最新人教PEP2017-2018年五年级下册英语期末试题 (3)




一、听音练习把所听到的单词选入括号内(30分) ()1、A. whatB. where C. when ()2、A. whoB. wellC. whose ()3、A. his B. her C. Ours 三、听录音,看是否与你听到的句子完全一致。(对的写“T”,错的写“F”) (10分)

()1、I like the trees

()2、I want to paint a picture too ()3、mike doesn’t like reading a book ()4、my birthday is on july lst ( )4、A. yourB. hers()5、A. eatingB.playing()6、A.longB.pink()7、A.decemberB.may()8、A.firstB.fourth ()9、A.motherBfather ()10、A.AprilB.june二、选出你所听到问句的答语。(10分) ()1、which season do you like best?

A.I like summerB.I like winter best()2、when is the party?

A.It’s in may B.It’s in june ()3、whose dog is it?

A.It’s mineB.It’s his()4、what are they doing? A.They are playing ping-pang B.They are doing kung fu C.They are singing and dancing ()5、where is my book?

A.It’s on the deskB.It’under the chair C. yours C.sleeping C.youngC.october C.secondC.mumC.marchC.spring C.It’s in november C.It’ s oursC.It’s behind the door()5、the dog is chen jie’s



()1、______(谁的)book is it? A.whoB.whoseC.what ()2、______(be)he cleaning the classroom? A.beB.isC.are

()3、______(何时)do you go to school? A.what B.whereC.when ()4、she is______(正喝水)water A.drink B.drinkingC. / ()5、when is your birthday?It’s_______Aprillst

A.onB.inC.at ()6、The dog is_________(我们的) A.oursB.ourC.we ()7、It’s______(我们的)desk A.oursB.ourC.we ()8、_____are you doing?

A.what B.when C.How

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