

I. Multiplechoice(20%) 牛津深圳版八年级下册英语期末考试试卷附答案

1. ’swords.

A. make… important B. make… well C. make… better D. make… worse

2. A. left B. start C. began D. arrived

3. ’scommonfor peopleliveinflats.

A. Except B.Don’t have C.Besides D.Beside

4. A. signs B. pictures C. photos D. passage

5. A. know B. find C. want toknow D. answer

6. –hislegintheaccident.

– .

A. hurt; Iamsorryto hearthat B. hurt; Really

C. injured; Isthat true D. was injured; Iamsorrytohear that

7. ’A. tolearn; tolearn; B. learning; learning

C. learningabout; learn D. learn

8. –next week. Ineed someadvice. Can youhelpme?

–A. sometime; sometime B. sometime; sometime

C. sometime; sometime D. sometime; sometime

9. A. of; beat B. by; beating C. of; beating D. by; isbeating

10. ––A. had….said; mysister crying B. did…say;mysister was crying

C.had…said; ismysistercrying D. did…say; wasmysistercrying

11. I’A. aminvited B. willbe invited C. invite D. willinvite

12. –How sadyouare!

– welostthegame.

A. Because; so B.Although; but C.Because,/ D.Although; /

13. .

A. won’t grow; don’t take good careof B. don’t grow; aretakengoodcare of

C.don’tgrow,don’t takegood careof D. won’t grow; are not takengood care of

14. ––A. from;from B. from;/ C. /; from D. for; from

15. Youdon’, sopeoplechooseDebbieinstead ofyou.

A. impression B. instruction C. impressive D. instruct

16. Ihaven’A. toomuch B. toomany C. muchtoo D. manytoo


A. too; to B. enough; to C. as; as D. so;that 18. A. live; living B. live; live C. living; living D. living; live 19. A. neednot to becorrected B. doesn’tneed to becorrected C.doesn’t needbe corrected D. need not correct 20. dayand night. A. aremadework B. aremadetowork C. madeto beworked D. aremakingtowork

II. . Cloze(10%) Charliecamefromapoorvillage.Hisparentshad moneytosendhimtoschoolwhenhewasyoung. Theboywasverysad.Mr.Kinglivednexttohim.Hefoundtheboymoneytohi22 andhadpityonhimandlentsome m.Sotheboycouldgotoschool.Hestudiedhardand allhislessons.Whenhefinished middleschool,themanintroducedhimtohisfriendinthetown.And hebegan towork.

OnceMr.Kingwasseriouslyhurtinanaccident.Dying,heaskedCharlietotakecareofhisdaughter, Sharon.Theyoungman andseveralyearslaterhemarriedthegirl.Helovedherverymuchandtriedhis besttomakeherhappy.Heoftenboughtbeautifulclothesanddeliciousfoodforher.Hewasgoodatcookingand hecooked 25__forher.Soshebecameveryfatandshefeltitdifficulttowalk.Andonedayshefoundthere wassomethingwrongwithherheart.Herhusbandwasn’tathomeandshehadtogoto__26 atonce.The doctorslookedheroverandtoldher 27__eatmeat,sugar,chocolateandthingslikethese.Shewasafraid doctor’swordsandwroteallthenamesofthefoodonthepaper.Whenshegothome,sheputthelist onthetableand chocolateinthekitchen.Charliewasbusythere.Assoonashesawher,hesaidhappily,―I’veboughtall 30thefoodyoulike,dear!‖

21. A.no 22. A.lazy

23. A.didwell in 24. A.was angry 25. A.a little 26. A.rest 27. A.should

28. A.toremember 29. A.slept 30. A.reading B. some B. clever

B. was poor at B. thought hard B. a few B. sleep B. would B. toforget B. went out B. seeing C. much C. careful

C. was working C. agreed C. many C. hospital C. to

C. tocatch C. cooked C. cooking D. enough D. hard

D. was goodfor D. said―No.‖ D. a lot D. work D. not to D. toteach D. ate D. writing

III. . Readingcomprehension (25%)


WhentheAmericansweregettingreadytosendtheirfirstmentothemoon,anoldAustralianwaswatchingTVinarestaurant.TherewasanEnglishmanintherestaurant,too,andhesaidtotheAustralian,―TheAmericansareclever,aren’t they? Theyaregoingtosendsomementothemoon.It is averylong wayfromour world.‖

―Oh,that’snothing,‖theAustralianansweredquickly.―Ourcountryisgoingtosendsomepeopletothesunin a fewmonths.That’smuchfarther awaythanthemoon,youknow.‖

―Oh, yes,it is,‖ theEnglishmansaid, ―but thesunistoohot for peopletogo to.‖

TheAustralianlaughed and said,―Wewon’tgo tothesunintheday, of course.We’llgo there atnight.‖


31. Who weregoingtosendtheir firstmentothemoon?

A. TheAmericans. B.TheAustralians. C.TheEnglishmen. D.Nobody.

32. WhereweretheAustralian andEnglishmanwatchingTV?

A. Inthecinema. B.Outside a shop. C. In a restaurant. D. In an office.

33. A. theAmericans wereclever B. theAustralians wereclever

C. theEnglishmenwereclever D. thewhitepeoplewereclever

34. A. themoonwas muchfarther awayfromour earththanthesun

B. thesunwas muchfarther awayfromour earththanthemoon

C. thesunwas muchhotter inthe daythan atnight

D. thesunwas muchhotter at night thaninthe day

35. _.

A. thesunwas veryhotat night B. thesunwas toocoldfor peopleto go toat night

C. thesunisfarther awayatnight D. people canlandonthesun at night




手).Heisknowntoplaywellintotheearlyhours,so don’t want to get muchsleep. Place:ThejazzclubP

rice:¥100~150 Dates:15~23June Time:10pm.Tilllate! Tel:46608736


Scottishdancingisniceandeasytolearn.The wonderfuldance fromEnglandwillbe given.


Price:¥150 Dates:10~12May Time:7~10p.m. Tel:40221877


There are12,000pieceson show here.Youcan seethewhole of Chinesehistory.


Price:¥60(¥30forstudents) Dates:1Mar. ~30Jun.

Time:Monday-Friday 9a.m. ~5p.m.

Weekends 9a. m.~9p.m.


Your penfriendiscomingfromAustraliatoyour countryfor a holiday. You sendthemthise-mail totell himsomething about thehotels.

Dates SunHotelPrices RoseHotelPric

(anight) es (anight)

1 Oct.—31Dec. ¥168 ¥198

¥148 ¥178 1 Jan.—31Mar.

1 Apr.—30Apr.(closed) —— ——

¥188 ¥218 1 May—31May

¥208 ¥248 1 Jun.—30 Sep.


E-mail:Li Hong@ 163.com Page3of8


A. 46608726 B. 40221877 C. 48867888 D. 46867488

37. inApril inAnhui Museum.

A. 3p.m.everyday B. 9 p.m.fromMondaytoFriday

C. 7 a.m. at weekends D. 7p.m.everyday

38. You canenjoy atJackStein’s.

A. Americanjazz B. Scottishdancing

C. 12,000pieces onshow D. yourself all night

39. A. nine B. ten C. eleven D. twelve

40. You have¥A. listentojazz B. watchScottishdancing

C. go toAnhui Museum D. stayin Sun Hotel for anight


Yourrightsathome andatschool

Grown-upsarealwaystellingkidswhattodo. Do youlistentothem?Usuallytheyknowwhatisbestforyou,but

sometimes theycan be wrong.

So, China hasa speciallaw to keeppeople under18 safe.Itis called the UnderageProtection Law(《未成年 人保护法》).


Teacherscanpunishbadstudents,butthey cannotjustdoanythingthey like.Ifateachertriestokickyououtof class,you can go totheheadmaster and tell him youhavetheright to stayinschool.

School buildingsandplaygroundsmustalso be safefor children.Ifthethingsyou useinP.E.classareunsafe,theUnderageProtectionLawsaystheschoolmustfixthemorgetnewones.Doyouknowanyonewhocan’tgotoschoolbecausetheirparentsaren’twillingtopayforit?Thisisalsoagainstthelaw,whichsaysparentsmusthavetheir kidsinschool.

Kids have a rightto privacy(私隐)underthe law, whichsays parents and teachers cannot read children’s own letters.

Thelawalsoprotectschildren’shealth.Itsaysthereshouldbenowsmokinginschoolsandotherplaceswheremanyteenagers go.

Haveyouever wonderedwhyticketsforparksandmuseumsarecheaper for students?It’salsobecause of theUnderageProtectionLaw.It saysthat kidsneedtohavelots of chancestolearn.

41. A. theUnderageProtectionLaw B. therights of children

C. what schoolsshoulddo D. what parentsshoulddo

42. .

A. childrencan gotoparkspayinglessmoney

B. parentscanreadtheir children’spersonal letters

C. teacherscan doanything theyliketostudents

D. a school headmaster can ask a student tostopgoingtoschool

43. .

A. your parents B. your friends C. theheadmaster

44. .

A. repair it B. changeit into a newone

D. another teacher Page4of8

C. eitherAorB D. moveit away

45. rights.A. 16 B. 8 C. 14

can enjoya lotof D. 18


Anoldforeignfriendwhowastostaywithmetelephonedfromtheairporttotellmethathehadarrived.Iwasstillattheofficeatthetime,butIhadmadearrangementsforhiscoming.Afterexplainingwheremynewhousewas,ItoldhimthatIhadleftthekeyunderthedoormat.AsIwaslikelytobehomeratherlate,Iadvisedhimto go tothekitchen andhelphimself tofood and drink.

Twohourslater myfriendtelephonedmefrommyhouse. At themoment, he said he waslisteningtosome ofmyrecordsafterhavingjusthadatrulywonderfulmeal.Hehadfoundapanonthegasstoveandfriedtwoeggsandhadhelpedhimselftosomecoldchickenfromthefridgetoo.Now,hesaidhewasdrinkingaglassoforangejuiceandhehopedIwouldjoinhim.WhenIaskedhimifhehadenteredthehousewithoutdifficulty,heansweredthathehadnotbeenabletofindthekeyunderthedoormat,butfortunatelytheliving-

roomwindowjustbytheappletreehadbeenleftopenandhehadclimbedin.Ilistenedtoallthisinsurprise.Thereisnoappletreeinfront of myliving-room, but thereis one infront of myneighbor’s

46. A. Iwas so busythatIforgottotell him B. Iwas too busytotell him

C. Itoldhim D. Iwantedtotell him

47. A. hedidn’t findanythingtoeat B. hehad onlyhad some cold chickentoeat

C. he was fryingtwo eggs D. hehadhad a finemeal

48. Myfrienddidn’t findthekeytomyhouse,because .

A. therewasno keyundermydoormat B. Iforgot toleavemykeyunder mydoormat

C. hedidn’tgo tomyhouse D. thekeyhad been stolen

49. .

A. throughtheliving-room window B. throughthebedroomwindow

C. bythe back door D. bythefront door

50. .

A. tookmyneighbor for me B. tookmyneighbor’shousefor mine

C. tookmefor myneighbor D. tookmyhouse for myneighbor’s



到)ofthepooreconomy.Afewhighschoolstudentstalkabouthowthepooreconomy(经济) had changedtheir life.

Q: Howhasthepooreconomyaffectedyouandthosearoundyou?

Hallie,LorettoHighSchool:Mostly,theeconomyhasaffectedmyfamily.Andmymomworksattheschool, so she’ll be losingher job.

KikiVo,WestCampusHighSchool:AlotofpeopleIknowthroughchurchhavehadtheirhoursreduced(减少).And a It’sterrible.


hours. …Parentscan’taffordtosendtheir kidsforas manyhours.

Jacob, Granite Bay HighSchool: Bothmyparentsdon’t knowwhat’sgoingto happen next. Thiswillaffectif Ican affordto go tocollege,whichwill influencetherest of mylife.

Q:Astudyfoundthatthe pooreconomyhasmadeteensmoreawareoftheneedsofothers.Wouldyouagreewith this?


Hallie:Ithinkinsomewaysthat’strue.It’llalsomaketeensmoreawareoftheirownneeds.Parentsaren’twillingtogive $20 to go shopping,andweall havetolook athow muchmoneywespend.

Kiki:Yes, definitely(肯定地).When you see the worst,you startto realize how luckyyou are. Mylife isn’t muchbetter thanmost people’s, butI’mreallyaware of what othersdon’t have.

Tamar:Yes,likeatschool,wedolotsofcollectionsforcharity,andpeopleseemmuchmorewilingtogivetowardthat. Jacob:That’snotforme.I’veknownforsometimeanditdidn’ttakeacrisis(危机)toseewhat’swrong


51. refromthesameschool.

A. JacobandKiki B. Kikiand Hallie C.TamarandJacob

52. Who is ateacher’sassistant at weekendlearningcenter?

A. Jacob B. Kiki C.Tamar

53. Whodoesn’t thinkit takes a crisistounderstandtheneeds of others?

A. Hallie B.Jacob C.Tamar

54. The word―quitting‖means _.

A. stopping B. entering C. preferring

55. A. makes somestudentsprefer studyingtoworking

B. makes peopleworryabout their lives

C. makes someteens morecareful about themoneythey spend

D. means that parentsareunabletoaffordtheir kids’highschool educations

D.Hallie and Tamar D.Hallie D. Kiki D. enjoying

IV. . Fill in the blankwith thecorrectwords below.(5%) A.excited

B.second C.sad D.yet E.leaving F.so

Vicky and herfamilyaregoing to Mexicofortheirholiday. Sheistalking to Peter; heworkswithher. Peter:Whereareyougoingforyourholiday?Vicky:To


Peter: Isthisyour first time to go there?

Vicky:No, it’sthe tomorrowmorning.


arethekids.Peter:Have a



V. Fill in the blankwith thecorrect sentencebelow.(5%)





D. E. Ihopeso,too. Canyougivesomeadvice?That’stoobad. Iagreewithyou. How’stheweathertoday?


Tom:Good morning,Jack.

Tom:Westill havesmog(雾霾) today.Wewill haveto go toschool withmasks(口罩). 62Accordingtothenews,PM2.5isthemainproblemwithairpollution.Tom:Yes, andair

pollutionhas done harmtopeople’shealth.

Jack: So theChinesegovernment and Chinesepeoplemusttakeactiontofight it.Tom:Jack:SincePM2.5ismainlycausedbymotorvehicle(机动车)andfactories,carswithlargeemissions(排放量) should notbeallowed and factories should be closelywatched. Ihope that more and morepeoplewill join us inimproving our

VI. Fill in the blankswiththeproperformofthegivenwords. (10%)

66. (describe) ofyour brother?

67. (amaze) good student.

68. I’mgoingto (complaint) totheheadmasterabout this.

69. (responsible) andcompletedthetaskperfectly.

70. (satisfy) withthe newdress.

71. Bob’shorror storymadehissister very (frighten) and shecouldn’t sleepwiththelight off.

72. 73. Don’tyouthinkyou need tomakea(n) (apologize) toyourmum?

74. (mix) theflour withthemilktomake a pastejustnow.


VII. Writing

假设你班为了配合创建―宜居城市‖,最近以Lifeinthefuture: for better or worse 为题进行了一次讨论。许多同学对未来表示乐观,但也有一些同学对未来表示有些担心。请你根据下列表格中的内容要点提示,用英语写一篇短文。

乐观者的观点 1. 世界变得更好 2. 生活水平提高

3. 人的寿命更长

1. 担心者的观点


注意: 2. 环境问题更多 3. 能源变得更少 考生自拟(至少两点) 1. 词数90左右,短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;

2. 短文需包括所有要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺;

3. 短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。


水平、标准standard n.;观点、看法 opinion n.;

Lifeinthefuture: for better or worse Manystudentsareoptimistic(乐观的


八年级第二学期期末考试试卷 答 案

I. Multiplechoice

1-5CACAC 6-10DBCCB 11-15ADDBA 16-20ADABB II. . Cloze

21-25ABACD 26-30CDBBC

III. . Readingcomprehension

31-35ACABD 36-40BABCC 41-45CCDAD 46-50CDCAB

IV. . Fill in the blankwith thecorrectwords below.(5%)


V. Fill in the blankwith thecorrect sentencebelow.(5%)


VI. Fill in the blankswiththeproperformofthegivenwords. (10%)

66. description 67. amazingly 68. complain 69.responsibility

71. frightened 72. wonder 73. apology 74.mixed 51-55DCBAC 70. satisfied 75. width Page9of8

www.99jianzhu.com/包含内容:建筑图纸、PDF/word/ppt 流程,表格,案例,最新,免费下载,施工方案、工程书籍、建筑论文、合同表格、标准规范、CAD图纸等内容。


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