

今天larry和li hua在一个朋友家的花园里参加party。li hua会学到两个常用语:dude和chick。

lh: hey larry! 参加party的人都挺高兴的,可是jack刚才在那边儿好像和人吵架,什么事呀?

ll: oh, jack and some other dude were having a really intense argument. we were afraid they might get into a fight, so we had to separate them.

lh: 就是啊,他们吵得挺凶的,好象要动手打起来似的!可是,larry, 你管另外那个人叫什么? dude? 那是什么意思啊?

ll: dude is another word for guy, or man. i just said jack and some other dude were arguing.

lh: oh, dude 是指男人,我还以为是那个人的名字呢!你刚才是说“jack和那个人争论得非常激烈”。哎,larry,那你叫别人dude有没有什么不好的意思吗?

ll: what? no, of course not. dude just means guy. however, it is very informal, so you''d sound silly if you called someone important a dude, or used it in a formal situation.

lh: 噢,dude这个称呼没有贬意,只是一般用在很随便的场合。哎哟,幸亏你告诉我,要是在正式的场合我把某位大人物称为dude, 那可不就出洋相了吗!

ll: and usually, only younger people use the word dude, and it usually refers to fairly young men.

lh: 噢,dude 一般是年轻人用的词,而且dude也是指年轻人。 对了,我想起来了,有一次我在商店里就听到两个年轻人用dude这个词。我那时还不懂dude是什么意思。 哎,dude不就相当于中文里说的“那个家伙”吗?

ll: that''s right! see that dude over there? that''s my pal frank. i''ll ask him for a beer. dude, toss me one of those beers. thanks!

lh: 哎哟,你真好意思,自己不去拿啤酒,让你那个dude扔过来,幸亏你接得准!


lh: oh no, larry我看见我的同屋朝这边走过来了。要是她看见我,她又要缠着我没完没了了。

ll: what? that tall girl with glasses? is that the chick you''re always telling me about?

lh: 对,就是那个戴眼镜的高个儿女孩。你叫她什么? chick? larry, 我虽然不喜欢那个女孩,可是我也不想用难听的词来骂她噢!

ll: huh!? i didn''t say any bad words. i said that chick. chick means young woman. it''s not a bad word, although some people find it a little offensive.

lh: 噢,原来chick这个词是指“年轻女孩儿”呀!哎哟,这要是直接翻译成中文,可不是什么好词儿。你说在英文里,chick不是骂人的话,可是你又说有的人听了会不大高兴,这是怎么回事啊?

ll: well, some women find it demeaning - i guess they think that baby chickens are cute but sort of brainless. you can use this word around your friends, but not in formal situations or with strangers.

lh: 噢,我懂了 - chick这个词本意是“小鸡”,小鸡虽然可爱,可是好象没有脑子,傻傻的,所以有的女孩就不愿意别人叫她chick。这么说,可以在熟朋友之间用chick这个词,不过,不要在正式场合,或者叫一个陌生人chick。哎,larry, 我们还是赶快走吧,我可不想让我的同屋缠着我不放。

ll: hey, there she goes. you''re in luck, li hua. your roommate''s gone... she just left with two other chicks and that dude who was arguing with jack.

lh: 她和另外两个女孩儿一起走啦,还有那个跟jack吵架的dude!哇,真是谢天谢地。这下我们可以痛痛快快地玩了!

今天李华从larry那儿学到两个常用语。一个是dude, 是口语里男孩之间的称呼,就相当于中文里所说的“家伙”。另外一个是chick, 在口语里指年轻女孩儿。

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