

ebcdic - this acronym stands for extended binary-coded decimal interchange code, and it is, similar to ascii, a way of coding characters.

????echo canceller - an electronic circuit which eliminates or attenuates the echo effect on satellite signals.

????echo effect - a time-delayed electronic reflection of a sound that can be eliminated by echo cancellers.

????edge of coverage (eoc) - a satellite's defined service area.

????edit - to change the content of a file.

????editor - this is piece of software that allows you to edit a file.

????eirp - this stands for effective isotropic radiated power. this term expresses the strength of the signal leaving the satellite or transmitting earth station antenna.

????electromagnetic force - this is one of the four forces (with the other three being gravity and the strong and weak nuclear forces), and it has an infinite range and acts between objects according to their charge. it is proportional to the strength of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

????electromagnetic spectrum - this is the full range of frequencies, from radio waves to gamma rays, that characterizes light, and there is a direct relationship between the amount of energy electromagnetic radiation carries and its frequency. radio waves are at one end of the spectrum and are low frequency and low energy radiation, while gamma rays are at the other end of the spectrum and are high frequency and high energy radiation. visible light falls somewhat near the middle of the spectrum.

????electronic mail - see email.

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