



1、学会本课的八个新单词。( painting, reading, writing, singing, studying, playing, running, sleeping.)

2、 在一定的情景中运用本课的新单词。

3、 培养学生的注意力,激发学生的积极思维,挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力。

三、 教具准备:


四、 教学过程

Period One

Teaching content: 四个动词原形及-ing形式和句型What are you doing? I’m …

Teaching key points:

Vocabulary: painting, reading, writing, singing 及动词原形。 Sentences: What are you doing? I’m …

Teaching difficult points:

单词 read 和 write的发音以及writing的写法。

Step 1 Revision

Ask and answer.

T: What subjects do you like?

Ss: I like …

T: What can you do in the art class?

Ss: We can …

Step 2 Presentation

1.T: ( Show the Ss the picture card .) Look! We can paint.Teach the word.

2.Continue with other picture cards to learn other verbs.

3.Chant:Paint,paint,I can paint…


在这个情景中学习、操练句型:What are you doing? I’m … 并在句型中学习四个动词-ing形式。

5.Chant:Painting,painting,I am painting

Step 3 Summary and practice

1. Today we have learned 8 words and Asking about and describing about what people are doing.

2. Practice the two chants.

Step 4 Exercise

1.I can _____ (唱歌).

2. I’m ______ (唱歌).

3. A: What can you ______? B: I can _____ (写字).

4. A: What are you ______? B: I’m ______ (写字).

5. A: What are they ______? B: They’re _______(绘画).

6. A: What can you ______? B: We can _____(阅读).

Step 5Homework



Blackboard writing:

Unit 2 School Activities

What are you doing?

I’m painting/ reading/ writing/ singing.

Period Two

Teaching content: 四个动词原形及-ing形式和句型What are they doing? They’re … What is he/she doing? He’s/She’s… Teaching key points:

Vocabulary: studying, playing, running, sleeping 及动词原形。 Sentences: What are they doing? They’re…

Teaching difficult points

What is he/she doing? He’s/She’s…


A. What are they doing?

B. They’re …

A. What is he/she doing?

B. He’s/She’s…

Step 1 Revision

1. Revise the words.

2. Ask and answer(做动作)

T: What are you doing?

S1: I’m …

Step 2 Presentation

1. T:上节课学习的这些动作我们都可以称之为study,教学这个词及它的-ing形式。

2. T:在学校除了study,我们还可以在课间play/run/sleep等等。结合动作教学这些词及它的-ing形式。

3.Have Ss read the words freely.

4.Have two Ss do the action according to the picture cards,T asks the other Ss:What are they doing?


继续创设情景,引导学生学习What is he/she doing? He’s/She’s…

5.Have Ss look at the conversation on P15.Read the conversation by the Ss themselves.Then play the conversation.

Step3 Practices

1.Have Ss look at the pictures and then play the recorder.Ss finish practice1 then check the answers.

2.T:Can you read the questions in practice 2?

Ask some Ss to read the questions.

Have all Ss write the answers for a few minutes.

Check the answers.

Put Ss into pairs and have them practice the Q&A exchanges. Step4 Song activity

1.Let’s listen to the tape first.

Play the tape and point to each word as it is sung.

2.Play the tape again to have Ss practice singing.

3.Divide the class into four groups. One group sings the questions and the other three groups sing the answers.

4.Finish the writing activities and read the sentences.

Step 5 Homework

1. Read P.15.

2. Ask and answer P.16 ( write down EX book.)

Blackboard writing:

Unit 2 School Activities

What are they doing?

They’re studying, playing, running, sleeping.

What is he/she doing? He’s/She’s…

Period Three

Teaching content: the conversation in P14.

Teaching key points:

1.Students can use the sentences to ask and answer.

2.Can understand and read the conversation.

Teaching difficult points

Students can perform the conversation.

Step 1 Revision

1. Revise the words.

2. Ask and answer(做动作)

T: What are they doing?

S1: They’re …

S2: What is he/she doing?

S3: He’s/She’s …

Step 2 Presentation

1. T: Do you know : What’s Gogo doing?Have Ss read the conversation for the first time.Write:skating→swimming

A: Learn the words.

B: Ask and answer:

What’s Gogo doing?

He’s skating/swimming.

思考:Gogo从 skating到swimming的过程中,他遇到了谁?和这些人分别谈了什么话?

2. Listen to the tape and repeat.

3.学生回答,老师边板书关键词:skating → reading /fishing → studying → painting → swimming



6.Read and perform the conversation.

Step 3扩展性活动(Add-activities)


Step 4 Homework

1. Read the conversation fluently.

2. 做本单元《精练》练习。

Blackboard writing:

Unit 2 School Activities

What’s Gogo doing?

He’s skating/swimming.

skating → reading /fishing → studying → painting → swimming Period Four

Teaching content: sounds and words

Teaching important points: Learn to say the sound of /?/.

Teaching difficult points: the sounds and the spellings of the words . Step 1 Revision

1. Ask and answer according to the conversation.

2. Perform the conversation.

Step 2 Presentation

1. 复习动词的 –ing 形式,引出/?/并教学其发音。

2. Learn the pronunciations of the six words.

T: Let’s listen to the tape.

Play the tape and repeat.

Have Ss repeat after the tape.

After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.

3.Listen and chant

Have Ss look at the sentences on the page.

Read out the sentences and have Ss listen.

T: Which words have the sound /?/? Circle them.

Ask individual Ss to the words.

T: Let’s listen to the chant.

Play the tape once.

T: Now let’s practice.

Read out the lyrics sentence by sentence and have Ss repeat. T: Let’s chant together.

Play the tape and have Ss chant along.

Step 3 讲解《精练》

Step 4 Summary

Step 5 Homework

Read and write the words and the chant.

Blackboard writing:

Unit 2 School Activities

-ing /?/ sleeping swimming fishing studying singing reading

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