牛津深圳版八年级下册英语(沈阳广东上海通用)导学案:Unit 5 单


Save the endangered animals

---牛津版八年级下 Module 3 Unit 5


单词默写 (例:苹果

3. 大熊猫

5. 自然环境;野生状态

7. 成年动物

9. 千克;公斤

11. (动植物的)活动方式 13. 肩膀;肩

15. 在中心的;中央的

17. (动物的)皮毛

19. 组织;机构

21. 面对

23. 有…重;重 ? n. apple ) 档案 义务 竹;竹子 8. 重量 10. 人口;族群 12. 出生;诞生14. 16. 18. 20. 22.

? 短语默写

1. 在野生环境中

3. 独自

5. 在深山里

7. 黑白癿

9. 对…表示出极大癿爱

2. 出生时 4. 几乎;接近 6. 独自 8. 生育 10. 自然保护区 12. 纪念

Words and phrases


enjoy = en + joy

enrich = en + rich adj. 濒危的 danger +ed (词根) (形容词后缀) 享受 鼓励 致富

1en 为劢词前缀,意为“使…”,类似以 en 为前缀癿单词还有: encourage = en + courage ensure = en + sure保证




n. 危险 adj. 危险的 endanger be in danger v. 使…危险 处在危险中 be out of danger脱离危险

lose weight n. 重量 减肥

gain weight / put on weight增加体重 例:

After losing weight, he appears fitter. 减肥


Although I eat much chocolate, I never put on weight.


拓展:weigh v. 重为…

例:The dog weighs nearly 4 kilograms.

这只狗重量接近 4 公斤。

n. (统称)某领域的生物;人口;族群

① population 表示“人口”时,其大小应该用 large 戒 small 形容,丌用 much 戒 little。 例:a large population 大量癿人口

② population 常不定冠词 the 连用,作主语时,表示人口癿多少戒数量,谓语劢词常用第三人称单数。 例:The world’s population is increasing rapidly.


③ 当 population 被 “人口癿百分比”修饰时,表示具体癿人口,谓语劢词常用复数。 例:

About 70 percent of the population in the city are workers.

这个城市 70%的人口是工人。

④ 表达“某地、某一范围内有多少人口”时,常用 have/has a population of…。 例:

The country now has a population of about 110 million.


n. 行为 确保良好的行为受到嘉奖。

拓展:behave v. 行为;表现

例: I couldn't believe these people were behaving in this way.



n. 出生;诞生 常用搭配:

at birth 出生时


她昨晚生了个健康的宝宝。 例:We are unequal at birth. give birth to 生;生育 例:She gave birth to a healthy baby last night.

n. 肩膀;肩

① n. 肩膀;肩

例:She led the old lady to an armchair, with her arm round the old lady’s shoulder. 她把那个老太太领到扶手椅上,手臂搂住了她的肩

膀。 ② v. 肩负;用肩扛

例:He shoulders the bike.


He has to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of his father.


7. face


① n. 脸

例:She had a beautiful face.

② vt./vi. 面对 她有一张漂亮的脸。 ??be faced with+ sth. / face + sth.

例:I was encouraged to be faced with/face the problem on my own by my father.


8. in the wild 在野生环境中

① wild adj. 野外的;荒芜的

例:We saw two more wild cats creeping toward us in the darkness.


来。 ② wild n. 荒野

例:They went canoeing in the wilds of Canada.


9. adult



① n. 成年人;成年动物

例:The bear was a fully grown adult.


② adj. 成年癿;发育成熟癿

例:We should do our best to develop the adult education.


10. on one’s own 独自地

例:He often goes back home on his own.



of one’s own 属于某人自己的

例:I have no house of my own in Guangzhou.


with one’s own + n. 用某人自己的 例:Solve the problem with your own thoughts.


11. cruel adj. 残忍的;残酷的

常用搭配: be cruel to… 对…残酷、残

忍 例: Don’t be cruel to animals.


12. in memory of 为了纪念…memory n. 记忆; 记忆力 例:The temple was built in memory of a princess.


n. 产品;产物 13. product

例:Try to get the best product at the lowest price.



produce v. 生产

例:The factory produces many kinds of clothes. 这家工厂生产各种各样的衣服。

production n. 生产

例:We needed to increase the volume of production. productive adj. 高产的;生产率高的


例:More productive farmers have been able to provide cheaper food. 生产力更高的农民们已能提供更便宜的食品。



It is + adjective for + noun / pronoun to + verb


例:It is harmful for you to smoke. 吸烟对你有害。 该句型中的形容词用来形

容 to do 这件事情的性质。

It is + adjective of + noun/pronoun to + verb

例:It is kind of you to help me a lot.


不 It is + adjective for + noun / pronoun to + verb 的区别在于,该句型的形容词用来形容人。


It is + enough + adj. + (for noun/pronoun) + to do sth. The child is not old enough to go to school. 这个孩子还不够上学的年龄。

The bag is not light enough for the old man to carry. = The bag is too heavy for the old man to carry.

= The bag is so heavy that the old man cannot carry it. 这个包太沉了,那个老人搬不动。


A. at


this girl to help me do lots of things. B. for C. to help C. look

C. for him learning C. carrying

D. to look for D. of him learning D. carried D. helped

B. helping B. to find English well. B. of him to learn

the heavy box.

B. carry

of that company.

B. production; product D. product; product


Multiple choices

C. of

D. in

( )( A. help A. find

( ) 4. It’s difficultA. for him to learn A. to carry

( ( ( ) 6. --- Where is the car?

--- It’s A. produced; product C. produced; produce

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