





Ⅰ 单句语法填空

1.He is such a clever man that he always holds everything in his ____________(powerful). 答案:power

2.I think that it is hard for him ____________(settle) the problem by himself.

答案:to settle

3.They ____________(agree) to my proposal at the beginning, but I persuaded them finally. 答案:disagreed

4.Every day, I set my feelings ____________on the blog, which is my hobby.


5.He arrived at his hometown, tired and ____________(dust), on Sunday night.


6.At the beginning of the project, Paul made it clear that he would be ____________(entire) in control.


7.My brother went to ____________(German) for higher education.


8.(2014·湖南高考单项填空)Children, when ____________(accompany) by their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium.


9.There was once a time ____________women had no right to vote.


10.When you hunt for a job, it is not your book knowledge but your experience ____________ matters more.


Ⅱ 单句改错

1.What worried us most is that mother suffered bad heart disease.suffered后加from

2.It’s no pleasure look through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be 3.Although I try to talk to my classmates, I still find it hard make good friends with them.make前加to

4.It is your attitude towards it which matters. We should take the advantages and avoid some bad 5.It was raining cats and dogs, thus added their difficulty in transporting the supplies to the earthquake-6.I’dⅢ 完成句子

1.________________________(我们首先关心的) is the car’s safety performance, when we purchase a car.

答案:What we are concerned about first

2.________________________(在那家工厂工作时), he made many friends.

答案:While working in that factory

3.That was the last time that he ____________________(与他父亲面对面地谈话). 答案:had talked with his father face to face

4.____________________(厌倦了) staying indoors for days, we are longing to go out and relax ourselves.

答案:Having got tired of

5.________________(为了) make more money, he decided to move to Shanghai and work there. 答案:In order to

6.I wonder if ________________________(是因为我的粗心) that Mr.Smith was angry.


答案:it was because I was careless

7.____________________(那是第一次) the boy had gone home alone.

答案:It was the first time that

8.____________________(曾经有段时期) he was so crazy about pop songs.


There was a time when

【写作素材】 根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文, 并背诵成文。

1.要想拥有朋友, 你必须做一个诚实的人。 (in order to; have got to)

2.首先最好加入一些俱乐部并多参加活动以结识陌生人。 (join; join in)

3.其次, 一旦你有了朋友, 要学会去关心他们。(be concerned about)


5.最后但同样重要的是, 要和他们好好相处, 并经常和他们交流。(get along with)

【连句成篇】 (将以上句子连成一篇英语短文)

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ One possible version:

In order to have friends, you have got to be an honest person. First, you’d better join some clubs and join in some activities to meet strangers. Second, once you have friends, try to be concerned about them. Don’t ignore them at any time. Last but not least, you should get along well with them and often communicate with them.

Ⅰ 单句语法填空

1.The collected money should be made good use of____________(help) the people who suffered great losses in the earthquake.

答案:to help

2.As is known to all language learners, newly-learnt words will soon be forgotten unless ____________(frequent) used in everyday communication.


3.In addition to these traditional activities, we have a wider range of choices such ____________travelling and visiting our relatives or friends.


4.His story ____________(base) on his own experience when he was studying in Harvard University.

答案:is based

5.The travelling experiences ____________(rich) her understanding of each country. 答案:enrich

6.Nearly one hundred countries recognize English as their ____________(office) language. 答案:official

7.I tried to get through, but there were people____________(block) my way.


8.I went back to my hometown after 20 years and it had changed beyond all ____________(recognize).


9.As the weather ____________(gradual) becomes warmer and warmer, he will pick up soon. 答案:gradually


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