

二年级英语上册单元重点Module 1

Words 单词(听,说,读,认)


Phrases 词组(听,说,读,认,用)

1. ride bike 骑自行车 2. fly kite放风筝 Sentences 句子(听,说,读,认,用)

★1. I like the ABC song. It’s my favourite song.(会抄写) 我喜欢字母歌。它是我最喜爱的歌曲。

★2. What do you like ?I like pandas. (会抄写) 你喜欢什么?我喜欢熊猫。

★3. Here you are.给你。

Do you like dolls?你喜欢娃娃吗?

Yes, I do . / No, I don’t.

是的,我喜欢。/ 不,我不喜欢。

Let’s ride my bike. 让我们骑自行车吧。

Let’s fly my kite.让我们放风筝吧。

26 Letters (听、说、读、认、写、会说字母儿歌、会唱字母歌) 印刷体: AaBbCcDdEeFfGg







A:Do you like dolls?

B:No, I don’t.

A:What do you like ?

B:I like bike .

A:Here you are.

B:Thank you.

二年级英语上册单元重点Module 2

Words 单词(听,说,读,认)

T-shirtshirtclothtrousers dressshoe T恤衫衬衫衣服裤子连衣裙鞋

partyapplebat mum dad small too


Phrases 词组(听,说,读,认,用)

at a party 在宴会上

Sentences 句子(听,说,读,认,用)

★ 1. Sam likes T-shirts. He likes this T-shirt.


★ 2. Amy likes dresses. She likes this dress.


★ 3.He doesn’t like dresses. 他不喜欢连衣裙。 ★ 4. It’s too small. 它太小了。

I like shirts. 我喜欢衬衫。

I don’t like dresses. 我不喜欢连衣裙。



—————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— 字母读音

[ ] [ ] [ ] 字母在单词中的读音

[ ] [ ] [ ] 字母对应单词

apple 苹果 bat 球棒car 小汽车 Art 艺术课 bird 鸟 cat 猫cap球帽

Chant 儿歌(背诵)

Aa is for apple .

Bb is for bat.

Cc is for car and for cat.


Words 单词(听,说,读,认)

English Maths Music Science Art Chinese 英语数学音乐科学艺术中国

PE subject flute elephant new we 体育学科笛子大象新的我们

Phrases 词组(听,说,读,认,用)

1. have English 上英语课 2. have Maths 上数学课

3. have Music 上音乐课 4. have Science 上科学课

5. have Art上美术课 6. have Chinese 上语文课

7. have PE 上体育课 8. in the morning 在上午

9.in the afternoon 在下午 10.play the flute 吹笛子

11.at school 在学校

Sentences 句子(听,说,读,认,用)

★ 1.We have English in the morning .


★ 2.We have Maths in the afternoon.


★ 3. Do we have music in the afternoon?


Yes, we do. / No, we don’t.

是的,我们有。/ 不,我们没有。

4.PE is my favourite subject.体育课是我最喜爱的学科。 Letters字母(听、说、读、认、默写)


—————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— 字母读音

[ ] [ ] [ ] 字母在单词中的读音

[ ] [ ] [ ] 字母对应单词

duck 鸭子 elephant 大象 frog 青蛙 dog 狗 egg 蛋 fish 鱼 dress 连衣裙

Chant 儿歌(背诵)

Dd is for duck and for dog.

Ee is for elephant.

Ff is for frog


Words 单词(听,说,读,认)

film o’clock time run train dinner 电影点钟时间跑火车正餐

great hungry ice girl head now 太好了饥饿的冰女孩头现在

Sentences 句子(听,说,读,认,用)

★ 1.What’s the time ?几点了?

(整点表达) It’s 2 o’clock. 两点钟。

★ 2.Is it 8 o’clock ? 八点了吗?

No, it isn’t. 不是。

3. The film is at 8 o’clock. 电影八点钟开演。

4. Dinner time is 6 o’clock. 晚饭六点开始。

5. All right.好的、行、可以。

6. I’m hungry. 我饿了。



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—————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— 字母读音

[ ] [ ] [ ] 字母在单词中的读音

[ ] [ ] [ ] 字母对应单词

girl 女孩 head头 ice 冰

goat 山羊 hat 圆边帽 ice-cream冰激凌

Chant 儿歌(背诵)

Gg is for girl.

Hh is for head.

Ii is for ice on your head.


Words 单词(听,说,读,认)

weekend TV read watch come listen 周末电视机读观看来听

CDflute drum monkey nose orange 光盘笛子鼓猴子鼻子桔子

Phrases 词组(听,说,读,认,用)

1. at the weekend 在周末 2. watch TV 看电视

3. go swimming 去游泳 4. read book 读书

5. play the flute 吹笛子 6. play the drum 敲鼓

7. listen to CDs 听CD

Sentences 句子(听,说,读,认,用)

★ 1 . I like football. And I watch TV .


★2. She goes swimming . She watches TV and she reads books. 她游泳。她看电视和读书。

3. Do you play football at the weekend?


Yes, I do . / No, I don’t.

是的。 / 不是。

★ 4. Does he play the flute ? 他吹笛子吗?

Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.


★ 5. Have a good weekend ! 周末快乐!



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[ ] [ ] [ ] 字母在单词中的读音

[ ] [ ] [ ] 字母对应单词

monkey 猴子nose 鼻子 orange 桔子 milk 牛奶 noodles 面条

Chant 儿歌(背诵)

Mm is for monkey.

Nn is for nose.

Oo is for orange .

An orange , monkey’s nose!


read—— reads play—— plays like—— likes go—— goes watch—— watches


Words 单词(听,说,读,认)

poster late breakfast lunch jug bite lion 海报迟的早餐午餐水壶咬狮子

Phrases 词组(听,说,读,认,用)

1. get up 起床 2. go to school 去上学

3. have lunch 吃午餐 4. go home 回家

5. have breakfast 吃早餐 6. go to bed去睡觉

7. play football 踢足球

Sentences 句子(听,说,读,认,用)

★ 1 . I get up at 7 o’clock.in the morning .


★ 2. I go to school at 8 o’clock.


★ 3. I have lunch at 12 o’clock.


4. What’s the time? 几点了?

(半点表达) It’s half past 7. 七点半。



—————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— 字母读音

[ d e ] [ ke ] [ el ] 字母在单词中的读音

[ d ] [ k ] [ l ]


jug 宽口瓶kite 风筝 lion 狮子 jigsaw 拼图keyboard 键盘 ladder 梯子 Chant 儿歌(背诵)

Jj is for jug.

Kk is for kite .

Ll is for lion.

Run! It can bite.


Words 单词(听,说,读,认)

footballer live city prince queen 足球员居住城市王子女王

park want wash clean rain goal 公园想要洗干净雨进球得分

Sentences 句子(听,说,读,认,用)

★ 1 . What do you do at the weekend?


I play football. 我踢足球。

★ 2. Where do you play football? 你在哪踢球? I play at the park. 我在公园踢球。

★ 3. Where do you live? 你住在哪?

I live in Anshan. 我住在鞍山。

4. Is it a big city? 它是座大城市吗?

Yes, it is . \ No, it isn’t.

5.What school do you go to ? 你在什么学校上学? I go to Qinghua Primary School.




—————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— 字母读音

[ pi: ] [ kju: ] [ a: ] 字母在单词中的读音

[ p ] [ kw ] [ r ] 字母对应单词

prince 王子queen 女王rain 下雨 pig 猪 rabbit 兔子 Chant 儿歌(背诵)

Pp is for prince .

Qq is for queen.

Rr is for rain.

It washes them clean.


Words 单词(听,说,读,认)

ship plane walk China holiday love 轮船飞机步行中国假日喜爱

sweet sister teddy up under work 糖果姐妹玩具熊向上下面工作

Phrases 词组(听,说,读,认,用)

1. by bus 乘公交车 2. walk to school 走着上学

3. by bike 骑自行车 4. go to work 去上班

5. by car 坐汽车 6. on holiday 在假日

7. by train 坐火车 8. by plane坐飞机 Sentences 句子(听,说,读,认,用)

★ 1 . How do you go to school? 你怎么去上学?

I walk to school. 我走着上学。

★ 2. How does your father go to work? 你爸爸怎么去上班? He goes to work by bike. 他骑自行车去上班。

★ 3. Does Tom go to school by car?汤姆是坐小汽车上学吗? Yes, he does. \ No, he doesn’t.

4. We go to Hainan on holiday. 我们假期去海南。



—————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— 字母读音

[ es ] [ ti: ] [ ju: ] 字母在单词中的读音

[ s ] [ t ] [ ] 字母对应单词

sweet 糖果teddy 玩具熊up向上 sister 姐妹 train 火车 under 向下 sheep 绵羊T-shirt T恤衫 umbrella 雨伞 Chant 儿歌(背诵)

Ss is for sweets and for sister.

Tt is for teddy and for train.

Uu is for up and for under.

Now let’s say it all AGAIN!


Words 单词(听,说,读,认)

spring summer autumn winter warm hot 春天夏天秋天冬天温暖的炎热的

cool cold wear jacket sunglasses sweater gloves 凉爽的寒冷的穿夹克衫太阳镜毛衣手套

vase 花瓶 way 道路 x-ray x射线

Sentences 句子(听,说,读,认,用)

★ 1 . (背诵、替换)

It’s spring. 在春天。

We wear jackets. 我们穿夹克衫。

We don’t wear T-shirts. 我们不穿T恤衫。

2. (背诵)

I like spring, It’s warm. 我喜欢春天,天气很温暖。 I like summer.` It’s hot. 我喜欢夏天,天气很炎热。 I like autumn. It’s cool. 我喜欢秋天,天气很凉爽。 I like winter. It’s cold. 我喜欢冬天,天气很寒冷。 Letters字母(听、说、读、认、默写)


—————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— 字母读音

[ vi: ] [ d blju: ] [ eks ] 字母在单词中的读音

[ v ] [ w ] [ ks ] 字母对应单词

vase 花瓶 way 道路 x-ray x射线 violin 小提琴window窗户

Chant 儿歌(背诵)

Vv is for vase.

Ww is for way.

Look at the X in an x-ray.


Words 单词(听,说,读,认)

year dumpling hair firecracker England eat 年饺子头发爆竹,鞭炮英国吃

Christmas zebra present yellow you zoo 圣诞节斑马礼物黄色的你,你们动物园

Phrases 词组(听,说,读,认,用)

1. come in 进来 2. at Chinese New Year. 在新年

3. eat dumplings 吃饺子 4. in England 在英国

5. in winter 在冬天 6. Christmas tree 圣诞树

Sentences 句子(听,说,读,认,用)

1 . What do you do at Chinsese New Year?


We eat dumplings at Chinese New Year.


2. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!

Text 课文(背诵,替换)

In England, we have Christmas.

Christmas is in winter. We have Chritmas trees and Christmas presents. We have a big dinner and sing songs.




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[ wai ] [ zed ]


[ j ] [ z ]


yellow 黄色的 zebra 斑马

you 你,你们zoo 动物园

yoyo 溜溜球

Chant 儿歌(背诵)

Yy is for yellow and for you.

Zz is for zebra.

A zebra in the zoo.

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