





一、从下列每组单词中选出一个不同类的单词(5分)() 1. A. door

B. doctor

C. farmer

() 2. A. knifeB. noodlesC. fork() 3. A. bedroom B. schoolbagC. bathroom() 4. A. Chinese B. chopsticks C. English() 5. A. strong

B. quiet

C. soup


((B. box C. home(

B. we

C. Red


1.Let2. I have new_______. 3.My uncle is a _______. 4.I can use chopsticks for_______. 5.The_______is on the sofa. 6.Is he _______ ? No, he isn’t.

7.Where’s the chairs? They are _______ the desks. 8.The _______is so cute.9.Who is he? He is my _______.

10.I want to go to the _______ take a shower. 四、单项选择(10分)

地址:兴水弄153号(景华中学对面) 李老师 13858096834

() 1. --- _____________--- Some books and a pencil box.A. Where is it?B. What’s this?C. What’s in it? () 2. My friend ______ short. She ______ long hair.A. has, isB. is, hasC. is, is () 3. --- ___________ is it ? ----It’s blue and white.A. WhatB. What colourC. Where() 4. ---____ this your father?---Yes he is?A. AreB. Is C. Am

() 5. --What would you like ____ dinner?--I’d like some beef and noodles.A. at B. inC. For ()6.--How many people are there in your family, Chen jie ?A .ThreeB.I’d like some milk C.She is a farmer()7.--____ the light , please!

A. Turn onB.OpenC.Close ()8.Go to the ____ .Have a nap; go to the ____.Have a snake.

A.living room; kitchen B.study; bathroomC.bedroom; kitchen ()9.I’d like some soup.Pass me a ____,please.

A.fork B.knife C.spoon()10. ____in your schoolbag?

A.What’s B.WhereC.Who’s 五、看图完成下面句子(8分)

1. Mr Black likes to make a_______ . 12 2. I have a _______ . It’s _______.

3. The _______ are on the table. 34 4. Look at the elephant. It has a long_______. 六、读句子,选出正确的图片(10分)

()1.We have a new classroom.A



)2.Put your Chinese book in your desk.AB 1


( )3.Let me clean the window. B

( )4. I have a good friend. He’s tall and strong.


( )5.He has short hair. He has glasses.

七、根据上下文,从所给的5个句子中选择正确的选项,将对话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母编号写在相应的横线上(10分) ( )1. What would you like for dinner? ( )2. What’s in your schoolbag? A.Some books and a pencil-box. ( )3. Would you like some beef for dinner? B.It’s on the desk. ( )4. Where is your schoolbag? C.She’s a doctor.

( )5. What’s your mother’s job? D.I’d like some vegetables.

E.Yes, please!

八、连词成句 (16分) 1.name his Wu Yifan is (.)

_____________________________________________ 2.the where glasses are (?)

_____________________________________________ 3.that brother your is baby (?)

______________________________________________ 4.near is it the picture (.)

______________________________________________ 5.can I chopsticks noodles use for (.) ______________________________________________ 6.big hair and he short eyes has (.) ______________________________________________ 7.some I’d fish noodles rice and like (.) ______________________________________________

地址:兴水弄153号(景华中学对面) 李老师 13858096834

8.people many there how are your in family (?) ______________________________________________ 九、将句子重新排列成一段话 (14分) ( )I’d like some noodles. ( )Mum,I’m hungry. ( )Thank you,Mum.

( )Would you like a knife and fork? ( )What would you like? ( )Dinner’s ready.

( )No.thanks.I can use chopsticks for noodles.

十、读对话,然后将人物与对应食物连线,并判断正确(12分) Chen Jie’s mum: Dinner’s ready. Help yourself.

Children: Thanks. $8 $2 $5 Chen Jie: What would you like, Amy? Amy: I’d like some fish, please.

Chen Jie: Would you like some soup?

Amy: No, thanks. I’d like some juice. Chen Jie: What would you like, Sarah? Sarah: I’d like some beef.

Chen Jie: Would you like some soup? $15 $10 $12 Sarah: Yes, please.

Chen Jie: I’d like some chicken and noodles. 1.( ) Amy would like some fish and some soup. 2.( ) Sarah would like some beef . 3.( ) Chen Jie doesn’t like some juice. 4.( ) It’s time for lunch. Sarah



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