

Unit Starter unit

Teaching Aims:


2.能根据指令Stand up.Say “Hello”.Slap hands,Sit down做动作,给图片标号。3能使用Good morning,Hello,How are you?I’m fine./I’m OK.相互问候。 4 能用What’s your name ?I’m ....进行相互简单的个人姓名信息。

技能目标:1.运用短语进行课堂交流。2理解指令并模仿动作。3能学唱歌曲Join in 情感目标:1.引导学生学生以积极的态度开始他们新学期的学习。


Important points:

①单词look,listen,mime,speak,read,write,sing,draw,colour,think,guess,play的听说读写 ②能正确运用所学句子进行的问候

③能用能使用Good morning/Hello/.How are you?I’m fine./I’m OK.相互问候。

Difficult points:

①能根据指令Stand up.Say “Hello”.Slap hands,Sit down做动作,给图片标号。 ②能用What’s your name ?I’m ...相互交流简单的个人姓名信息


电子白板人物图片 单词卡片





Starter unit是本学期的起始单元,主要教授知识以外,还要掌握生活中常用的简单问候对话,英语歌曲What’s your name ?同时还有动作的指令。作为刚接触英语的学生还要从一开始就培养听读的好习惯。通过模仿,游戏,表演,竞赛,小组合作,理解简单动作指令,在日常生活中得以运用。

课时 1 授课时间

Teaching contents:Part 1 Let’s begin our class.

Teaching Aims:1 Understand the scentences:Good morning!Hello.How are you?I’m fine./I’m OK ./What’s your name ?

2 Use the scentences and recite them fluently.

Important points:Ss can read the scentences:Good morning!/Hello!/How are you?I’m fine./I’m OK ./What’s your name ?

Difficult points:Ss say and write the related words ,phrases and sentences.

【教学流程】 【教学过程】 【个性设计】

Warming-up 1 .Greetings

2.Free talk and introduce myself to Ss.

Procedures 1T introduces herself in English and :I’m Miss Yang,What’s your name? (Ss learn to how to ask names)

2 T greets to the class :Good morning!Hello!(Ss Learn the greetings)

3. T asks Ss :What’s your name?(Ss practise the scentences)

4. T asks Ss:How are you today ?(Lead the Ss to answer:I’m fine./I’m OK.)

5.Practise the phrases and scentences.

6.Open your book turn to page2,look at the four pictures.(Let the Ss to understand the meanings of each pictures)

7.T plays the tape.

8.Listen again.(Let the Ss mime the pronunciation)

Practices 1 Ask and answer

2 Greet to each other.

3 Listen again and read them loudly.

4Look at the DVD.

Homework 1 Listen the book of page2

2 Read the scentences 3 times


writing Starter unit

1 Good morning!

2 Hello !

3 How are you today?

4 What’s your name ?I’m ...


课时 2 授课时间

Teaching contents:Part2a Listen and mime

2b Listen and mime.

Teaching Aims:Understand and say the phrases

Say and do the actions

Important points:Say the phrases and fill in the numbers

Difficult points:listen and number the pictures correctly.

【教学流程】 【教学过程】 【个性设计】

Warming-up 1 .Free talk

2.Show the topic.

Procedures 1 Learn to say the phrases:Stand up.Say “Hello”.Slap hands,Sit down 2 Say and do the actions.

3 T do and Ss look

4 T say and Ss do

5 Open your book ,turn to page 3,look at the pictures and say the phrases.

6 Listen to the tape ,say out the phrases.

7 Listen and fill in the numbers

Practices 1 Check the answers together.

2 Read the phrases.

3 Practice the phrases in pairs

Homework 1 Listen to the tape of page 3

2 Read and do


writing Starter unit

Say “Hello Stand up

Sit down Stand up


课时 3 授课时间

Teaching contents:Part 3Listen and sing the song.Colour the frames

4 Listen and piont

Teaching Aims:Learn and say the words

Say and do correctly

Sing the song and do the actions

Important points:Ss read the words and do the actions

Difficult points:Ss say and point out the pictures

【教学流程】 【教学过程】 【个性设计】

Warming-up 1 .Greetings

2.Review the phrases

Procedures 1 T plays the tape ,listen to the song and understand it.

2 Listen to the song again,look at the pictures and mime.

3 Learn to say :English is easy.come on and jion in.Let’s begin.Are you ready.kids? 4Openyourbooks,readthe

words:look,listen,mime,speak,read,sing,write,draw,colour,think,guess,play. 5 Sing the song totally do the actions

Practices 1 Do the exercises on the book,colour the frames.

2 T checks the answers.

3 Listen again,read it loudly

4 Look at the pictures,say the phrases.

Homework 1 Read the words loudly and do the actions .

2 Try to recite these phrases.


writing Starter unit

Look & Listen Listen&sing

Listen&colour Let’s play

Listen&write Listen&mime


课时 4 授课时间

Teaching contents:Part 5 Meet your friends

Teaching Aims:Learn to say the names:Pat ,Pit

Learn to say the scentences;Hi, I’m Toby the tiger

Important points:Ss learn to say the names:Pat ,Pit

.Difficult points:Ss say and use the scentences to introduce himself

【教学流程】 【教学过程】 【个性设计】

Warming-up 1 .Sing the song ;Join in

2. Read the words together.

Procedures 1 T shows the two pictures:Pit Pat(T shows the pictures)

2 Learn to say the names:Pit Pat

3 Ask Ss to distinguish:Who isPat,Who is Pit.

3T introduces the scentences:I;’m Toby

4 Learn to say the scentences:I’m Toby the tiger!

5 T gives an example,practise “I’m....”.then to introduce herself and others

6 Open the books ,look at the pictures

Practices 1 Read the names one by one

2 Practise the scentences.

3 Make a dialogue to practise the names

Homework 1 Read the scentences in front of your parents

2 Make two photos of people


writing Starter unit




Unit 1

Teaching Aims:

知识目标:1.能正确认读 规范书写字母 Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd,Ee2能根据听到的单词apple,bed,cat,dog,egg指认图片和单词3说出指令,做动作4能用“What’s your name? I’m ....相互交流简单个人信息5能用What’s this ?My new skateboard.进行简单的个人信息交流 技能目标:1.能用hello相互致以简单问候。2能运用What’s this ?My new skateboard.进行简单的交际。3 能读懂小故事Pit’s the skateboard

情感目标:1建立对英语学习的兴趣和学习英语的信心 2在学生学习英语的韵诗中体验学习的乐趣。

Important points:



③能用能使用W.hat’s your name?I’m ....相互交流

Difficult points:

①能根据指令Stand up.Stretch.Stand back to back.Stand nose to nose.Stand arm in arm.Clap your hands 做动作,给图片标号。

②能用What’s your name ?I’m ...相互交流简单的个人姓名信息


电子白板 人物图片 单词卡片 字母卡片


听磁带 读故事 全单词 5个字母的认读及书写 学做简单指令

【总课时数】 6课时


Unit1Hello!是本单元的第一单元,除了复习指令Stand up.Say “Hello”.Slap hands,Sit down,主要以教授新知识为主,掌握日常常用的问候对话,又去的动作指令。以小组合作,小组竞赛,创设情境,游戏,角色扮演学习新知识,从而消除学生的畏难情绪。

课时 1 授课时间

Teaching contents:Part 1

Teaching Aims:Learn to sing the song “What’s your name ?”

Learn to use the scentences;Hello! What’s your name? Helo,hello,Let’s go!

Important points:Ss learn to sing the song

Difficult points:Ss say and use the scentences

【教学流程】 【教学过程】 【个性设计】

Warming-up 1 .Greetings

2 Review the words

3 Free talk


What’s your name ?I’m....

Procedures 1 T plays the tape and try to understand the song

2 T asks:What’s the tiger’s name ?Learn to say the name Toby

3 T plays the song again,follow the tape and sing

4Learn to say the scentences: What’s your name?I’m...Let’s go

5 T and Ss sing the song and do the actions together.

6 T gives an example to make a new song

Practices 1 Work in pairs to make a new song

2 Choose the 2 3 groups to act out the song.

3 T gives the assessment

Homework 1 Listen to the song three times

2 Make a new song

3 Write the scentences:;Hello! What’s your name? Helo,hello,Let’s go!


writing Unit 1 Hello!


What’s your name?

I’m Toby


课时 2 授课时间

Teaching contents:Part 2aListen and match 2bListen,point and repeat,groupwork

Teaching Aims:Learn to say the names:Bob ,Lisa,Nick,Rita .

Read and write names

Learn to use the scentencesWhat’s your name? I’m....

Important points:Ss learn to how to ask the names

Difficult points:Ss can write the scentences and letters.

【教学流程】 【教学过程】 【个性设计】

Warming-up 1 .Greetings

2.Sing the song of Part1

Procedures 1 Open the book and turn to page ,say the name s:2 Learn to say the names:Bob ,Lisa,Nick,Rita

3 Listen to the tape,read and match.4 Follow the tape and read the dialogues.

5 Practise the dialogue in four students

6 Work in groups,use the scentences What’s your name ?I’m....

7 Open the book,listen andreapeat 8 Look at the book ,do the exercises:Listen and match Practices 1 Show the pupils’ pictures

2 Make a dialogues

3 Draw and write

Homework 1 Write the names:Bob ,Lisa,Nick,Rita 2 Write the scentences;What’s your name ?I’m BOb


writing Unit 1





What’s your name ?


课时 4 授课时间

Teaching contents:Part4a,4b

Teaching Aims:Read and write Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee

Learn to write from memory Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee

Important points:Ss learn to sing the song .

Difficult points:Ss can write the scentences and letters.

【教学流程】 【教学过程】 【个性设计】

Warming-up 1 .Greetings

2.Sing the song

Procedures 1 Open the book and turn to page 15,T plays the tape,point and read Ff,Gg,Hh,Ii,Jj,Kk2Plays the tape again,follow and mime the pronunciation.

3 A Game:look at the mouth

4 Practise the letters:(High and loe vioce)Bomb,What’s missing?

5 Do the match.

6 T plays the tape again ,point and read.

7 Find the rules of each letters.

8 Look at the book ,do the exercises

Practices 1 Show the word carda to read

2 Ask Ss to reapeat and match.

3 Play a game

Homework 1 Write the letters Ff,Gg,Hh,Ii,Jj,Kk

2 Write the scentences;Write the letters


writing Unit 1


课时 3 授课时间

Teaching contents:Par3a,3b

Teaching Aims:Mime the actions

Ss say phrases Stand up.Stretch.Stand back to back.Stand nose to nose.Stand arm in arm.Clap your hands

Important points:Ss learn to say and do the actions

Difficult points:Ss can fill the numbers

【教学流程】 【教学过程】 【个性设计】

Warming-up 1 Free talk

2.Read and recite the letters

Procedures 1 Listen to the tape ,look and mime.2 Listen again.Tsay and do

3 T misorder the numbers .

4 Open the book ,listen and number.

5 Do the actions one by one.

6 Work in pairs ,listen and do.

7 Practise 8 Look at the book ,do and read each phrases.

Practices 1 Ask two Ss to act out in the class

2 Check the answers

3 Read and do

Homework 1 Listen and mime

2 Recite them out


writing Unit 1

3 6 5

2 4 1


课时 5 授课时间

Teaching contents:Par7a,7b

Teaching Aims:Understand the story- Pit’s skateboard

Ss learn to say the scentences : Look! “What’s this? My new skateboard” Important points:Ss read the story

Ss learn to say the my dog/egg/cat/bed/apple

Difficult points:Ss can use the scentences.

【教学流程】 【教学过程】 【个性设计】

Warming-up 1 Talk about the things

2 Do and say

Procedures 1 Open the book,listen and understand the story

2 Practise the dialogue:What’s your name ?I’m Pit/Pat.This is my new skateboard.What’s this ? 3 listen to the story.

4 Mime the story

5 Act out the story 6Play a game:What’s missing?7 Listen to the number song and say the numbers

8 Listen again,mime and do the actions

Practices 1 Play a game:What’s missing?

2 Listen to the number song and say the numbers

3 Listen again,mime and do the actions

Homework 1 Write words:my dog/egg/cat/bed/apple

2 Read the story

3 Listen the song


writing Unit 1

My apple

My egg

My dog

My cat

My bed


课时 6 授课时间

Teaching contents:Pa8a,8b

Teaching Aims:Sing the number song

Ss learn to say the numbers:

Important points:Ss say the number and sing the song fluently.

Difficult points:Ss can sing and mime.

【教学流程】 【教学过程】 【个性设计】

Warming-up 1 Talk about the things

2 Do and say

Procedures 1 Open the book,listen and understand the story

2 Practise the dialogue:What’s your name ?I’m Pit/Pat.This is my new skateboard.What’s this ? 3 listen to the story.

4 Mime the story

5 Act out the story 6Play a game:What’s missing?7 Listen to the number song and say the numbers

8 Listen again,mime and do the actions

Practices 1 Play a game:What’s missing?

2 Listen to the number song and say the numbers

3 Listen again,mime and do the actions

Homework 1 Listen the song three

2 Listen and do the actions

3 Sing and do the actions without your books


writing Unit 1



Unit 2

Teaching Aims:

知识目标:1.能正确认读,规范书写字母Ff,Gg,Hh,Ii Jj Kk,感知他们的发音2.数字单词One,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,3.读单词flag,guitar,horse,icecream,juice,kite,4指认图片或实物能在图片的提示下听懂,读懂小故事The snails.5指认图片或实物根据听到的句子What’s your number?My number is....正确记录电话号码

技能目标:1感知所学字母和单词的发音2能根据听到的数字单词,做出相应的手势理解指令并模仿动作。3能正确询问并记录电话号码,进行相互交流4能读懂,听懂小故事The snails 情感目标:1.丰富学生的视听,刺激各感官信息的接受。2灵活运用所学的句型进行简单的口语交际3.培养良好的书写习惯

Important points:



③运用句型What’s your number?My number is....正确记录电话号码

Difficult points:


②能用What’s your name ?I’m ...相互交流简单的个人姓名信息


电子白板 人物图片 单词卡片 模拟电话 实物图片 彩笔 小盒子


听磁带 跟读 26个字母的认读及书写 数字的认读

【总课时数】 5课时


Unit2 Numbers数字单元,这一单元主要涉及了字母,数字,动物这一系列的单词,学习这一单元,老师要引导学生在小组合作,情景创设中学习。由于是起始年级,所以激发学生的兴趣是教学的重点,时刻关注学生的动态,为以后的英语学习打下良好的基础。

课时 1 授课时间

Teaching contents:Part1a,1b

Teaching Aims:Sing the song: The tiger jump

Ss learn the numbers 1 - 10

Important points:Ss say the number one,two,three,four,five six,seven,eight,nine,ten

Difficult points:Ss can mime the actions without book.

【教学流程】 【教学过程】 【个性设计】

Warming-up 1 Free talk

2 Greetings

Procedures 1 T introduce the song like this:I’m the tiger.Look at me .I’ll show you the tiger jump

2 Open the book,turn to page12,look at the pictures and know the orders

3 Listen to the song again,follow the the tape.

4 Learn to understand the song using the pictures

5 Practise the song :T say the numbers,Ss do the actions

6 Listen at the third time,mime and do the actions

Practices 1 Work in pairs:one say,the other do

2 Learn to say the chant.

3 Say and act the chant with the teacher

Homework 1 Listen to the book of page12

2 Sing the song

3 Mime the actions


writing Unit 2 Numbers

The tiger jump

Ten nine eight seven six

Five four three two one


课时 2 授课时间

Teaching contents:Part2a,2b,pairwork

Teaching Aims:Listen ,point and learn the numbers

Look and think .Write the missing numbers.

Important points:Ss say the number one,two,three,four,five six,seven,eight,nine,ten

Difficult points:Ss can write the numbers

【教学流程】 【教学过程】 【个性设计】

Warming-up 1 Sing the chant:The tiger jump

2 Make a dialogue and practise

Procedures 1 Open the book turn to page 13,read the numbers one,two,three,four,five six,seven,eight,nine,ten

2 Learn and practise zero-ten

3 Play the game :telling the numbers,guess the numbers,Bingo

4 Do the excercises of 2b,find the rules and fill in the numbers

5 Learn to say the numbers:one,three,five,seven,nine,seven,five

6 T and Ss check the answers together.

Practices 1 Read the numbers loudly.

2 Say the numbers as quickly as possible.

3 Fill the blanks,check the answers.

Homework 1 Write the numbers 1-10

2 Spell and recite the numbers


writing Unit 2 Numbers


课时 3 授课时间

Teaching contents:Part3a,3b

Teaching Aims:Learn the scentences ; What’s your number?My number is. Do the groupwok:Ask and write

Important points:Ss say What’s your number?My number is. Difficult points:Use the scentences ,ask and answer.

【教学流程】 【教学过程】 【个性设计】

Warming-up 1 Spell the numbers one by one

2 Ask and answer

Procedures 1 Reviwe the numbers

2 Play the game :learn to say the phone numbers

3 Open the book ,ask: What are the children’s names?

4 Learn the names Alice,Paul,Lisa ,phone

5 T plays the tape ,write down the children’s phone numbers

6 Play the tape again,check the answers.

Practices 1 Make a new number cards,Practise the scentences.

2 Practise the dialogue

Homework 1Listen to the book of 14

2 Do the excercises


writing Unit 2 Numbers

Alice Paul Lisa

My phone number is __________________


课时 4 授课时间

Teaching contents:Part4a,4b 5 6

Teaching Aims:Learn the letters :Ff,Gg,Hh,Ii Jj Kk,

Learn to say the words:flag,guitar,horse,icecream,juice,kite

Important points:Letters Ff,Gg,Hh,Ii Jj Kk,

Difficult points:Ss can write the letters correctly

【教学流程】 【教学过程】 【个性设计】

Warming-up 1Free talk

2 Read the letters

Procedures 1 Open the book turn to page 15 to learn the letters.

2 Play the tape again,follow and mime.

3Play the game

4 Listen to tape ,read the words

5Practise the words in differrent ways

6 Play the tape again,follow the tape

Practices 1 Read and copy

2 Listen and point

Homework 1 Write the letters

2 Do the excercises

3 Read the words


writing Unit 2 Numbers

F flag G guitar H horse

I ice cream J juice K kite


课时 5 授课时间

Teaching contents:Part7

Teaching Aims:Understand the story -The snails

Important points:Learn to say and use the scentences.

Difficult points:Ss can ask and answer by themselves.

【教学流程】 【教学过程】 【个性设计】

Warming-up 1 Free talk

2 Read the letters:F G H I J K

3 Spell the words

Procedures 1Listen to the story to understand it

2 Learn to say the words and scentences:Guess the number.What’s in the box?Snails.How many?Great !Here’s your prize. the number.What’s in the box?Snails.How many?Yuk.3Play the tape again at the third time ,read the scentences .4 Read the story in role-play,follow the tape. 6 Act out the story in the class.

Practices 1 Listen again.Answer the question:What’s in the box?/How many?/Who gets the prize? 2 Choose 2-3 groups to act the story out

3 T gives the assessment.

Homework 1 Read the story sentiently.

2 Recite the key scentences.


writing Unit 2 Numbers

A story-The snails

What’s in the box?

How many?


Unit Unit3

Teaching Aims:


2.能根据听到的单词green,red,pink,blue,grey,yellow,orange,white,black,purple指认颜色。 3使用句型What’s this ?It’s a ...What colour is it?It’s... 4 学唱英语歌曲The butterfly和The rainbow.

技能目标:1.能感知字母在单词中的发音。2指认颜色,并能根据图片认读单词。3能在图片的提示下听懂,读懂小故事The wizards,并能进行角色表演。



Important points:



③能使用What’s this ?It’s a ...What colour is it?It’s... 。

Difficult points:

①能学唱歌曲The butterfly和The rainbow.。

②能用What’s this ?It’s a ...What colour is it?It’s...


电子白板 染料缸 颜色单词卡片


听磁带 跟读 学唱歌曲 读能正确涂色

【总课时数】 5课时



课时 1 授课时间

Teaching contents:Part 1a ,1b

Teaching Aims:1 Read and point colour words:green,red,pink,blue,grey,yellow,orange,white,black,purple 2 Understand the scentences:What’s this ?It’s a ...What colour is it?It’s..

Important points:Ss can read the scentences:What’s this ?It’s a ...What colour is it?It’s.. Difficult points:Ss can understand the story-The wizards

【教学流程】 【教学过程】 【个性设计】

Warming-up 1 .Greetings

2.Free talk

Procedures 1T plays the tape

2 T plays the tape again,point and mime,to ounderstand the colour words.

3. T draws a butterfly,says: This is my butterfly.then colour it green.Point out these two colours:It’s green and red.T repeat it.(Let the Ss to understand the meanings of each pictures)

4.T listen and say the colour words.ask one ss to sets an example

5.Listen again.(Let the Ss mime the pronunciation)

Practices 1 Ask and answer

2 Greet to each other.

3 Listen again and read them loudly.

4 Look at the DVD.

Homework 1 Listen the book of page18

2 Listen and sing the song 3 times


writing Unit 3 Colours

Look at the buttrefly.

red and green

pink and blue

yellow and brown


课时 2 授课时间

Teaching contents:Part2a 2b 3 pairwork

Teaching Aims:Listen and read the words

Listen and point the colour .

Important points:Listen and repest the words.

Difficult points:Say the scentences :What colour is it ?

【教学流程】 【教学过程】 【个性设计】

Warming-up 1.Sing the song


Procedures 1 T plays the tape,Ss point the words.

2 T plays the tape again,follow the words.

3 T show the word cards:green,red,pink,blue,grey,yellow,orange,white,black,purple 4 Play the game:What’s missing ?Show me ....5 Open your book ,turn to page 19,point the “start”6 Explain the rules,plays the tape,number the correct orders,then ask:What colour is the wizards house ? 7 T points the things in the classroom,ask: What colour is it ?

Practices 1 Practise the dialogue.

2 Choose 3-4 groups to practise,T gives the assessment.

3 Practice the phrases in pairs

Homework 1 Listen and point2a&3.

2 Read and write the words

3 Make the word cards.

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  • 上一篇:珠晖区职称论文发表-农村小学英语口语教学现状对策论文选题题目
  • 下一篇:小学三年级品德与社会教学工作总结