

成长教育培训中心 六年级英语


姓 名____________得分:


A. sadB. happyC. happily

( ) 6. _________ are you going?To the sweet shop.

A. WhatB. WhereC. Who

( ) 7. _________ do you want to buy?A toy tiger .

1.wake(过去式2.get(原形 A. WhatB. WhereC. Who3.give(过去式 4.sun(形容词() 8.Last Sunday, Nancy____________ to the zoo with her mum. A. go B. goes C. went 5.catch(过去式6.quiet(副词

( ) 9. I like____________ people.

7.happily(形容词 8.become(过去式

A. helpB. helping C. helped

9.let(原形10.bite(过去式() 10.Billy and Bobby __________ for ____________.


A. cheer,them B. cheers,themC. cheer,they

(10分) 1.就在那时 2.出来四、匹配。

( ) 1.Who woke you up this morning?A. They bought some flowers.


( ) 2.Did you eat the pie on the plate? B. Because it is interesting.

5.把水倒入洞里( ) 3.How did the cat get out? C. No, I didn’t. 7. too deep ) 4.What did they do? ( D. Yes, I can.

E. We are reading a story. 9. wake the lion up10.in the forest ( ) 5.What are you doing?

( ) 6.Why do you like playing basket ball? F.At seven O’clock. 三、选择。(20分) ( ) 1.One day, a mouse________ by and ________ the lion up.

A. walk, wokeB. walked, wake C. walked, woke( ) 2. The lion_________the net with his teeth, but that didn’t________ .

A.bite, helpB.bit, helpC. bit, helped

( ) 3.The lion let the mouse __________.

A. go B. goesC. went ( ) 4. The mouse helped the lion __________ .

A. get outB. got out C. get up ( ) 5. It’s my birthday today. I’m very_________.

( ) 7.When does your brother go to school?G. My mother woke me up. ( ) 8.How many balls are there in the hole?H.OK

( ) 9.Would you like to wake me up tomorrow? I. It bit the basket with its teeth. ( ) 10.Can you help me find my school bag?J.Five 五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)

1. There ___________ (be not) any milk in the glass just now. 2. The girl likes reading. Now she is reading _____________ ( loud ). 3. My sister _________ (have) a nice dress. 4.









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