?l?t?z] that assist [?'s?st] people with their daily activities.

Other important reason that can be taken into consideration is that we can travel easily these days. People can leave their home town and travel to other places for many purposes such as finding better job opportunity, studying abroad in top ranked universities and even for entertainment and leisure [?le??(r)]. These aims can provide better more comfortable life for the people. Today there are many transportation vehicles ['vi:?klz] for facilitate [f??s?l?te?t] traveling. We see the streets are full of cars. Most of the people have their own personal car for going to their work place or traveling. Also people can travel from a continent to another through only a few days. Whereas in the old days traveling dedicated to wealthy [?welθi] people and it was really time consuming and expenses a lot.

Finally yet importantly, nowadays we live in the global village, the main benefit of invention of the internet. The internet provides this chance for us to have contact easily with our relatives or friends who live far away by means of phones, emails and video conferences

['k?nf?r?nsis]. On the contrast, in the past keeping in touch with the relatives and friends who live away was not easy at all.

So I can draw this conclusion that today we live easier than past. We benefits many facilities which cause the life more comfortable and easier than the past.包含内容:建筑图纸、PDF/word/ppt 流程,表格,案例,最新,免费下载,施工方案、工程书籍、建筑论文、合同表格、标准规范、CAD图纸等内容。


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