

Never trust apperence Do you agree that it is unwise to judge a person by their appearances? Yes I think that one should never judge a person by external appearances. Because everyone has its own characteristics.

In the real society, many people often judge a person by external

appearances.they think appearance can decide everything.If they have good looks and whatever heart, they will all regard one with special

respect or new views.And that is good and beautiful as long as they look gorgeous. In most cases, one should never judge a person by external

appearances. Because the appearance can not prove anything of a person's innate character. In the world, some people do not have good appearance, while they are liked by many other people because they have good qualities which is more important to a human being. We should not judge him or her by his appearance. We should judge a person by his character. In the other hand, not all the good appearance people have good characters. And moreover, it is only shallow people who judge by appearances.

In conclusion,we should never trust apperence,and we should judge a person by his character.

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