

Is smoking beneficial or detrimental?

Ever since the birth of cigarettes, the argumentation about smoking has raged for years. The polarity of ideas people held has made smoking in the teeth of the storm.

Some people believe smoking authentically brings a unique pleasure to smokers, mainly because of the nicotine. That is why so many people smoke especially when they're quite distraught. However, those endorse smoking primarily for health reasons. Smoking can never escape from the list of the main cause to many common diseases such as lung cancer and trachitis.

For me, I'm a steadfast anti opium. Even put aside the truth that the unique pleasure that smoking creates actually is a kind of addiction, cigarettes should be sentenced to death for what they did to smokers' health once you've seen the comparison of the lungs. Smoking cessation is apparently afflictive tentatively but precisely a victory in the long term.

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