

1.a crime si a behavior within the definition of the provisions of the criminal law

and should be subject to criminal penalty.

2.a crime is the behavior that is harmful to the society

and should be punished with criminal penalty.

3.a sin takes in everything done,said and willed against right reason.

4.a witness's credibility noticeably diminishes

as the enormity of the crime or the unlikeliness of its circumstances increase.

5.an act does not make a person guilty of a crime nuless the mind is also guilty.

7.by selling alcohol to minors,the shop is deliberately flouting the law.

8.criminal responsibility is to be borne for negligent crimes only when the law so provides.

9.criminals responsibility shall be borne for intentional crimes.

10.criminal are sick;they should be patients,not prisoners.

11.everyone is held to be innocent until he is proved guilty.

12.facility of pardon is an incentive to crime.

13.giving the killer what he deserves.

14.hate the sin but not the sinner.

15.he carried out a felonious act.

16.he confessed to the crime during his interrogation.

17.he denied being in the house at the time of the murder.

18.he pleads not guilty to murder but guilty to manslaughter.

19.he tried to establish his innocence.

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