


It’s that dangerous moment that drivers fear most: nodding off at the wheel. Falling asleep at the wheel couldfor more than 20 per cent of accidents on dull roads such as motorways, according to a recent medical report. , these involve running off the road or into the back of another vehicle, and are more likely to cause serious injury owing to the sleepy driver’s failure to

__ Of course, it is a fact that the body’s biological clock has a major peak at times when sleepiness is naturally higher. Although I have never had this happen to me, men under 30 are the most exposed to danger, as they are the drivers most typically out on the roads in the early hours. , they take more risks in driving when sleepy.

Devices are now being marketed as in-car monitors of driver sleepiness, seemingly to warn drivers, but doubts are being raised about these devices. What is the point of alarming drivers already aware that they are sleepy but who still in driving? What is more, these devices are of unproven reliability and may simply encourage drivers to take further risks. Not only does driving motivate tired drivers into putting more effort into awake, but, in this kind of , sleep onset can be delayed. These best device is either to find some reason not to drive at night, or to get the car off the road as soon as possible, if you’re nottoo bright and lively!

Psychologists agree that conflicts are inevitable in any long-term relationship. However, what matters most is the way in which they are resolved rather than theof any given conflict itself. According to recent psychological studies, the methods couples use to settle their differences are vital to the success or failure of a relationship.

Although extremely behaviour patterns are undesirable, what must be avoided at all costs is the control of anger. Simply doing nothing about a problem is not aoption; it leads to feelings of bitterness, which in turn can cause a relationship to break down irretrievably(不可挽回地). Indeed there are some psychologists who believe that it is this inability to deal with conflicts that accounts for a large proportion of the ever-increasing cases of .

It is essential for couples to communicate when things start going wrong, and this

to almost any couple, however long the relationship may have been going on. The most successful method of resolving differences involves a three-stage process. Firstly, one partner should tell the otherwhat the problem is and should try to be positive rather than negative so as not to create any additional tension. Secondly, the couple should discuss the problem in detail, taking care not to remind them of old quarrels. Finally and perhaps most importantly, there should be until an agreement is reached. This does notmean that the problem will be solved and a couple may

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