

Hello,everyone.Today,I am going to share a book named

The Seventh Day that l have read in Oct. 2014.The Seventh Day is YuHua’s latest novel.It took him seven years to complete the writing.During the progress of this writing,he thought

thatcompared with the absurdity of reality,those plots in the novel is really pale into insignificance.

Now, I’d like to divide this report into four parts.The first

part is the introduction of the writer.The second part is the introduction of the novel.The third part is the outline of the novel.And the fourth part is my personal feeling after reading this novel.

First of all,let us know some information about

YuHua.Born in April,1960,YuHua began writing in 1983.His famous story includes Leaving Home at

Eighteen,ClassicLove,To Live and so on.Untilnow,his works have been translated into more than 20 languages.

Secondly,when it comes to the introduction of this

novel,Iwant to share the preface of the book,which comes from Old Testament·Genesis .”And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from

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