



()1A China B EnglandC Park

()2A milkB waterC cake

()3A cameB finishC dropped

()4A whenB waitC want


1 go ( ) 2 buy ()3 does ( )4 come ()5 make ( )6 take ()7 put () 8 give ()9 get ()10 meet ()

A went B met C boughtD got E didF put G took H came I madeJ gave 三将下列短语翻译成汉语(10分)

1 at the weekend ______________2 need food _______________ 3 make a list _____________ 4 lots of places ____________5 last Sunday ______________ 6 live in ________________ 7 take photos _______________ 8 give out ________________9 on the line _______________ 10 Don’t argue.______________________


1 What did you do?

2 Where did you go?

3 When did you go there?

4 How did you go there?

5 How much milk do you want?

A Two bottles. B I went there by bus.

C I went there yesterday afternoon. D I took photos. E I went to the Great Wall.

五 句子接龙,选择正确的序号。

1 What’s the matter_________ A my ice cream.

2 We came back ____________B come back?

3 I dropped _____________C last Sunday.

4 When did you ________________ D with you.

5 Do you live in _____________E London.

六 单项选择。(20分)

()1 Amy and Sam came ________ last Sunday.

A in B back C from

( )2 Do you live ___________ this city?

A inB on C from

( )3 ----__________ did you come back? -----Last summer.

A WhereB WhenC What

( )4 We ___________ back last Sunday.

A goB came C come

( )5 Lingling ________ her ice cream yesterday.

A dropB drops C dropped

( )6 Please wait _________ me.

A of B for C off

( )7 -----_________ did your father do last night? --- He watched TV.

A WhereB WhatC When

( )8 I _________ near Amy and Sam now.

A live B lived C living

( )9 ---Is this your pen? ---No, ________ is at home.

A yours B mine C my

( )10 Is this Amy’s schoolbag?

A Yes, it’s her. B Yes, it’s she. C Yes, it’s hers.

七 阅读短文,用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10分)

Yesterday I _________ (go) to the park with my friends, we __________ (take) photos. There _____ (are) many ________ (child) in the park, we ______ (buy) ice cream and two _______(bottle) of juice, three ________ (kilo) of milk. Then we _______(come) back from park. I ______(am) very happy, because I ________ (meet) my English teacher.

八 选词填空。(10分)

How many, How much

1 _________________ bananas do you buy?

2 _________________ cheese did you buy?

3 _________________ apples did you buy?

4 _________________ oranges did you buy?

5 _________________ meat did you buy?

九 选词填空。(10分)

waswalk tookweekend went

1 They ___________ photos in the park yesterday.

2 There __________ a river last year.

3 They __________ for one hour.

4 I _______________ home at ten o’clock.

5 Where did you got at the ____________?包含内容:建筑图纸、PDF/word/ppt 流程,表格,案例,最新,免费下载,施工方案、工程书籍、建筑论文、合同表格、标准规范、CAD图纸等内容。


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