


1.When he was only thirty years old,most people only experience when they are

much older.

A.what B.which C.who D.when

2.Please put the medicine on the top of the shelf. It’our children can’t reach it.

A.what B.that C.where D.how

3.Sorry I’ A.what B.how C.why D.when

4.Danby left a message with the professor he would call again in the afternoon.

A.who B.that C.as D.which

5.It has been proved ’s health.

A.whether B.when C.what D.that

6.I suggest you saveA.what B.that C.how D.where

7.Even if there is no scientific proof yet ______ secondhand smoke causes cancer, there is no reason why

nonsmokers should be forced to take this risk.

A.whichB.that C.when D.where

8.life began on the earth is one of the biggest puzzles to scientists.

A.How B.What C.Where D.That

9.The researchers determine what type of plants the virus can infect(感染) andinsects can carry the virus.

A.thoseB.why C.which D.how

10.—It’s reported that the new underground line has been completed.

—Yes but it hasn’t been made clearit’s to be opened to traffic.

A.that B.who C.what D.when

11. A.whatB.that C.which D.where

12.It is still unclear ______ the little boy got the CD player to work.


13.You should explore your talents to us to find out ______ your real interests lie.

A.whatB.where C.whichD.how

14.The Mekong River Commission has found no evidence ______ the dams on the upper reaches have an influence on the water flow downstream.

A.which B.thatC.whereD.what

15.-How do you usually find out about new software?

-In the magazines like Popular Electronics. That’computer companies usually advertise.

A.which B.where C.what D.why

16. A.that B.how C.what D.where

17.--- Did you telephone Uncle Sam our plan for the Christmas holidays on his farm?

--- Yes, he was happy about our arrival, and he eagerly asked whenA.has we arrived B.we had arrived C.were we arriving D.we were arriving

18.—Why are you staring at me?

—You look stupid! The way you wear is annoys me most.

A.which B.where C.how D.what

1—5 ACABD6---10 ABACD 11—15 ADBBB 16---18 BDD

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