八下unit1 导学案


以人为本 厚德博学

西华初中八年级下英语导学案设计者: 王俊莲

Unit 1What’s the matter? (Section A 1a—1c)(课时1)



matter, sore, stomachache, foot, neck, stomach.(重点) 2、识记、运用短语:

What’s the matter?have a cold, have a stomachache, have a sore


3、能通过听力训练完成1b的听力任务。(难点) 课堂流程:

【学习流程一】预习交流(课前完成) 1、翻译并能正确读出1a中的单词。

2、看图片在1a中为身体的每一部分标上正确的字母。 3、预习测评:


(2)A: What’s the matter? B: . (选择)

A. I have a pen. B. It’s interesting.C. I have a cold. 【学习流程二】:展示点评

一、预习展示:对学完成1a组内展示答案。 二、新课展示:

1、1a:对学、群学朗读图片里的对话。(分组展示) 2、1b: 听录音,给名字标序号。(对、群学,组内展示)。

1c:模仿1c中的对话两个人一组进行会话表演,力争脱稿。【学习流程三】:反馈测评 一、英汉互译:

()4--1________?--I have a headache.

A What’s the matter?B Where are you ? C Who are you ?D What are you doing ? ()5 He _____stay at home and look after his mother.

A needed toB mustedC have toD has to()6We shouldn’t eat ________ junk food .

A too manyB too muchC many tooD much too()7 I think walking is ________ our health.

A good atB bad atC well inD good for

()8-- How is the young man?-- ________ .

A He is twelve.B He’s much better . C He is a doctor .D He’s Allen .


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