


第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分)


从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1.Tom likes playingfootball and he ismember of the club.

A.the;a B.the;不填C.a;theD.不填;a

2.They went climbing the morning of May I and came back the afternoon.A.on;on B.in;in C.on;in D.in;on 3.I'm afraid that this type of energy willif we continue to waste it.

A.run out B.break out C.come downD.fall down 4.Della,don't stay up late, you will feel sleepy the next day.

A.soB.orC.but D.and 5.—What about yesterday's dragon dance?—Oh,it's one I've ever seen.

A.a most wonderfulB.more wonderful C.the most wonderfulD.a more wonderful 6.—We can see some wild animals in the forest,right?—It's hard to say.There be only a few left.

A.may B.most C.needD.should 7.Jack is still working to high standards he has made great achievements.

A.untilB.if C.thoughD.Because 8.—Shall we get together this Saturday or Sunday evening?—is OK.I'm free this weekend.

A.BothB.EitherC.NeitherD.None 9.Moon cakesfor free to those old people this coming Moon Festival.

A.were offered B.will offer C.have offeredD.will be offered 10.I don't know what her hobbies are because we talk about work when we meet.A.SometimesB.neverC.alwaysD.seldom 11.—What do you think of our hotel?

—Good! I'm especially satisfied with the highof your service.

A.levelB.speedC.praiseD.price 12.The couple will be away for a while and they need someone the baby.

A.look afterB.looking after C.looked afterD.to look after 13.—Sandy,the glass is broken.How did that happen?—Sorry,Mum.I don't know. I outside.

A.play B.was playingC.have playedD.am playing 14.—Richard is studying in Germany. I wonder—On the phone.

A.how his parents keep in touch with him B.why his parents keep in touch with himC.how do his parents keep in touch with him D.why do his parents keep in touch with him 15.—I hate watching TV ads.It’s just a waste of time.—.A.Good ideaB.I agree with youC.That’s OKD.I didn’t think so


请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选项,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A gift in a wrong place brings unexpected happiness.

Since I came to my new neighbourhood,I have had the pleasure of meeting a few neighbours.They seem to be quite

people.For Christmas,I thought I would do something nice for each of the neighbours that I know.I sat down and were nine neighbours,and I also knew which houses they lived in.

However,I decided to one more person to my list,the lady I met every morning walking to work as I drove down the street.She always managed a sweet smile and a hearty wave(挥手),I had no idea which house she lived in.

My gift idea was to make smallbaskets and leave them on each of my neighbour’s front porches(门廊)the night of Christmas Eve.I kept the last one for the friendly lady,since I was still not exactly sure where she lived— the house down about where I met her each morning.Finally I decided to put it there.My neighbours really enjoyed the baskets and a couple even came by tome.

This morning on my way to work,I placed my mail in the mailbox and noticed a Thank You card.I opened it and read thewhich really caught me by surprise.

The card said,“Thank you for those lovely apples and strawberries you left on the porch of Tod.Heon January 19,but he never stopped talking about how nice it was that someone.”

I was very . I had no idea who Tod was or that he had been seriously I had left that nice lady’s basket on Tod’s porch by accident.I believe that Tod never expected to have that basket. I feel that the nice lady did not get a basket from me this Christmas,but I believe that if she knew what had happened,she wouldme.

I feel lucky to have helped Tod be more cheerful in his last days.This just makes me further believe that sometimes in life are beautiful.

( )16. A.richB.kindC.strong D.shy ( )17. A.imagined B.restedC.countedD.watched ( )18. A.sendB.addC.connectD.put ( )19. A.but B.soC.unless D.because ( )20. A.flower B.foodC.vegetableD.fruit ( )21. A.clearly B.certainlyC.maybeD.simply ( )22. A.thankB.protectC.encourageD.touch ( )23. A.advice B.storyC.notice D.message ( )24. A.passed away B.ran awayC.drove away D.flew away ( )25. A.invited B.rememberedC.trustedD.accepted ( )26. A.nervousB.relaxedC.surprised D.satisfied ( )27. A.painful B.wrong C.hurtD.ill ( )28. A.worriedB.sorry C.helpless D.afraid ( )29. A.understandB.punish C.stopD.doubt ( )30. A.jokesB.problems C.mistakes D.Gifts




Many pet owners see their pets as family members. However,when they have to go away on business or for some other reasons,and cannot take their pets along,they feel guilty about it and wish they could do something for their deeply loved pets. The Pet Hotel is set up especially for this reason. What do we offer?

The Pet Hotel offers pets large rooms and the latest equipment(设备).Like other hotel rooms,we offer color TVs,suitable beds,sofas and other pieces of furniture for pets.

We prepare great food for the little guests,walk them at least twice a day,and provide them with all kinds of amusements

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