


Unit 2 单 元 检 测 题

Part ⅠListening

Ⅰ. Listen and number.(听录音,给图片标序号) (6分)

() ()()

() ()() Ⅱ. Listen and choose.(听录音,选择与所听单词属于同类的单词)(分)

() 1. A. hippoB. chocolate C. nineteen D. eraser

()2.A.breadB. sixtyC. black D. jeans

() 3. A. scaredB. milk C. behindD. flag

() 4. A. lionB. zero C. lamp D. shirt

() 5. A. popcornB. orangeC. skateboardD. elephant Ⅲ. Listen and choose.(听录音,选择你听到的句子)(10分)

() 1. A. Guess where we are today.

B. Guess where we are at the moment.

() 2. A. London is full of history and culture.

B. Linda can feel the history and culture of the country here.

六年级英语单元检测题 第 1 页 (共 5 页) 10

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