北师大高二上选修6 Unit 17


北师大高二上选修6 Unit 17

1. ___( have) difficulty ___ (withdraw) money from the bank , you can withdraw ___ online .

2.There was ___ little time ___(leave) that

he had to delay ___(cash)his cheque.

3.You can't imagine ___ forgetful he is .He frequently demand of me___(do) what I ___(do) .

4.So long as Tom___( break )up with her, Kate won't hesitate ___(make) up with him.

5.I demanded that he____( insist) on his initial decision.

6.Tall ___ he was, he wasn't ___mature a man that he overlooked the fault ___ his own.

7.The organiser cancelled the concert the fans had been ____ (expect),____ made them ____(puzzle) .

8.He pushed his___ to the front of Song Zhe ,who ____(queue) for some time and ____ (yell ) at him .

9.She didn't know howto clarify what ____(happen).You shouldn't___(ignore)her feeling then.

10.He was waiting in a queue ____ suddenly a man behindme stared at me.

11. The woman ____(lie ) on the grass for a long time and got her face ____(burn).

12.She insiststhe police ___(figure) ___

who __(kill) her boyfriend a couple of days ago ,but the police insists he ___(commit) suicide.

13.When ___(ask) why several people were infected with the bird flu ,the doctor ___(make) no response.

14.It ____(acknowledge) that China ____(develop) rapidly over the last couples of years.

15.It comes ___ no surprise ___if not carried out with caution,even a mature plan can end in ____(fail).

16.It is uncertain ___ she will enter the legal profession after_____(graduate).

17.Much to our ____(amuse),his ___(amuse) jokes make me ___(burst) out __(laugh) in no time.

18.All his family members ____(live) together, I felt he was ___ harmony with them.

19.Much technology ____(introduce) from America ,thus ___(result) in a quantity of increase in the production of the company.

20.There is no possibility ____ he can get rid ____ pressure from his life.

21.She can't resist ___(burst)____laughter.

22.____(scold) for ___(betray) Wang Bao, Song Ze may lead more unhappy life.

23.Her mother ____(forbid) her ____(delay) the wedding date but she insisted on ___ (put) it off until the end of the month.

24.The car ___ of control ran ___ the man ___(stand) alongside the avenue .

25.I constantly get into ridiculous situation ___I frequently feel ____(amuse).

26.I cannot make ___ clear ____ you love .

27.After ___(seat) beside the girl's bed , he is attending to the girlhis car ___(crash) into with concern. It seems as if she___his daughter.

28.He stood there with ____(astonish) look ___(appear) on his face.

29.He risked ____(lose) his life to save the ___(drown) girl regardless ___ his personal ___(safe).

30.___(make) an attempt to attend a better school, he used to busy ____ in studying.

31.She has a vast ___(collect) of stamps ,___(indicate) he likes them best.

32.Tom desperately cares for Kate, ___ inspires him ___( live )with a strong will.

33.He put ___ awkward look, ___made us


34.He couldn't put __with his wife and ___(put )___at a hotel for some time instead of ____(live) at home.

35.The film ___ him may turn you on,but it turns me ___.

36.When ____ the presence of her,we'll make ___ who she cares for.

37.Seldom ___ he scold her daughter except ____ she makes serious mistakes.

38.The reason ___ he admitted ___(cheat )her was partly due to the fact ___ he didn't want her to break up with him.

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