高一英语知识清单 Module 1 Unit 3 Celebration


高一英语知识清单 Module 1 Unit 3Celebration编号: 0306日期:2015-11-06 出题者:

高一英语知识清单 Module 1 Unit 3Celebration

一. 重点短语

1. 即将干 be about to2. 被庆祝be celebrated by 3. 据说??be said to do 4. 打牌play cards

5. 标志着??的开始/结束mark the beginning / end of 6. 包括??including fruit=fruit included 7. 在另一个故事中In another story 8. 烧毁burn down 9. 在过去in the past

10. 被装饰着be decorated with 11. 继续干carry on doing sth12. 嘲笑laugh at = make fun of 13. 正如你所知道的那样as you know 14. 向某人申请某事apply to sb for sth 15. 上艺术课take art classes 16. 不时from time to time 17. 杂乱无章in a mess

18. 给某人提供关于干某事的建议give some advice to sb about what to do 19. 依赖,依靠depend on

看情况: It (That )depends. 20. 被邀请到be invited to

21. 祝贺某人某事Congratulations to sb on sth22. 张贴,挂起put up

23. 即使even if /though 24. 不应该ought not to

25. 是??的象征be a symbol of

26. 参加招待宴会attend the reception27. 保持清醒stay awake 28. ??的入口the entrance to 类似:成功之路the road to success 开门的钥匙 the key to the door 问题的答案 the answer to the question 29. 捐钱 contribute a lot of money

contribution n. 贡献;捐献;投稿 中国人应当对人类有较大的贡献。

30. 请某人帮助ask sb for help 31. 特别 in particular

32. 一个高薪的工作a job with good salary 33. 与 ?? 有关联 be linked to /with34. 即将结婚to be married※marry的用法小结

marry vt., vi.名词:marriage ;反义词 :divorce 娶;嫁;结婚;和...结婚;为??证婚; 常见用法如下:

一、A marry B. / A get married to B 她嫁给了一位士兵。

She married a soldier.Or She got married to a soldier.

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