

外研社英语九年级(下)Module 1

Module 1Travel

Part one: Words:

1.airplane 飞机2.coach(尤指长途)公共汽车,客车 3.departure 出发;启程;航班;车次

4.lounge (机场等的)等候室 5.transport 交通方式;交通6.nod 点(头)(表示赞成,同意或理解)7.tear眼泪;泪珠8.towards往;向;朝--- 方向 9.cigarette 香烟10.though 虽然;尽管11.step 步;步骤

Part two: Phrases:

1.departure lounge (机场的)候机厅 2.set off 动身;出发 3.get off 下(火车,公共汽等)

4.be full of 充满 5.have to 不得不6.because of 因为7.have a good time玩得高兴8.go sightseeing 观光9.the Summer Palace颐和园 10.at the end of在----- 结束时 11.plenty of大量的 12.take place 发生13.look forward to doing期望做某事 14.at the start of在--- 开始时

15.as soon as 一--- 就---- 16.look out of 向----外看

Part three: Sentences:

1.He’s staying with his family in the UK.他正和家人一起在英国。

2.Why is travel so difficult in winter? 为什么冬季旅行这么难?

3.It’s the busiest season in China because of Spring Festival.


4.We flew to Hong Kong ---- and the flight was late ! 我们飞往香港—航班晚了。

5.Last weekend, we took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace and went for a long walk. 上周末,我们坐公共汽车去颐和园,走了很长一段路。

6.The train was full of people.火车里满是人。

Part four:Grammer:(在本册,我们将对初中阶段所学语法项目进行归纳概括,旨在梳理语法系统,不做细致讲。有关细节内容同学们可以参考前五册的相关模块)

一. 名词 (一)名词的单复数形式 1.抽象名词用复数形式,其含义发生了变化。water-waters(水域)sand-sands(沙滩) rain-rains(雨季) 2.复合名词的复数形式:复合名词中如果有主题名词,把主体词变为复数;如果没有主体词,直接在复合词后面加-s或-es. grandchild-grandchildren (外)孙子(女) looker-on –lookers-on 旁观者 editor-in-chicef-editors-in-chief (主编)(二)名词的所有格 1.表示两者共有时,在后面一个名词后加’s.Tom and John’s room 2.表示某店铺,某人的家时,一般省略所有格后的名词。at the barber’sgo to the butcher’s 3.双重所有格:of 后的名词必须是具有生命的特指名词。a friend of my father’s=one of my father’s friends

二.冠词 使用冠词与不使用冠词的区别:in hospital 住院 in the hopital 在医院里 on earth究竟 on the earth 在地球上,在世界上 in front of 在---- (外部的)前面in the front of 在----- (内部的)前面 at table 进餐at the table 在桌子旁边 by sea乘船 by the sea 在桌子旁

三.数词的特殊用法 1.数词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 Two months is quite a long time. 两个月的时间很长。 Four and two is six. 4加2 等于6.

2.不定冠词用在序数词前表示“又一,再一”。I’ve tried three times.Let me try a fourth time. 我已经试过三次了,让我再试一次。

Part five: Practices:


1.Mr Black lives on the __________ (six)floor.

2.Jack will come back on the _________ (twenty-three) of next month.

3.Different people may have different _______(idea).

4.Chinese is one of the most important ___________ (language) in the world.

5.I often go to work on _______ (foot).

6.Autumn is the ________ (three) season of the year.

7.I know one of the _______ (boy).

8.Mr Brown is wearing a pair of _________ (glass).

9.The _________ (seven) boy is very strong.

10.It’s time for _________ (we) to have supper.

11.Two _______ (family) live in this building.

12.In autumn, you can see a lot of ________(leaf)on the ground.

13.Mother’s Day is on the _______ (two) Sunday in May.

14.They left Guangzhou on the _______(nine)of June, 2007.

15.Daming was the ________(five)runner past the finishing line.

二 根据首字母提示填入正确的单词。

1.In this job you get four week’s h________ a year.

2.They t_______ to the nearest town for shopping on Sundays or for church on Sundays.

3.The f_______ took three hours.

4.T____________ come to your eyes when you cry.

5.He would be home by the e________ of June.

6.I d_________ of being the best footballer in the town.

7.H_______ the baby in your arms for a minute, please.

8.The old woman felt n________ as she tried to cross the busy road.

9.I find no i________ in such things.

10. A b_______ fireman rescued the woman.

11.Compared with a train , an a________ is much faster.

12.What form of t______ do you like most, bus, train or taxi?

13.What is the d_________time of the flight?

14.We went there by c________ rather than by train.

三 用所给动词的正确形式填空。

1.My holidays _________ (pass) quickly, and I would go back to school in a week.

2.He _________ (stay) with his father while he was ill.

3._________ (spend) holidays by the sea is his dream.

4.Who _______ (more ) my book?

5.She ________ (wear) a pretty dress today.

6.I'd like to go,but I'm _________ to.(able)

7.The sun ________ behind a cloud. (appear)

8.The teacher made some _____ to prepare us for the examination.(suggest)

9.He is on his best _____.(behave)

10.I was ________ with my friends.(travel)

外研社英语九年级(下)Module 2

Module 2 Education

Part One: Words:

1.geography 地理学 2.physical 身体的;体力的3.PE体育;体育课 4.really非常;很;实在;确实 5.neither 两者都不;均无的6.present在场的;出席的 7.absent 缺席的;不在的

8.speech演说;讲演 9.biology生物学 10.safety 安全11.fortunately幸运地 12.drug 毒品

13.Spanish西班牙的;西班牙语的;西班牙语 14.French法国的;法国语的;法语15.involve牵涉;牵连;影响 16.training 训练17.athletics田径运动 18.society 社团;协会19.disco迪斯科舞会;迪斯科舞厅

Part Two: Phrases:

1.swimming pool游泳池 2.a huge sports ground 一个巨大的运动场3.get top grades 取得高成绩4.be surprised at 对--- 感到吃惊5.pass exams 考试及格6.a secondary school 一所初中

7.go to primary school上小学 8.make a speech 做演讲9.stand for 代表---10.as well as 也

11.instead of 代替12.between--- and---- 在-----和-----之间13.such as 例如14.a large sports ground 一个大运动场15.at the beginning of在-----开始的时候 16.once a week 一周一次 Part Three: Sentences:

1. Did you do anything interesting? 你做过有趣的事情吗?

2. Did you visit her school? 你参观过她的学校吗?

3. She took me there herself. 她亲自带我去那里。

4. It isn’t as big as ours. 它不如我们的大。

5. There are a few science laboratories. 有一些科学实验室。

6. And they have a hall for concerts.并且他们有一个开音乐会的大厅。

7. Which school is better? 哪个学校较好?

8. Both schools are very nice. 两个学校都很好。

9. And neither school has anything the other hasn’t got.


Part Four: Grammer :


1. 代词的种类 英语中的代词有人称代词,指示代词,物主代词,反身代词,疑问代词和不定代词等。

2. 人称代词 1)主 宾格的区分 人称代词在句中作主语时用主格形式,作宾语和表语一般用宾格形式。

2)it 的用法 it 除用来代替上文中出现的名词以外,还可以用来表示时间,天气,距离和重量等。如:It’s 12 o’clock. It’s a fine day today. It’s 20 miles from here.

3) 人称代词的顺序 当有多个人称代词并用时,需注意英语中人称代词的排列顺序与汉语不同。汉语中喜欢说“你,我,他”,而英语中要说“you, he/she and I”。但是复数人称代词的排列顺序是 we,you and they.

3. 指示代词 this, that, these ,those.

4. 物主代词 主要是区分形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。名词性物主代词从意思上讲相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”,其作用与名词相同。要特别注意his 和its,这两个代词可以是形容词性的,也可以是名词性的。

5.反身代词 英语中的反身代词在句中常作宾语和同位语。如:

May I introduce myself? You may go and ask the teacher himself.

6. 不定代词 1)some 和 any 2) none 和 neither 都表示否定的意思,两者的区别在于,neither 用于两者,而none 用于两者以上。3) (a) little 和(a) few (a)little 修饰不可数名词,(a) few 修饰可数名词;little , few表否定; a little, a few表肯定. 4) all 和both all 表示“所有的,全体,一切”的概念,both 表示“两个都”,而all 指两者以上,同时可以指不可数的东西。all和both 在句子都位于行为动词之前,连系动词之后。

7. 疑问代词 指用于构成特殊疑问句的疑问句,包括what ,who, which,whom, whose 等,代


Part Five :Practices:

一 用所给代词的正确形式填空。

1.She is _______ ( I ) classmate. 2. I love _________(they)very much.

3.Miss Li often looks after ________ ( she) brother.

4.--- Whose pencil is this? ---- It’s _________ (I).

5. --- Are these _________(you) pencils? --- Yes,they are _______ (our).

6. --- Are these ________ (they) bags?

---- No, they aren’t _____ (their). They are ______ (we).

7. Do tell your friends about our hotel. Any friend of _______ (you) is welcome here.

8.Drive carefully, or you will hurt _______ (you).

9.All parents love their children, and my parents love _______ (they), too.

10.The pen is ______(she). She wrote ________ (she) name with it by_________(she).

二 根据首字母提示填入正确的单词。

1.That was a r_________ enjoyable evening.

2.N________ of the two boys has passed the geography examination.

3.That s_________ is still famous.

4.F__________ , the planes appear to be q uite safe.

5.Some of the most i_________ names came from American Indian languges.

6.Would you like anything e_________ to drink?

7.We’ll have tea in the garden i________ of in the house.

8.He arrived b_________ six and seven last night.

9.We’ve been doing experiments for 24 hours without a b________ .

10. Everyone of us, e_________ him, went to watch the basketball match.

外研社英语九年级(下)Module 3

Module 3 Now and Then

Part One:Words:

1.debate 辩论2.illness病;疾病 3.precent 防止;预防4.medicine 医学5.suppose猜想;假设6.relaxed 放松的;松弛的7.eldest 年龄最大的8.married已婚的;结婚的 9.couple夫妻

10.diet 日常饮食11.disease 疾病;病

Part Two:Phrases:

1.in the past 在过去2.free time 空闲时间3.do one’s best 尽力4.do a composition写作文

5.public transport 公共交通6.make more pollution 制造更多的污染7.be more relaxed 更加放松8.life in Beijing在北京的生活9.all one’s life 一生10.a full-time job 全职工作11.fall off 摔倒12.get married 结婚

Part Three: Sentences:

1. Is life today better or worse than it was 50 years ago? 今天的生活比50年前更好还是更糟?

2. The most important difference is that people are healthier today,and they live longer. 最重要的不同是今天的人们更健康,寿命更长。

3. But people don’t take as much exercise as they did.但是人们不能像他们锻炼的多。

4. People walk or use their bikes less, and they’re lazier. 人们走路或少用自行车,他们更懒了。

5. And that makes life more dangerous and less healthy .那使得生活更危险和更不健康。

6. I really want to do my best.我确实想尽力。

Part Four: Grammer:

形容词和副词的比较级 使用形容词和副词的比较级和最高级时应注意以下几点:


He is taller than any other student in his class.(any other student 里面已排除了he)

This watch is the best of all the other watches.(all the watches 包含前面的this watch)

Shanghai is larger than any city in Australia.(上海不属于澳大利亚,所以city 前不必加other)

2.从数量上看,比较级用于两者(人或事物)之间的比较,表示其中一个比另一个“更----”或“较----”。如:This apple is bigger than that one. He is older than Tom.

Kate is the shoutest of the three. The red sweater is the cheapest of all the sweaters.

3.从结构上看,比较级前面不能用very,so, too, quite 等修饰词,但表示比较级的程度时,可以用much, a lot, a little, a bit, even, still 等修饰词。如:

This box is much heavier than that one. Of all his novels I like this one best.

往往用of 或in 介词短语来表示形容词和副词最高级的比较范围。of 短语所指的范围通常是一群人或一些事物,而不是一个场所;如果指一个场所,则用介词in.如:

He is the strongest of the three. He is the strongest in our class.

4.当比较双方只出现一方(没有than及其后面的部分),且句中含有of the two 时,比较级前要加the.如:He is the taller one of the two boys.

5.表示一方随另一方的程度而变化时,用“the +比较级(主语+谓语),the +比较级(主语+谓语)”结构,意为“越---- 越----” 如:The busier he is, the happier he feels.

6.不同其他人或事物相比,表示本身程度的改变时,用“比较级+ and + 比较级”结构为,意为“越来越----”如:The weather is getting warmer and warmer.

Part Five: Practices:

一 用所给词的正确形式填空。

1.These shoes are much too __________(big) for me.

2.It is very ________(important)for us to learn maths well.

3.Now John works ________ (care)than before. His parents are proud of him.

4.Things are much ________ (light) on the Moon than on the Earth.

5.Our school is more ________ (beauty) than yours.

6. I think apples are ________ (delicious) of all the fruits.

7. China has ________ (large) population in the world.

8. Peatrl River is one of the longest __________ (river) in China.

9. The Yellow River is the _______ (two) _________(long) river in our country.

10. Edison was a great ________ (invent). He _______(invent) so many _________(invent) since he was a child.

二 用所给形容词或副词的正确形式填空。

1.People live________(long) than they did in the past.

2.Life today is _______ (good) than it was years ago.

3.There weren’t so ______ (many) cars in the past as there are today.

4. Public transport is ________ (much) better today.

5. The more he talked, the______(excited) he grow.

6. Schoolchildren today work ________ (hard) than we ever did.

7. You’ll be even ______ (relaxed) after the school trip.

8. It was ________ (common) for married women to go out to work in the past.

9. I helped my_______(young) brother with his homework yesterday evening.

10.We got married a year _______ (late).

外研社英语九年级(下)Module 4

Module 4 The way we look

Part One: Words:

1.dress连衣裙 2.fit(形状和尺寸)适合,合身 3.glove 手套4.overcoat 外套;大衣5.scarf 围巾;头巾6.thick 厚的7.size尺码;号 8.cool时髦的;酷的 9.fashionable流行的;时髦的;时尚的10.logo(组织或公司的)标志;商标 11.well-hnown众所周知的;著名的 12.designer(衣服)由著名设计师设计的;设计师 13.advertising(总称)广告 14.dollar美元 15.succeed 成功;做到16.personality个性

Part Two: Phrases:

1.look forward to+n/doing期望做某事 2. the school trip 学校旅行3.a new shopping centre 一个新的购物中心4.the shop assistant商店售货员 5.take a look 看一看6.for some time 一段时间7.be fashionable时尚的 8.be comfortable 舒适的9.look cool 看上去很酷10.look different看上去不同 11.spend ---on --- 花费12.the number of -----的数量13.in fact 事实上

14.well-known著名的 15.millions of 数百万的16.ask for 寻求17.look at 看---- 18.walk along 沿着---- 19.travel around 绕----旅行20.show off炫耀 21.put on穿上

Part Three: Sentences:

1. It’s cold in May. 在五月冷。

2. Turn left and go along Wangfujing, and it’s on the right.向左转,沿着王府井走,它就在右边。

3. We go by bus. 我们坐公共汽车去。

4. I’ll meet you in front of school at two o’clock this afternoon.


5. Let’s see if they have one in blue.让我们看看他们是否穿蓝色的。

6. It’s that girl with long hair over there. 那边留长发的是个女孩。

7. Oh, take a look at that amazing skirt! 奥,看一看那惊人的裙子。

8. I think we’re going to be here for some time.我认为我们将在这里待一段时间。

9. Many young people today care about the way they look.今天很多年轻人关注他们的看法。

10. What’s the logo on your trainers? 你的跑鞋上是什么标志?

Part Four: Grammer:



We often play basketball after school. She was late for school for getting up late this morning. My father went to New York for a meeting last month.

1.介词短语的用法 1)作状语:通常放在动词之后或句末。

He goes to school by bike after breakfast.


The girl with long hair is my sister. I will take the one on the left.

3)作表语:放在系动词之后。The teachers are in the office now.

The hospital is on your right.

2.动词短语与宾语的位置 1) 动词短语是“动词+介词”的结构,宾语放在介词后面。 You can think about my idea. We have looked for it here and there.

2) 动词短语是“动词+副词”结构,宾语如果是名词,可放在副词后面,也可放在动词与副


You must write down the words.= You must write the words down.

You must write them down.

常见的此类动词短语有:pick up, put on, turn on, turn off, take off, try on等

Part Five: Practises:

一 用正确的介词填空。

1.People like to travel __________ air in summer.

2.The old woman died _______ a windy night.

3.She sleeps early ________ night and gets up early _______ the morning.

4.It’s not for _______ Guangzhou _______ Shanghai.

5.Our manager is _______ holiday in the south.

6.These students are not afraid ________ their teacher at all.

7. I’ll tell my classmates that you can look _______ a baby very well.

8. She often drinks tea________ her friends _________ her garden________ the afternoon.

9. Hurry______, or Mother will be angry ________us.

10. They found the dog ______ last.

二 用所给动词的正确形式填空

1. This pair of shoes ________ (not, fit) me. I will have to buy a new pair this evening.

2. I hope you_________ (succeed) in the future.

3. I _______(suppose)we will get there soon.

4. This lesson _________ (involve) a lot of work.

5. What ________ (prevent) you from joining us last night?

6. He ________(nod)and went out with us.

7. They ______________ (stop, talk) when the teacher came in.

8. I ________ (teach) English here since I________ (become) a teacher.

9. We _________ (go) to visit Uncle Wang’s factory if it_________ (not, rain) tomorrow.

10.---- When _________ the plane ________ (arrive)? ---- Five minutes ago.

外研社英语九年级(下)Module 5

Module 5 Rules and suggestions

Part One: Words:

1.rule规则;规章 2.suggestion 建议3.rope绳子 4.stream小河;溪 5.clear明白清楚的

6.starving 非常饿的;饥饿难忍的7.valley山谷 8.peaceful安静的;平静的 9.site场所

10.gesture示意动作;手势 11.stick 枝条;枯枝12.still 静止的;不动的13.woods 树林

14.hillside 小山坡15.sudden 突然的16.blood血17.damage损害 18.cause造成,引起;原因,起因 19.effort 努力20.fifth第五 21.order顺序,命令;命令22.director主任 Part Two: Phrases:

1. be worried about担心----- 2.something to eat吃的东西 3.go climbing 爬山4.personal safety 个人安全5.a few rules and suggestions 一些规定和建议6.keep to the path 沿着小路走

7. get lost 迷路8.the top of the mountain山顶 9.lead the way 领路10. come on 加油11.feel tired 感觉累12.take place发生 13.in the tent 在帐篷里14.keep food safe 保持食物安全

15.fall sleep 入睡 16.in the middle of 在---- 中间17.a strange noise 一个奇怪的声音 18.the sound of water 水声19.pick up the rubbish 拾起垃圾20.turn around 到处转

Part Three: Sentences:

1. You must keep to the path. 你们必须要沿着小路走。

2. You mustn’t walk along the edge because you might fall and hurt yourself.


3. We should start walking. 我们应该开始走。

4. We can take a look across the countryside. 我们穿过乡村可以看一看。

5. I may need a rest very soon. 我们可以尽快休息一下。

6. You have to think about personal safety! 你必须考虑个人安全。

7. You can’t leave anything which bears might think is food.


Part Four: Grammer:


can, could 1.can 表示有做某事的能力,意思是“能,会”。如:The little boy can read books.

2.can 表示推测时,只能用于否定句和疑问句,不能用于肯定句。如:

They can’t be working at this hour. Can he be at home?

3. can 在口语中常用来代替may, 表示允许,意为“可以”,即同意对方做某事。如:You can have my seat. I am going now. Children, you can’t throw the ball over.

4. could 常用于委婉客气地提出问题或看法的疑问句中。如:Could you lend me your pen? may, might 1.may 表示允许做某事,肯定回答用Yes,please.如:

------ May I go and see a movie, please? ---- Yes, please.

2.may 表示推测时,用于肯定句,不能用于疑问句,很少用于否定句。如:

He may be at home. He may be still waiting for us. I am not so sure.

3.might 表示过去可以做或可能发生的事情,也可以代替may, 比may 的语气更委婉,可能性更小些。如:She asked me wheather she might use my dictionary.

must, must’t 1.must 表示主观上认为必须做的事情,用在宾语从句或间接引语中,也可以表示过去必须做的事情。如:We must go hand in hand with time.我们必须与时俱进。 I told him that he must be there on time.

2.must 表示推测时,只能用于肯定句,不能用于否定句和疑问句。如:

Your mother must be waiting for you at home. He must be at home.

3. 在回答must 的疑问句时,肯定回答用must, 否定回答用needn’t 或 don’t have to,而不用mustn’t, 因为mustn’t 表示“禁止”之意。 如:

----- Must I hand in my exercises now? ----- Yes, you must./ No, you needn’t /don’t have to. Part Five: Practises:

一 用情态动词can, may, must, have to, need 的正确形式填空。

1.--- _________ we do eye exercises every day? -----_______ Yes, we must.

2. ---- ________you read the text in English? --- _______ Yes, I can.

3.---- _________ I use your new bike? ---- No, you mustn’t.

4. They got up too late. They ______ go to work by bus.

5. He______ stay here. He may go now.

6. The light is on. My mother _______ be at home.

7. The apples are too high. He _______ reach them.

8. Lucy’s mother is ill in hospital. Lucy ________ look after her.

9. _______ I come a little later tomorrow? I don’t feel myself.

10. You ______ tell it to anyone.

二 用方框中词语的正确形式完成下列句子。

clear fall asleep hurt oneself lead noise reach out starvevoice

1.What’s the matter with your fridge? It makes a strange________________.

2.Mum, what’s for supper? I am _______________ .

3.The boy _________ a hand for the flower.

4.She heard a___________ from behind, “What on earth are you doing here?”

5.Last night I was too excited to____________.

6.Tony fell down from the motorbike and ________.

7.He spoke very _________ and we could easily understand him.

8.The dog can __________ the blind man across the street.

三 根据所给中文完成下列句子。

1.He asked if there was a_________ (小溪)near the village.

2.The girl is afraid to see ____________(血)。

3.What ________(引起)his illness?

4.You must use _______ (绳子) to go rock climbing.

5.Smoking is not ______________ (允许)in the library.

6.The policeman __________(命令)the dog to lie down.

7.Mr White would like to spend a__________ (平静的) day in the garden tomorrow.

8.How many _________(枝条)have you picked up by now?

9.There are some farmers in the______________ (山谷).

10.It__________(损害)the village a lot..

11.Do you know if the police dog can___________ (带路)?

12.The worker worked day and night __________ (为了)earn more money.

13. The children ____________________(沿着右边走) of the road.

外研社英语九年级(下)Module 6

Module 6 Look after yourself !

Part One: Words:

1.fever发烧 2.flu流行性感冒3.knee 膝盖 4.wound伤,伤口 5.miss不在 6.trip 绊倒;绊

7.improvement 改善;改进 8.oncoming迎面而来的9.couch长沙发 10.expert 专家11.require需要12.fit 健康的13.amount 数量14. weight重量 15.effect 影响16.cooker 厨灶17.shock 电击18.hit 打;击19.glad 高兴的20.breathe 呼吸21.cancer 癌症22.fix 修理

Part Two: Phrases:

1. have an accident发生事故 2.lie on the ground躺在地上 3.a bit cold 有点冷4.had better do sth. 最好做某事 5.of course 当然6.get a fever 感冒7.Thanks to--- 幸亏----8.be born 出生

9.in the 19thcentury 在十九世纪10.think about 考虑 11.plenty of许多 12.fast food 快餐

13.at weekend 在周末14.stop doing sth.停止正在做的事情15.as a result 结果是16.help--- with—帮助---做---- 17.fix one’s bike修某人的自行车 18.give up放弃 19.as well 也20.an old saying 一句格言21.in the gym 在体育馆

Part Three: Sentences:

1. What’s happened to them? 对他们来说,发生了什么事?

2. I think it’s going to rain. 我认为天快下雨了。

3. I’ll go back and look for them. 我将回去,寻找他们。

4. He has had an accident. 他发生了一次事故。

5. He was running along the wall when he tripped. 他正沿着墙跑,这时候他绊倒了。

6. He has cut his head, and his shoulder hurts. 他伤了头,肩膀受伤了。

7. When did he fall? 他什么时候摔倒了?

8. Will he live? 他将活吗? 9. Of course he will. 当然他会。

Part Four: Grammer: 时态 八种:

1.一般现在时 动词构成:动词原形/动词第三人称单数(主语是第三人称单数)

时间状语:often, always, usually, sometimes, every day, in the morning 等。

作用:表示习惯性,经常性的动作;表示现在的状态与特征;表示普遍真理。 表示习惯性的动作) (表示经常性的动作) ?(表示现在的状态) (表示普遍真理)

2.一般过去时 动词构成:动词过去式。

时间状语:yesterday, the day before yesterday, two years ago, last week, in 1998等。 作用:表示过去的情况或过去习惯性的动作。 (表示过去的情况) 表示过去习惯性的动作)

3.现在进行时 动词构成:am/is/are +动词现在分词

时间状语:now, at the moment, these days, Look! Listen!等。

作用:表示说话当时正在发生的动作或现阶段正在进行的动作。 现在进行时也可以表示计划最近将要进行的动作,常用的动词有go, come, leave,arrive 等,句中常会有一个表示将来的时间状语。

表示态度,情感和感官的动词不能用于进行时态,如like, know, want, hear 等。

4.过去进行时 动词构成:was/were +动词现在分词。

时间状语:at this time yesterday, at that time, at nine o’clock last night, frome seven to ten yesterday morning 等。

作用:表示过去某个时刻或时段正在进行的动作。He wasn’t working at that time. from eight to ten o’clock last night?

过去进行时还可以与一般过去时搭配用于时间状语从句中。强调动作延续时用过去进行时,强调动作瞬间发生时用一般过去时。常用连词为when, while. 5.一般将来时 动词构成: am/ is / are going to + 动词原形;will+动词原形。

时间状语:tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next month, in 2010等。

作用:表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态。 6.过去将来时 动词构成:was/ were going to +动词原形;would +动词原形

时间状语:the next year, in the future 等。

作用:表示从过去某个时间看将要发生的事情,此时态常用于主句是一般过去时的宾语从句中。Linda told me that she would go to the park the next day. 7.现在完成时 动词构成:have/ has +动词过去分词

时间状语:already, yet, ever, never, just, before, for a long time, since 1998, so far, in the past few years 等。

作用:表示过去的动作对现在造成的影响,或者持续到现在的动作或状态。 each other since he left school.

Tom has studied Chinese for five months.

8.过去完成时 动词构成:had+动词过去分词。

时间状语:by the end of last term,the week before 等。


时间状语:by the end of last term, the week before 等。 Part Five: Practises:

一 用所给动词的正确形式填空。

1.Listen! Someone ________ (knock) at the door.

2.She _______(draw)a horse at this time yesterday.

3.We ________ (study) in this school for three years.

4.If it_______ (not rain) tomorrow, they______ (go) fishing.

5.How many times_______ the girl_______ (see) the film since last year?

6.These foreign friends _______ (be) to the Great Wall twice.

7.Do you know if he________ (come) next week?

8.When we _____ (arrive) home yesterday afternoon, the wind_______ (blow) hard.

9.Hurry up! We _______ (wait) for you.

10.The boy is not hungry. He ______ (have) his lunch.

11.I _______ (tell) her the news as soon as she _______(come) back.I promise you.

12.The teacher told us that we ______ (not have) a maths test the next Monday.

13._________ the bus _______ (come) yet?

14.By the end of last month, he _______ (teach) us four English songs.

15.Our teacher often ________ (work) at night, but she usually ______ (go) to work on time.

二 运用所学短语,词汇完成下列句子。


He said _________________________ near his home yesterday.


Her son __________________ and doesn’t feel like _____________________.


That boy _____________________ the tree and there was____________________.


The police warned the people_______________________.


Don’t work____________.Your health ______________ that you____________.

外研社英语九年级(下)Module 7

Module 7 Eating together

Part One: Words:

1.finger(拇指以外的任何一个)手指 2.basket篮子3.bread面包4.fork (吃食物用的)叉子5.knife刀 6.lemonade 柠檬味汽水;柠檬饮料 7.pancake 烙饼;薄饼8.serve (为---)端上(食物和饮料)9.spoon勺;匙10.hold 举办;召开11.hot 辣的12.roll 小圆面包13.Roman 罗马人14.saying 格言;谚语15.cheers(用于祝酒)干杯 16.plate 盘子 17.explanation解释;说明18.cross 恼怒的;生气的19.generally一般地;通常 20.over结束 21.blind瞎的 22.sense

感觉官能23.taste 味道24.owner 所有权人;主人25.bee 蜜蜂26.officer 官员27.course 一道菜

Part Two: Phrases:

Part Three: Sentences:

1.I have been asked to decorate the hall.

2.Pizza was invented in Italy.

3.Knives and forks are used for most food.

4.There is some food which can be eaten with your fingers.

5.You’ll be invited to serve yourself.

6.If you’ve been given something you don’t like, it should be pushed to the edge of the place and left.

外研社英语九年级(下)Module 8

Module 8 On the town

Part One: Words:

1.dialogue 对话 2.line台词,对白 3.nurse保姆;护士 4.recite背诵 5.role 角色6.row (剧院,电影院等的)一排座位7.servant仆人 8.bit (事物的)一部分,一段9.superb极佳的

10.impressed印象深刻的 11.front前面 的 12.nightlife夜生活 13.musical音乐剧;音乐电影

14.Japanese 日本的;日语的;日本人的15.industry 工业16.trade贸易

Part Two: Phrases:

1.at the end of—在-----结尾2.in the front row在前排3.the story of Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶的故事4.everyday English日常用语 5.be pleased to do高兴做某事 6.marry sb.嫁给某人7.recite sth背诵什么.8.go to the theatre 去剧院9.sports fans 运动迷10.world-famous 世界著名的

Part Three: Sentences:

1.Did you have anything to eat before you went to the theatre?


2. New York is a great place to see the big names and top stars in films, television,theatre and music. 纽约是个大地方,能看见在电影,电视,剧院和音乐中大名字和顶级明星。

3. Sports fans have plenty of chances to watch some great sport.


4. To watch baseball, go to the Yankee Stadium.要看棒球,去Yankee 体育馆。

5.It’s easy to see why they call it “the city that never sleeps”.


Part Four: Grammer: 动词不定式


1.作主语 动词不定式作主语时,谓语动词常用单数,其位置有以下两种形式:

1)置于句首。如: To obey the laws is important. To read in the sun is bad for your eyes.

2) it 作形式主语,真正的不定式主语置于句尾。如:

It’s our duty to take good care of the old. How long did it take you to finish the work?

2.作宾语 1)能带不定式作宾语的常见动词有:agree , begin , decide ,forget , hope , like , love, learn , prefer , start , want , wish 等。如:He wants to get there before noon.

I forgot to bring my English-Chinese dictionary here.

2)当复合宾语中的宾语是不定式时,先用形式宾语it 代替不定式,把不定式置于宾语不足语之后,即:主语+谓语+it+宾语不足语+不定式。如:

We all think it important to tell him the news this morning.

Do you think it hard to get rid of these bad habits?

3.作宾语不足语 1)tell , ask , teach , want , would like 等动词或短语后可接不定式,作宾语不足语,还可以接“疑问词+不定式”作宾语。如:Would you please ask him to call me this afternoon? He taught me how to ride a bicycle.

2) see , hear , feel , find , watch 等感官动词和let , make , have 等使役动词后面的不定式做宾语不足语时,不定式通常省略to. 但在被动语态中,不能省略to. 如:

Let him go on speaking. The spy was seen to steal some papers by them.

4.作表语 不定式作表语,表示具体的动作或将来的动作。如:

My hope is to learn English well. What he said is to put off the meeting.

5.作定语 不定式在句中作定语,置于被修饰的名词或代词之后,指一个未来的动作。如: Do you have anything else to say? He is not a person to get along well with.

6. 作状语 不定式作状语, 通常置于句首或不及物动词之后,表示目的。如:

They went to visit the Science Museum last month.

To catch the early bus, he got up at five o’clock.

Part Five: Practises:

一 把下列句子改写成与原句意思相同或相近的句子。

1. To get up early is good for your health.

_______ is good for your health __________ ____________ up early.

2.To work in this room is pleasant.

____________ is pleasant _______ _________ in this room.

3.To waste money isn’t a good habit.

_______ is a ________ habit _________ __________ money.

4.You were very kind to do so.

_________ was very kind _______ you _________ _______ so.

5.It’s necessary for her to listen carefully.

She needs _________ _________ carefully.

二 用所给动词的正确形式填空。

1.How long did it take you _________ (finish) the work?

2.The next train __________ (arrive) is from Washington.

3.We think it quite important for us _________(learn) a foreign language well.

4.I hope ________ (study) in Beijing University in two years.

5.It seemed impossible _________ (save) money.

6.It is stupid of you ________ (write) down everything that the teacher says.

7.Remember _________ (send) my letter to her.

8.This made me ________(think) of a lot of things.

外研社英语九年级(下)Module 9

Module 9 English for you and me

Part One: Words:

1.achieve完成;达到 2.bright 聪明的3.handwriting书法 4.level水平5.certain某些;一些

6.however不管多么 7.fairly 向当地8.wherever 无论在哪里9.own拥有 10.everyday 每天的;日常的11.essential 极其重要的12.tourism旅游业 13.quarter四分之一 14.industrial工业的

15.recent近来的 16.Arabic阿拉伯语 17.typhoon台风 18.importance重要性 19.Indian印度人 20.speaker说某种语言的人;发言者;演讲者21.period 阶段;时期22.express表示;表达

Part Two: Phrases:

1.be proud of 是----- 的骄傲 2.have been to 曾经去过某地3.need to improve 需要提高4.be good at 擅长---- 5.how much progress 多少进步6.above all 以上全部7.a forergn language 一门外语8.continue to do连续去做-- 9.practise your English 练习你的英语10.an English corner 一个英语角11.no matter 无论;不管 12.in the world 在世界上13.be used for 被用来--- 14. a quarter of the world’s population 世界人口的四分之一15.in the 20th century 在20 世纪

16.what’s more 另外

Part Three: Sentences:

1. It’s the subject that I’m best at, although my handwriting could be better.


2. It’s the most important foreign language that children will learn at school, because it’s essentinal for tourism. 它是孩子们在学校里将学习的最重要的语言,因为对旅游来说,是极其重要的。

3.Until English became important in the 20th century, people who had any education spoke French. 直到在20世纪英语变得重要,受过教育的人们说法语。

4.The UK was a country whose industrial products were sold all over the world.


5. But it’s also important to remember that English has borrowed many words.


6.Even though there are differences, we all belong to the international English speaking world. 虽然有些不同,我们都属于传统的英语口语世界。

Part Four: Grammer:

1.宾语从句 有三种形式:that+陈述句,if/whether+陈述句,疑问词+陈述句。如: He told me that he would keep practising. I wondered if she had got my letter.

He told me where he lived.

2.表语从句 1)表语从句放在系动词之后。如:

The question is whether we should accept their invitation.

2)where , why , how 等引导的从句作This is 或That is 的表语时,表示具体的地点,原因,方式等。如:This is why we put off the meeting.


The reason for his absence was that he was ill.

4)as ,as if, because 有时也可以引导表示从句。如:Things weren’t as they seemed to be.

3. 定语从句 1)限定性定语从句起限定性作用,是句子不可缺少的部分,与先行词间无逗号,翻译时译成前置定语。如:Those who want to go , please sign your names here.


This note was left by Jack, who was here a moment ago.

3.状语从句 1)时间状语从句:连词有when , while , as , as soon as , after , before , until , since 等。 如:They went on working as soon as the rain stopped.

We arrived when she was watching TV.

2)地点状语从句:连词有where, wherever等。如:There are lots of sheep where I live.

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