

Module 6 Around town

Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right.Correction:__________ Learning objectives: By the end of the class, you are expected to:get the information from the reading material

● learn more expressions of giving directions

● master the words and phrases from tour—high

master the following sentences .Take the boat back…Get off the boat at…

【Basic Part】I. Read the passage and write the phrases.

1. 伦敦之旅____________________

2. 伦敦的中心____________________

3. 一个有着许多名画的著名博物馆


4. 带你到离泰晤士河面135米 高的地方


II. Interpret the following sentences. (If you understand, tick it √. If you don’t, question it? .) ( )1. From here, we’ll walk along the red street to Buckingham Palace.

( )2. As you go along the river, the London Eye is on your right.

( )3. After visiting the Tower of London, take the boat back along the river to the railway station.


III.Look at the picture and fill in blanks.

There are five buildings_______ the school. The office

building is __________the playground and the lab. The

garden is ___ ________ ____ the office building. The

library is ___________ the officebuilding. We can see

that the lab is ____ ____ _______ ___ the office building.



______________________________________________ 5. 在晴朗的日子里____________________6. 游览伦敦最好的方法 ___________________ 7. 下船____________________ 8. 左转进入到国王大道____________________ 9. 经过一个教堂____________________ 10. 结束旅行 ___________________

【Main Part】

I. Pre-reading Some information about the places.

1. Trafalgar Square特拉法尔加广场: the most __________(著名的)square in London in the middle of London

2. London Eye伦敦眼: It can take you ___________ metres above the River Thames.

3. The River Thames泰晤士河 : the longest river in _____________

4. Houses of Parliament议会大厦: the political centre (政治中心) of England

5. Big Ben大本钟: a famous big __________ in the world

6. Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫: The ___________lives here.

7. Tower Bridge塔桥: the first __________ on River Thames

8. National Gallery国家美术馆9. Tower of London伦敦塔: the city’s oldest palace. It has a long history of _________ years.

Finish Activity 1 on P34. 把图片与地名配对。

II. Fast reading

1. What is the passage about?


2.How many places are mentioned in the passage? What are they?(在文中圈出即可)


III. Careful reading

1. Label the places in Activity 1 on the map on P35. 在课文地图上标上Acivitity1 中的地点。

2. 写出旅游路线,并在地图上用箭头标出。

Route 路线: Trafalgar square→National Gallery →____________________→Houses of Parliament, Big Ben →__________________→River Thames → ___________________ →___________________ → go back along River Thames→the railway station →King’s Street →the church →the square

3.Retell the tour of London according to the map.

4. Finish Activity 4 on P35.

Ⅳ. Post reading

DIY: Please design(设计) the environment(环境) around our school. Try to make it more beautiful and convenient(便捷的).

Report: In our design [d?'za?n], …

Teachers and students have a better and more convenient [k?n'vi?n??nt] life in our school.

【Extension Part】

I. Complete the passage. 根据我们学校的信息,短文填空

Welcome _____our school !— Heyetang Middle School. It’s _____ S103 Road. If you come to our school, you will see a large __________(广场). The classroom buildings are __________ the square. There is a small pool in _____ of the classroom buildings. Go_______the square and go straight ahead you can find the gardern. There are a lot of grass and trees_____ the gardern. There _____ also a kiosk(亭子).The Teachers’ apartments(公寓) are______ _____ ________ _____the garden. Turn_______ and you can see the dinning hall and the Students’ apartments. There is a science building __________ the dining hall _______ the classroom building .


After the class, what do you want to share with your friends?

East or west, home is the best. 金屋银屋不如自己的狗窝。

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  • 上一篇:五.声的利用
  • 下一篇:科学和科学史的含义