

高考语法考点分析与突破系列讲座 苏乾江






1. (09 湖北卷,26) In our class, when the bell rang andthe teacher closed his book, it was a for everyone to stand up.

A. signal B. chanceC. markD. measure

2. (09 安徽卷,31) China has got a good forfighting againsttheflu withits careful and smooth organization.

A. reputation B. influence C. impression D. knowledge

3. (2011天津卷) Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his_______.

A. abilityB. forceC. strengthD. mind

4. (2012湖北)It is important to have your eyes examined regularly to check for any sign of eyes disease that may not have any _________________.

A. symptom B. similarityC. sampleD. shadow

5. (2012 四川)Here’s my card. Let’s keep in __________.

A. touchB. relationC. connectionD. friendship



? 学习过程中注意同类词的比较和辨析

? 注意名词使用的场合和语境。

? 注意名词的内涵、外延及固定搭配。



1.(2011 浙江)He gained his _____ by printing _____ of famous writers.

A. wealth; workB. wealths; works C. wealths; work D. wealth; works

2. (2010 山东)His parents raise hundreds of ___________, including four _________________.

A . cattle ; cows B. cattles ; cowsC. cattle ; cowD. cattles ; cow

3.(2010 天津) James took the magazines off the little table to make _________ for the tevelision.

A. roomB. areasC. fieldD. position

4. (08 天津卷,11) Most air pollution is caused by the burning oflike coal, gas and oil.

A. fuelsB. articles C. goodsD. products

5. (2006 全国) Many people agree that ____of English is a must in international trade today.

A. a knowledge B. knowledgesC. knowledge D. the knowledge


①不可数名词没有复数形式,只能用数量词来修饰如:water、milk、 health、wealth等。


高考语法考点分析与突破系列讲座 苏乾江 ②不规则可数名词单数变复数的形式 (特殊名词,需牢记)

? 变元音字母

man---men woman---women foot---feet tooth---teeth goose---geese

? 变词尾

child---children ox---oxen(牛)

? 单复数同形

one fish—two fish,one deer-three deer,one sheep-many ship等

? 有些名词形式上虽是单数,意义上却是复数

cattle 牛(总称) people 人民

police 警察 public 公众

? 复合名词的复数形式


One man teacher----- two men teachers a woman doctor----- many women doctors

? 英语中有些名词既是可数名词又是不可数名词,但所含的意义不同,需牢记。如:

paper纸—papers论文 water水—waters水域 custom习惯—customs海关

manner方式—manners礼貌 work 工作— works 著作 time时间—times时代

wood木材—woods树林 sand沙子—sands沙滩 room 空间---rooms 房间

? 英语中大部分的抽象名词属不可数名词的范畴,没有复数形式,也不能和不定冠词 a/ an 连用。但有


success成功; a success 一件成功的事或一个成功的人

failure失败; a failure 一个失败的人或一件失败的事

knowledge知识;a knowledge of 一门…….的知识

pleasure快乐; a pleasure 一件快乐的事

time 时间,时光; a good time 一次快乐的时光



1. (09江西卷,23) The shoes were covered with mud, so I asked them to take them off before

they got into _________car.

A. girl’s; Tom’s B. girls’; Toms’ C. girls’; Tom’s D. girl’s; Toms’

2.____desks are in the same room.

A. John’s and Susan B. John and Susan’s C .John and Susan D. John’s and Susan’s

3..---- Where did you spend last weekend ?

----At ___.

A. Mr Green’s B .Mr Green C. the Mr Green’s D. the Mr Greens



①一般单数名词在词后加“’s” 例如:my brother’s bag


高考语法考点分析与突破系列讲座 苏乾江

② 以-s或-es结尾的复数名词的所有格,只在名词右上方加 ’ , 不规则的复数名词后要加 ’s

the workers’ club the students’ books

the children’s bags the women’s shoes


例如two sons-in-law’s photos

④如果一样东西为两个人共有,则只在后一个名词加“’s”;如果不是共有的,两个名词后都要加“’s”。 例如:Jane and Mary’s room (共有) Jane’s and Tom’s books (不共有)


at the doctor’s 在诊所 at the barber’s 在理发店 at Mr. Green’s 在格林先生家

2 表示无生命东西的名词,通常采用of+名词的结构来表示所有关系。

the gate of the school 学校的大门 the window of the room 房间的窗户



1.(2009 湖北) Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for _____________building.

A . respect B. friendship C. reputation D. character

2. (2009 北京)The ______ is just around the corner and you won’t miss it.

A. bicycle’s shop B. bicycle shop C. bicycles shop D. bicycles’ shop

3.(2010 上海)It took us quite a long time to get to the park. It was ________ journey.

A. three-hour B. a three hour C. a three-hour D. three hours

4. (2011上海)The village is far away from here indeed. It’s _____ walk.

A. a four hour B. a four hour's C. a four-hours D. a four hours'

5. (2010 四川)There are only twelve _____ in the hospital.

A.woman doctors B.women doctors C.women doctor D.woman doctor




? 表示目的、用途、来源及所属等。

a tooth brush 牙刷 a school gate 校门 a shoe shop 一个鞋店

? 表示时间、地点等。

a night school 一个夜校 a street light 一盏路灯 a summer camp 一次夏令营

? 表示材料、性别及类别等。

a paper tiger a math teacher a woman doctor a

? 少数名词常用复数形式作定语。

a clothes shop 一个服装店 a sports car 一辆跑车 a sails girl 一个女售货员


高考语法考点分析与突破系列讲座 苏乾江


第二讲 冠词





考点一、不定冠词a/an 的用法



1.(2008江西卷30)--- I am so sorry to have come late for the meeting.

--- It is not your fault. With __ rush-hour traffic and __ heavy rain, it is no wonder you were late.

A. a; a B. the; the C. /; / D. /; a

2. (2010 重庆) Everything comes with ________ price; there is no such ________ thing as a free lunch in the


A. a ; a B. the ; / C. the ; a D. a ; /

3. (2010 北京)First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get ________ second chance to make ______ first impression.

A. a ; the B. the ; the C. a ; a D. the ; a

4. (2004天津)When he left _____college, he got a job as _____reporter in a newspaper office.

A. 不填;a B. 不填;the C. a; the D. the ; the

5. (2003上海)I earn 10 dollars ______hour as ______ supermarket cashier on Saturdays.

A. a ; an B. the ; a C. an; a D. an; the

6. (2005浙江)Mrs. Tailor has _____ 8-year-old daughter who has _____gift for painting -she has won two

national prizes.

A. a, a B. an, the C. an, a D. the, a

7. (2002上海) The cakes are delicious. He'd like to have _____third one because _____second one is rather too


A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a


(一) 不定冠词 a/an的用法

不定冠词a 和an与数词one 的意思相同,表“一个”的意思。a用于以辅音音素开头的单词前,而an则用于以元音音素开头的单词前,均表示泛指。

1.不定冠词用在单数可数名词前表示“一个” , “任何一个” 或“每个”。如:

There is a policeman at the door.

A car must be insured.

A soldier must obey orders.


There is a box in the room. The box is heavy.



高考语法考点分析与突破系列讲座 苏乾江 She is a teacher. This is a book.

4.定冠词用在价格、速度、时间之前,表示 “每......”。如:

She walks six kilometers an hour

We take medicine 3 times a day


He wants to find a Tom .

6.不定冠词用于某些固定短语中,需牢记含 a 和an 的固定短语。如:

have a try试一下 take a break 休息一下 have a good time 玩得痛快

make a living 谋生 as a matter of fact 事实上 in a word 总而言之


If you give me a third chance, I will do it better.


如: a must 一个必须的条件 a success 一个成功的人

a heavy rain 一场大雨 a good time 一次快乐的时光



1. (2006北京)—I knocked over my coffee cup. It went right over ______ keyboard.

—You shouldn’t put drinks near ________ computer.

A. the; 不填 B. the; a C. a; 不填 D. a; a

2. (2006浙江)-----Don’t worry if you can’t come to ______ party.

——I’ll save ______ cake for you.

A. the; some B. a; much C. the; any D. a; little

3.(2011全国) As he reached ______ front door, Jack saw _________ strange sight.

A. the ; / B. a ; the C. / ; a D. the ; a

4. (2006全国III) I know you don’t like __________ music very much. But what do you think of __________

music in the film we saw yesterday?

A. 不填;不填 B. the; the C. the; 不填 D. 不填; the

5. (2004上海)As a rule, the workers are paid ______.

A. by the hour B. by hour C. by an hour D. by hours

6. (2011 陕西)As is known to all, _________ people’s Republic of China is _________biggest developing

country in world.

A. the ; / B. / ; the C. the ; the D. / ; /

7.(2011 山东).If we sit near ________ front of the bus, we will have _______ better view.

A. / ; the B. / ; a C. the ; a D. the ; the

8 (2002全国)-Where is Jack?

-I think he is still in_____ bed, but he might just be in _____ bathroom.

A. 不填;不填 B. the;the C. the; 不填 D. 不填;the



定冠词the与指示代词this,that同意,有“那(这)个”的意思,还与 these ,those 同意,有“这些” “那些”之意。

1) 特指某个(些)人或物。如:


高考语法考点分析与突破系列讲座 苏乾江 The girl who is reading is our monitor.

2) 定冠词用于可数名词前,表示一类人或东西。如:

The horse is a useful animal.

3) 定冠词用于第二次出现的名词之前。如:

I got a letter yesterday. The letter was sent by e-mail.

4) 定冠词用于某些名词或者形容词前,表示一类人,一个民族,阶级或阶层。如:

the Chinese 中国人 the rich 富人

the dead 死者the deaf 聋人

5) 定冠词用于指说话双方都知道的人或事。如:

Please close the door.请把门关上。

6) 定冠词用于世界上独一无二的事物前。如:

the sun 太阳 the earth 地球 the world世界

7) 定冠词用于序数词前表示顺序。如:

the third group 第三组

8) 定冠词用于形容词和副词的最高级前面表示“最??.”。如:

This is the most interesting book I have ever read.


play the piano弹钢琴 play the flute吹长笛


The Blacks came to China in 1994.

The Smiths are on holiday.

11) 定冠词用于表示单位的名词前。“By + the + 表单位的名词” 表示“按??算”

By the hour/day/week/month/year 按小时/天/周/月/年算

12) 牢记带the 和不带 the 固定短语并注意其区别。 附:

be in hospital 在住院 be in prison 在坐牢

be in the hospital 在医院里be in the prison 在监狱里

be in front of 在……的前面by day 在白天

be in the front of 在…..的前部 by the day 按天来计

at table/desk 在就餐/在学习 sb be in charge of sth 负责,掌管

at the table/the desk 在餐桌旁/在书桌旁 sth be in the charge of sb 在….的掌管之中

out of question 不成问题,容易go to church 去做礼拜

out of the question 不可能 go to the church 去教堂

take place 发生at sea 在海上航行

take the place of 代替……. at the sea 在海边

in class 在上课 leave school 毕业

in the class 在班上 leave the school 放学离校

sb in possession of sth 拥有…… in store 有储备,有存货

sth in the possession of sb为……所拥有 in the store 在仓库里


高考语法考点分析与突破系列讲座 苏乾江



1.(2010 四川)In ________ most countries, a university degree can give you ________ flying start in life.

A. the ; a B. the ; / C. / ; / D. / ; a

2. (2003全国)The sign reads "In case of ______fire, break the glass and push ______red button."

A. 不填;a B. 不填;the C the; the D. a; a

3. (2006重庆)Everywhere man has cut down ______ forests in order to grow crops, or to use _____ wood as fuel

or as building material.

A. the; the B. the; / C. /;the D. /;/

4. (2004全国)She is _____ newcomer to _____chemistry but she has already made some important discoveries.

A. the; the B. the; 不填 C. a; 不填 D. a; the

5. (2005北京)It is often said that _____teachers have _____very easy life.

A.不填;不填 B不填;a C. the; 不填 D. the; a



1) 表示独一无二的职务、身份前一般不用冠词。如:

He was elected chairmen of the country.

2) 表示球类、棋类的运动项目不加冠词。如:

play football 踢足球 play chess下象棋

3) 在一日三餐名词前不用冠词。如:

have breakfast/lunch/supper

4) 交通工具名词前不用冠词

by car坐汽车 by ship 坐船 by plane坐飞机 on foot 步行

5) 专有名词前一般不加冠词

China中国 Europe 欧洲 Lei Feng 雷锋

6) 月份、星期、季节、节日前一般不加冠词

January 一月份 Sunday 星期日 Christmas Day 圣诞节

Thanksgiving 感恩节 National Day国庆节 May Day 劳动节

Summer is the best season for swimming.


Time is life. Music can bring people pleasure.


Students should study hard every day.


go to school 去上学 go to bed 上床睡觉 go to church 做祷告

at war 在交战 on duty 在值班


高考语法考点分析与突破系列讲座 苏乾江


第三讲 代词

考点一、all, both, either, neither, no one, none, nothing的用法比较


1. —Which one can I take?

—You can take ________of them;I’ll keep none.

A.both B.any C.either D.all

2. —How do you usually keep in touch with your friends,by email or letter?

—________.I use telephone only.

A.None B.Neither C.Any D.Either

3. There are two roads leading to the power station along the river. You can take ______of the roads.

A.either B.both C.neither D.all

4. They all wanted to stop working because they were very tired,but ________of them would say so.

A.any B.some C.none D. neither

5.---Would you like tea or coffee?

---________ ,thank you ! I have just had some water.

A. Either B.Both C. Any D. Neither

6. --- We have got so many clothes.

---- But __________ of them are in fashion now.

A. all B. both C. neither D. none

7.Of all the books on the desk,__________ is of any use for my study.

A. nothing B. no one C. neither D. none


all, both, either, neither, no one, none, nothing的用法比较

1.all 表示“(三者或三者以上) 所有…………都 ”

2.both 表示“(两者)两个………..都 ”。

3.either 表示“两者中有一个……..”。与介词or 搭配。either……or…….

4. any 表示“三者或三者以上的人或物中的任何一个……….”

5. neither 表示“两者中一个都不……”。与介词nor搭配。 Neither……nor…

5.none表示”三者或三者以上的人或物中没有一个…..”, 既指人,也可指物;常与介词 of 搭配。 none

of。。。。。。一般回答how many 或how much的提问。

6.no one 和nobody 表示“没有一个人”,只指人不指物,其后不接of 短语,一般回答who 的提问。

7. nothing 表示“没有什么东西”,只指物,一般回答what 的提问。

考点二、one , it , that,the one 的用法比较


1. The number 512 is a special number,______,I think,that will be remembered by the Chinese people forever.

A. what B. it C. which D. one

2. We feel _____ our duty to make our country a better place.

A. itB. this C. that D. one

3. 【2011福建卷,21】We have various summer camps for your holidays. You can choose ____ based on your

own interests.


高考语法考点分析与突破系列讲座 苏乾江

A. either B. each C. one D. it

5. 【2011重庆卷,27】——Silly me! I forget what my luggage looks like.

——What do you think of _____ over there?

A. the one B. this C. it D. that

6. 【2011福建卷,21】We have various summer camps for your holidays. You can choose ____ based on your

own interests.

A. either B. each C. one D. it

7. When I moved to a new community,I found it different from ________I had stayed in before.

A.one B.that C.it D.the one

8. The cost of a house in Beijing is higher than _________ of a house in Kunming.

A.that B.this C.it D.one


it , that,one , the one 的用法比较

1.it 意为“它”,替代前面提到的同一人或同一物,即指代同名同物;it也可以替代句中的不定式或从句等, 充当形式主语或形式宾语。如:

I have lost my umbrella; I'm looking for it. (同名同物)

I found it hard to get on with her. (形式宾语)

2.that 意为“那个”,只指物,替代前面出现的名词,即同名异物;但 that 为特指,替代前面的 the/ this+

名词。that = the one. (单数可数名词)

The weather in Beijing is warmer than that in Kunming. (同名异物)

3.one 意为“一个”,指人也指物,,替代前面出现过的那类事物中的“一个”,即同名异物; 但one为泛


Tom bought an umbrella; I think I must buy one. (同名异物)

4. the one 意为“这一….” ,替代前面的单数可数名词,表示特指。

an +单数可数名词= the one

The film you saw is better than the one/ that I saw yesterday.

考点三、other,the other, others, the others,another的用法比较


1. 〖10全国Ⅱ〗Neither side is prepared to talk to ___unless we can smooth things over between them.

A. othersB. the other C. another D. one other

2.(2010This young man is very clever;he may be ________Edison.

A.the one B.the other C.another D.one

3.(2010安徽卷)You are a team star!Working with ________is really your cup of tea.

A.both B.either C.others D.the other

4. 【2011陕西卷,16】——Would you get me a bar of chocolate from the kitchen, dear?


A.Other B. Every C.Another D.More

5. 〖09全国II〗The CDs are on sale! Buy one and you get completely free.

A. other B. others C. one D. ones

6. 〖09山东〗I felt so bad all day yesterday that I decided this morning I couldn’t face ________ day like that.

A. other B. another C. the other D. others


(1) another指三者或三者以上中的另一个,意思是“另外一个….”,后接单数可数名词。


高考语法考点分析与突破系列讲座 苏乾江

也有短语:another + 数词+ 名词 = 数词+other / more + 名词 表示‘另外几个……….‖

(2) other表示“其它的….”,只作定语。后接可数名词复数。

(3)the other,指两者中的另一个。常与one连用,构成one…the other…… (一个….另一个)

(4)others指其它的人或物,只能单独使用,其后什么都不接,others = other+名词复数,泛指别的人或物(但

不是全部,全部是“the others”).常与some 搭配 ,构成短语 some… others

(5) the others特指其余的人或物,只能单独使用,其后什么都不能接, 是the other的复数形式。


高考语法考点分析与突破系列讲座 苏乾江


第四讲 形容词和副词

一. 形容词和副词的基本用法


1. 形容词作定语

1. He is a tall man.

2. The red pencil is mine.

3. There is something wrong with the watch.

4. There is nothing new.


1. He is very strong.

2. The soup tastes delicious.

3. 形容词作宾补

1. Running in the morning makes him strong.

2. We think the film really interesting.


1.The+形容词, 表示一类人或物.

the rich the poor

the injuredthe disabled

2. 有些形容词是以-ly结尾的.

friendly, lively, lovely, lonely, silly, likely, deadly, daily, weekly, monthly

3. 修饰比较级常用even, much, far, a lot, a little, a bit, any等.

1.He is much stronger than the boy on the floor.

2.This problem is far more difficult than that one.

3.This ruler is a little longer than that one.




1.He usually gets up at six o’clock.

2. I did my homework carefully.


1. The picture is very beautiful.

2. The story is really interesting.


1. She speaks English very clearly.


1. Unfortunately, they lost the basketball match.

2. Obviously, you are wrong.




高考语法考点分析与突破系列讲座 苏乾江

1. John Smith, a successful businessman, has a ____car. (04辽宁)

A. large German white B. large white German

C. white large German D. German large white

2. The ___house smells as if it hasn't been lived in for years. (04江苏)

A. little white wooden B. little wooden little

C. white wooden little D. wooden white little

3. It is high time you had your hair cut; it is getting __________.(09,全国)

A. too much long B. much too long C. long too much D. too long much

4. You are driving too fast. Can you drive __________? (08,全国I)

A. more slowly a bit B. slowly a bit more

C. a bit more slowly D. slowly more a bit


多个形容词修饰同一名词时,其排列顺序从左到右为:限定词(物主代词,冠词,数词) +描绘性形容词+大小长短高低+新旧+颜色+国籍+材料+用途+名词





1.Tom sounds very much ______in the job, but I’m not sure whether he can manage it. (2006安徽)

A. interested B. interesting C. interestingly D. interestedly

2. These oranges taste _______. (11全国)

A. good B. well C. to be good D. to be well

3. —What a nice fire you have in your fireplace!

—During the winter I make my house ______.(2005上海)

A. warmly and comfortably B. warm and comfortable

C. warm and comfortably D. warmly and comfortable

4. Mistakes don’t just happen; they happened for a reason. Find out the reason and then making the mistakes

become _____________.(2011 湖北)

A. favourable B. precious C. essential D. worthwhile

5.On hearing the news of the accident in coal mine, she _____ pale.

A. got B. changed C. went D. appeared

6.There must be ______________ with the machine. (2011 吉林)

A. something wrong serious B. something seriously wrong

C. something serious wrong C. something wrong seriously

7.All the people ________ at the party were his supporters.

A. present B. thankful C. interested D. important

4.Computers and mobile phones , though they are indeed making our life ______ and more ______, have reduced

the need for face-to-face communication. (2011 江西)

A.easily;efficient B.easier; efficient C. easy; efficiently D.easily; efficiently



1. 形容词可放在名词前或名词及代词后作定语


高考语法考点分析与突破系列讲座 苏乾江

2. 形容词可放在系动词后作表语,系动词分为以下三类:

1)表感官的系动词:sound; look ; taste; appear; smell ; feel; seem.

2)表变化的系动词: become; get ; turn ; grow; go, come.

3) 表存在状态的系动词:be; keep ;stay; prove; stand;

3. 形容词可以放在宾语之后作宾补,起补充说明宾语的作用。



1. ( 2003 上海) The house rent is expensive. I've got about half the space I had at home and I'm paying _______


A. as three times much B. as much three times

C. much as three times D. three times as much

2(2000 全国)This ship measures ________ that one.

A. as twice as long B. as twice long as

C. twice long as D. twice as long as

3(2005 全国) After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced _______ tractors in 1988

as the year before.

A. as twice many B. as many as

C. as twice as many D. twice as many

4. (2011 陕西)The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be ____ the present one.

A. as three times big asB. three times as big as

C. as big as three timesC. as big three times as

5. (2009 辽宁)Peter’s jacket looked just the same as Jack’s, but it cost _________ his.

A. as much twice as B. twice as much as

C. much as twice as D. as twice much as

6. (2009 四川)My uncle’s house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours, but it is twice ________


A. as B. so C. too D. very

7.(2009 江西) According to the scientists, a man is more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer ____ a woman.

A. than B. such C. so D. as



1…倍数+比较级+than? 是…多少倍

The river is three times longer than that one.

2 …倍数+as+形容词/副词+as 是…多少倍

The ship is twice as wide as that one.

3…倍数+the+名词(名词常用size, height, depth, length, width , age)+of 是…多少倍

This river is 3 times the length of that one. 这条河是那条河的三倍长

=This river is 3 times as long as that one. 这条河是那条河的三倍长

=This river is twice longer than that one. 这条河是那条河的三倍长

考点三、 否定词+比较级= 最高级 的用法


1.----The file is not a bit interesting.


高考语法考点分析与突破系列讲座 苏乾江 -----Why? It is _______ than the films I have ever seen.(2011 江西)

A. far more interestingB. much less interesting.

C. no more interesting D. any less interesting.

2. Mr. Steven is great to work for. I really couldn’t ask for a _______ boss than Mr. Steven. (2011 全国II)

A. better B. good C. best D. still better

3.---- How was your recent trip to Sichuan.

------ I have never had ______ one before. (2011 四川)

A. a pleasant B. a more pleasant C. a most pleasant D. the most pleasant



1. I couldn’t agree more. You are correct. 我非常赞成,你是正确的。

2.She sings beautifully; I have never heard a better voice like this.


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