


袭击某地: a typhoon hit/struck sp

a typhoon occurred /happened/took place in sp

失踪:be missing受伤;get injured 死亡:were killed,lost their lives. 成千上万的人失去了宝贵的生命

Tens of thousands of people lost their precious lives.

被困: be trapped in ...电力中断:the electricity was cut off 房屋倒塌:houses fell down

冲走房屋,道路,桥梁;buildings,roads and bridges were washed away 成为废墟:fell into ruins失去家园:lost their homes ,became homeless 造成巨大经济损失:caused great economic losses

受灾地区:the earthquake-stricken area; the disaster area.

救灾工作正在进行:The rescue work is going on/ still under way. 恢复正常:return to normal 拯救:rescue/savesb from...

地震灾民:the victims of the earthquake 被困人员: people trapped in... 呼吁人们为灾区捐赠:call on people to make donations to the disaster area.


The government took all kinds of urgent measures to rescue the people trapped in the earthquake to make sure that everything can return to normal as soon as possible.

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