

PART 1THE TOP TEN CONFUSING AND COMPLEX SENTENCES IN 2009 NETEM (2009年考研真题10大疑难句及分析) 十大疑难句之一—倒装句 【真题例句】According to the standard history ofAmerican philosophy,nowhere else in colonialAmerica was"so much imPortance attached to intellectuai Pursuits.”(2009一4一1) 【疑难分析】本句中的“was so much importance attached to intellectual pursuits”是一个谓语动词的部分倒装形式,其倒装的原因是否定副词“nowhere"出现在主句的句首。如果本句谓语动词不倒装,其句子结构应该是“so much importance was attached to intellectual pursuits”。 【参考译文】根据美国哲学权威历史,在殖民时期美洲的任何其他地方都没有如此重视过知识追求。 十大疑难句之二—同位语从句 【真题例句】 Progress in both areas is undoubtedly necessary for the social,political,and intellectual development of these and all other societies ; however,the conventional view that education should be one of the very highest Priorities for promoting rapid economic development in poor countries is wrong.(2009一3一1) 【疑难分析】本句中的“that education shguld be one of the very highest priorities for promoting raid economic development in poor countries” 是一个同位语从句,用来进一步说明其前面的名词“view”,表明“view”的具体内容。 【参考译文】对于贫穷国家和所有其他的社会、政治以及知识发展,正规教育和经济发展这两方面的进步毫无疑间是重要的;但是,教育应该是促进贫穷国家经济迅速发展的最优先考虑的事情之一,这样传统的观点是错误的。 大疑难句之三—分词短语作定语 【真题例句】”There’s a kind of false precision being hawked by people claiming they are doing ancesry testing.” Says Troy Duster, a New York University sociologist. (2009一2一5) 【疑难分析】本句中的“being hawked by people”和“claiming they are doing ancestry”是两个分词短语作定语,分别限定修饰其前面的名词“precision"和“people" ." being hawked by people"是过去分词短语作定语;“claiming they are doing ancestrytesting”是现在分词短语作定语。 【参考译文】纽约大学的一位社会学家Troy Duster说:“宣称进行血统测试的人们散播一种虚假的精确”。 大疑难句之四—省略句 【真题例句】This DNA can reveal genetic information about only one or two ancestor,even though,for example,just three generations back people also have six other great-grandparents or, four generations back, 14 other great-great-grandparents. (2009一2一5) 【疑难分析】本句中的“14 other great-great-grandparents”是一个省略句形式,其完整形式应该是:" people also h

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