Intensive Reading


Intensive Reading

Book 1·Unit 1

1.convince of doing/sth.

2.There be + n + to be had in doing sth.做...是...的

3.There is really good to do sth=(there is no use to do sth)做什么、、、、没好处,没意义

4.tear sb away from sp.舍不得离开某地

通常我们说看见什么(I see sth )=sth come into my view

5.put a smile on sb face =make+adj(diffcult、、、)effort to smile

6.Be a man to do sth. / Be man enough to do sth./Be brave to do.

7.陷入get truck(rise)to

8.there is no time to do =(the time for doing sth was over and gone)

9.give rise to/bring about(坏)/lead to

10.take advantage of 利用...优势

11.find the trace of sb. 找到某人的小痕迹

12.hills of rubbish

Ocean of datathe stream of cars

13.rain let up 雨渐渐变小

14.Shoulder one’s way (很拥挤)

The noise shakes the air.(噪音大) a daze/ faint/dizzy / spin

16.Have no desire to do sth

Unit 2


国用的:state –owned

存折:saving account books


收支平衡:make the ends meet



Copy cat 山寨 shoddy伪劣

3. Very much(with a special passion )

A pencil mustache (浅胡渣)

Sandy hair(亚麻色发色)

Gender difference性别

Hold ones attention on 保持注意力

5.Didn’t think twice=without hezatation As to =as for =concerning

Zero /home in on sb(aim a gun at sb)针对某人 Be on介入=(the plice are on the case)

6.the middle/senior aged 中年/老年 fortyish四十几

7.Think twice before you leap.三思而后行 Now if you’ll excuse me.就谈到这儿吧

8.kill 杀手锏 opening savings 突破点





1、for want of 因缺乏...

2、give a ball 举办舞会

3、something of +{?人物;?身份,职业,特征} 注释:有几分像,有.....的味道,在某种在程度上。

4、outright=burst out 突然迸发出......

e.g: laugh outright

5、soared into the air 振翅高飞


?sweeping=absolutely 绝对的

?sweep over 横扫

7、all+n. 仅仅,只是

e.g:all style 只是形式

8、a piece of{?一片;?一点点}

e.g:? a piece of bread

?a piece of luck

9、upon my word=in my eyes 在我看来


一、写作代替词汇 Only\ just barely 仅仅,只是 clever flexible\ crafty straight e.g I’ll be straight with somebody 说实话...... Go away be on one’s way not bad moderately 还不错


1、on the beat=on duty 值勤

2、for show 炫耀

3、a gust of wind 一阵风

4、make a picture of 勾勒...的画面

5、a air of.... ....的氛围

6、walk up (说明有坡度,台阶)

7、speak up=speak loud 大声说出来

8、start for=leave for 离开...去某地

9、make one’s fortune 发财,谋生

10、come a thousand miles to...... 千里迢迢

11、get stuck in 僵化,,受阻

12、keep an appointment=fill an appointment 遵守约定,履行约定

13、in 用于表示某种心情

e.g :in blue

Unit 11

1.wolf :Hold the wolf by the ears骑虎难下

You have a wolf in your stomach. 饿极了

Keep the wolf from the door. 勉强过活

See a wolf 目瞪口呆

Waking a sleeping wolf: ask for trouble

Set the wolf to keep the sheep. 引狼入室

2.pick up :?Let’s pick up after lunch.午饭后再聊



3.Not that =that is not to say那并不意味

4.Take to(表带来的结果):Further studying takes her to higher position.

5.Rocket into the air 冲入天空

6.Double-coooked 五分熟

7.Fix/cast an eyes on

8.Fog the truth/mind 混淆真相/模糊思绪

9.Ears pointed 耳朵竖起来 pointed nose 高挺的鼻子

10.Mate(动物的配偶) couple(人的配偶)

11.White wine 白葡萄酒

12.All for the best ....是最好的结果

13.Flakes of snow 鹅毛大雪 snow flakes雪花

14.A blanket of smog 厚厚的雾霾 mist 雾气

15.Only to .... 意料之外的

16.Blow out 慢慢熄灭 消失

17.困境:get stuck / dilemma / hardship / adversity /be in trouble

18.Meat 肉类 flesh 人肉、血肉之躯 pulp果肉 beef 牛肉 mutton 羊肉 pork 猪肉

19.Work one’s way to 慢慢走向... Work my way out of my bed 艰难起床

20.Searching party 搜救队

BOOK 2·Unit 1

1. Be fresh out of graduate school (green hand , in

young people )

2. Semester(term)

3. Part of the students body (one of the students)

4. Faculty(teacher)

5. Have specialized in sth. (be good at )

6. Be exposed to (face with ,be access to ,be accessible to 接近靠近面对)

7. Sth/It matters much to do (it is very important for us to do ) one’s +num.,

8. Have a high sense of duty /honor/dignity to do

9. Put it (speak ,explain ,tell, state i.e.)

10. More or less =approximately

11. Useful pursuits (great ambition /intention/goal)

12. Rear sb’s children =raise sb’s children

13. Preside over sth.(take control )

14. Without shuddering (with fear )

15. Put sb. In touch with sth. (make sb. Understand )以sth作为视角,sb.简化

16. The chances are that few/more if sb. Will do ( it is likely ….)

17. As it is true of sth. So it is true of sth,(如…一样……也一样………)

1.With a second’s hesitation (immediately ,at once ,right away )

2.Though ,instead 至于句中,插入语形式

3.Resolve with sth. (determine to sth. ,decide to sth,)

4.I’am awakening (表示一个过程动词进行时)

5.Weed-free (除杂草) duty-free (免税) pollution-free food(无公害食品)

6.Industrial (artificial ,manual) 人造的

7.Difficult to grasp ( out of control)

8.At work =come into play (be efficient )

9.Make one’s first visit (pay a visit to)

Unit 4

1.As sth.(pl) go =as ....(adj) as sth.

2.i.e.=that is to say

3.交通拥挤: ?high/heavy traffic ?traffic jam / the rush hour ?the stream/flow of traffic

4.the fiow of money/cash ...的流动

5.Element:?the element of sth (原因/基础)

element of surprise/truth/risk/doubt etc 几分惊讶/真实/风险/怀疑 ?be in/out of your element 自在、适应/不自在、不适应

Against the elements(pl) 对抗坏天气

?The Five Elements(大写、复数) 五行

6.on record 自有记录以来

7.(noun) of form and rules=in order

8.A blast of wind 一阵风 chunks of ices 大冰块 a black river 昏暗的河流

9.For the moment eg:For the moment represented by sth.

For a moment(表持续) eg;For a moment she just stood here In a moment=right now /at once

10.not necessarily不一定

11.Sth. bring sb. to sth.(tears/attention)

12.冲突:in collision / conflict with / at war with / have words with sb.

13.rise to the occasion 挺身而出

14.Of four (nouns)... three can... 四者中的三者

15.In the line of duty 尽职

16.One’s line 说的话 / between the lines字里行间

Make a remark 讲话 / deliver a speech 演讲

Harsh remark 刺耳的话

17.stick in mind /bear in mind

18.Emotinal impact情感冲击

19. Commitment / responsibility

Be commited/responsible for

20.see ....(品质等)in sb.

21.Have no choice but to do / have no alternative(毫无选择) to do

22.Let it happen 任其发生

23. Hold one’s attention / keep one’s thoughts on

24.make distinctions of good and evil is not to say 并不是说

26.hold it to a standoff 相峙

27.under-developed pockets of the country贫困地区

28.single-handedly 单枪匹马

29.words: sensational 耸人听闻的 stunning 极好的 balding 秃顶 immovable 冷漠 crucial 生死攸关的 benevolence 仁爱 odd/ weird 古怪的dot 波点 stripe 条纹 check 方格 diagonal斜纹


1、Come to terms with 与..达成协议 面对 忍受 接受 对待 You need to come to terms with reality.

How difficult it has been for us to come to terms with the legacy(遗产) of slavery and institutionalized(使...制度化,使...成为惯例) racism(种族主义).

Put up with

2、make use of facilities to the full.=make full use of facilities Do justice to oneself 充分发挥自己的才能

3、On/by/under the contract 依据该合同

Contract with 承包 与,,,定有合约

Social contract 社会契约

Breach of contract 违反合约规定

4.breach of duty 失职 breach of faith 背信弃义

Be in breach of 违背... Fundamental breach 根本性/重大违约 Security breach 安全漏洞 anticipatory(预期的)期前违约

5.China Compulsory Certification 中国强制认证 3C认证Compulsory Education 义务教育

Compulsory /required course/subject必修课

Elective/optional course选修课 public/basic course 公共课 Specialized /professional course 专业课

Assessment 评价 评估 评定 考核

Breach 违背 破坏 裂口 v.违背 突破

Bestow (on/upon) medal授予奖章 给予

Browsing 浏览 啃草

Bloodshed 流血暴力事件

Comprising 构成 包含 consist of ,be made up of ,be comprised of Contract 合同 合同 婚约 契约 v缩小 缩短 订合同 招致 感染病 Commitment 承诺 保证 信奉 现身 委任 交押

Chief 首领 族长 最重要的

Compulsory 强制的 义务的 势在必行的

Contract 合同 婚约 合约 契约 缩小 订合同 感染 招致

Dire 可怕的 悲惨的 极其的

In dire need of 急需 In dire poverty and misery 极度贫穷和悲惨 dispense 分发 分配 免除

Dispense with(摈弃 免除) the usual formalities 日常礼节/手续就免了吧

Executive 行政的 决策的 经营的 execution 处决 执行 实施

Fulfill formalities/ one’s desire /task/destiny/dream/oneself(完全实现某人的抱负)

Inspect 检查 视察

Impose 强加 强迫 征收税款

impose on 利用 欺骗 施加影响于 impose a fine 处以罚款 Instance 实例 情况 例子 场合 举例说明

Lavation my soul 洗涤我的灵魂

Monkey v胡闹 嘲弄 模仿 monkey business胡闹 欺骗 恶作剧 Monkey with 瞎弄 乱搞

Parallel 平行的 相同的 类似的 n对比 平行线 双杠 相似物 v与平行 相比 相应

Parallel with 平行 与比较 in parallel with 与平行 与同时

Incentive 诱因 激励

Laboratory 实验室

Purchase 采购 获得

Perception 观念 洞察力 认识能力

The perception of risk has soared(翱翔 高飞) 危机感猛增 Review 检讨 评审 检阅 评论 product review 产品评价 Scan 扫描 浏览

Showrooming 展厅销售 Term 条件 条款 关系 措辞 Voucher 代金券 凭证包含内容:建筑图纸、PDF/word/ppt 流程,表格,案例,最新,免费下载,施工方案、工程书籍、建筑论文、合同表格、标准规范、CAD图纸等内容。


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