

必修 6Module 1

一、 单词拼写

1.You have got to realize your own ________________ (缺点). 2.I’m afraid I was rather bad-tempered yesterday, I think I owe you an _______(道歉)


8.缺少…; …不足_________ 9.提前________10. 参与,有关联;全神贯注做某事___________

3.He told me not to buy it, but I bought it _______________ (不管怎么说) 4.Don’t _____________ (打断) the speaker, ask your questions afterwards. 5.It is hard to ______________ (解释) exactly what has changed.

6. They promised that they would restore the fallen bridge.

(非正式的) dress.

8.The rise of sea level is predicted as the 后果) of global warming.

9. I’ve always been very(谨慎的) about giving my address to strangers.

10.I must (道歉) for the delay in replying to your letter.

11.He was always surprisingly 谦虚的) about his role in the organization.

12.He had done a lot of (预先的) planning before he went to apply for the job.

13. I’d like to take this (机会)to express my thanks to you for your timely help.

14.What’s his (目的) of coming so early this morning? 15.She 想像)walking into the office and telling everyone what she thought of them.二、短语互译

1.炫耀_____________ 2.带头____________ 3.振作____________ 4.因此 5.小心意识到7.直言不讳的人

18. on the anniversary of their graduation 19.What is your baby due?__________________________________. 三、完成句子

1. 你是否曾经故意穿过马路以避免与你认识的人说话?(avoid doing)

2. 我如此专注于读书以至于没有听到你的敲门声。(be involved in)

3. 你需要钱和时间,此外你还需要努力。(in addition)

4. 谁也没有意识到危险的存在。(be aware of)

5. 你本不必这么匆忙,有的是时间。(needn’t have done)

6.Her motto was “Every time I open my mouth, I_______________________. (我会说错话)

7. In fact, she had never learnt ____________________(社会交际的基本规

则), and ________________________________ (因此她都会犯经常性的错误)every time she opened her mouth.

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