Unit4 Finding your way教案2-优质公开课-译林七下精品


Unit 4 Finding your way 教案


一、 教学目标

1. To infer meaning from keywords, context and existing knowledge.

2. To understand a series of events and simultaneous actions.

3. To identify specific details by following a route and marking points on a map.

二、 教学重点

1. To infer meaning from keywords, context and existing knowledge.

2. To understand a series of events and simultaneous actions.

3. To identify specific details by following a route and marking points on a map.


1. To infer meaning from keywords, context and existing knowledge.

2. To understand a series of events and simultaneous actions.

3. To identify specific details by following a route and marking points on a map.

四、教学过程 Step 1 Revision

Review the words about directions.

Step 2 Presenting

1. T: Look at me. Now, I’m your tour guide and tell you how to get around the zoo. Listen to me carefully.

2. T: I have some more new words, please look at these pictures and tell me what they are. (the South Gate, panda, lion, bird, monkey, giraffe, elephant)

3. Then ask students make up a new dialogue with these words.

4. T: Ok, you know about these, let’s do part B1 on page 45.

Step 3 Reading

1. T: Now please listen to the tape, and try to answer the questions.

How many kinds of animals are there in the story?

Who are they?

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