重庆市第一中学2016-2017学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 Word版


第I 卷

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)



1. When can the man help the woman?

A. In two hours.

C. Tomorrow morning.B. When the computers are fixed.

2. What does the man mean?

A. He doesn’t want to get another job.

B. His boss doesn’t offer him enough hours.

C. He's been thinking of working more.

3. Why is the man probably worried?

A. He hasn’t lived a good life.

C. He sees bad signs in the stars. B. His daughter is going to college soon.

4.What will the woman probably do next?

A.Go to the doctor.

isn’t worth watching.

5.What does the man think of the TV series?

A.It’s too boring.

B. It’s attractive.B. It's attractive.C. It C. It isn’t worth watching.



6.Who is Mark?

- 1 -

A.The man’s brother.

woman’s husband. B. The woman’s nephew. C. The

7.Why did the woman buy the toy?

A.It can help her nephew’s mind develop. B. She thought it would be fun.

C. It’s safe for a small child.


8.What is the woman worried about?

A.The coming exam.

Her brain condition.

9.What happens at 8:00 at night?

A. The library closes.

woman can’t think too well.

10.Where will the woman probably go now?

A.To another room in the library. B. To her office.

her house.


11.Which dress does the woman like the most?

A.The cotton one.

silk one.

12.How does the man probably feel about parties?

A.He has never been to a good one. B. He won’t go to any for a while. B. The wool one. C. The C. To B. The woman gets off work. C. The B. Her job at the library. C.

C. He wants to get invited to one soon.


13.What do the speakers want to do today?

A.Hike through the forest. B. Walk through the river.


14.What happens when the woman goes through the woods?

A.She falls down a lot. B. She hurts her feet on the rocks. C. She C. Swim in the gets bites from the insects there.

15.What is the weather like today?

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