

Unit.2Fighting the Power

1. On the off chance you do not already have enough on your plate, here?s another hot-button, topic to worry about: conflict diamonds. The Leonardo DiCaprio thriller, Blood Diamond, tackles the issue of raw gems that were mined at gunpoint (or worse) to fuel the decimating guerrilla wars of Sierra Leone. Directed by Edward Zwick, the film, set in 1999, is a lavish big-scale production, with scenes of eye-opening carnage—young men getting their hands chopped off—as well as world-jewel-market lessons that tick across the screen with grim intrigue . And there is DiCaprio as a cucumber-cool South African mercenary who befriends a fisherman-turned-forced diamond worker, plus Jennifer Connelly as a Vanity Fair reporter. “You think you are going to change the outcome?” barks DiCaprio to the swank, do-gooder journalist. “You sell blood diamonds too!” An accusation she quickly dodges by declaring “Not all American girls want a storybook wedding!”

1. 有可能你并没有占用很多时间关心这个热门话题:血钻。莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥的惊悚片,血钻,讲述了为了给富力塞拉利昂游击战争提供燃料而在枪口下开采原宝石的过程。由爱德华·兹威克执导的该电影于1999年上映,场面洪大,充满让人目瞪口呆的屠杀场面——年轻人的手被砍断——以及用可怕的阴谋在屏幕上展现出来的世界珠宝市场的教训。影片中,迪卡普里奥是一个冷酷的唯利是图的南非商人,他和一个被迫成为血钻工人的渔夫是朋友,再加上珍妮弗·康纳利是一个名利场记者。“你认为你能够改变结果吗?”迪卡普里奥向“不切实际”的记者咆哮,“你也在卖血钻!” 珍妮弗躲避他的指控说道“不是每个美国女孩都想要一个童话般的婚礼的!”

2. In 2006, that is a startling statement for a political drama to hang its case on. I mean, really, how many American girls do not want a storybook wedding? (Enough to make this movie a hit? ) Even prior to its release on Dec.8, Blood Diamond has touched a nerve at De Beers, the international diamond conglomerate, which launched a PR campaign renouncing, and denying the purchase of all conflict diamonds. Yet in today?s frazzled, fraught, nervously consumerist environment, it is worth asking how much attention any moviegoer, overwhelmed by health care, the housing market, the technotoys they have to buy their kids, not to mention such trivialities as the war in Iraq, is going to have let to devote to yet another issue: making sure they buy 10000 jewels, if they can afford them, from enlightened mining zones.

2. 2006年,政治剧上榜是一个惊人的声明。我的意思是,事实上,有多少美国女孩不想要教科书式的童话婚礼?(足以使这部电影给人心里一击?)即使在12月8日电影发行之前,血钻鼓起勇气,在国际珠宝公司De Beers开展了一项公关运动,公开宣布并否认采购血钻。然而,在如今疲惫、压力大、忧虑、崇尚消费主义的环境下,经常看电影的观众需要重视医疗水平、住房市场、必须给孩子买的高科技玩具等,都不要提伊拉克战争这样的小事,还有多少注意力能够剩余来关注另一个问题:如果他们能够负担得起,他们花费10000美元买来的钻石是来源于开明的开采区。

3. I did not use to have these thoughts, this testy skepticism, about topical liberal message movies. Likely a lot of people, I went to such high-minded and urgently timely rabble-rousers as Z or Norma Roe or All the President?s Men or Silkwood or Salvador or Erin Brockovich and got riled up, inspired, or simply entertained by them,

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