

Unit5 Helping


1. --- Alan! Why are you so late?

A. went B. am walking C. has gone D. was walking

2. --- I telephoned you yesterday afternoon but nobody answered.

A. see B. saw C. is seeing D. was seeing

3. --- I didn't see you when I went to your office yesterday afternoon. Where were you?

A. have B. will have C. am having D. was having

4. --- We couldn't find you anywhere around 8:00 yesterday evening.

A. danced B. will dance C. were dancing D. are dancing

5. --- Did you hear someone knocking at the door just now?

A. was listening to C. am listening to

B. listened to D. would listen to

6. --- I called you several times this morning, but you didn't answer.

A. played B. is playing C. would play D. was playing

7. --- Can you give me the right answer?

A. hadn't listened C. don't listen

B. haven't listened D. wasn't listening

8. --- What were you doing this time yesterday?

A. A. sit

A. was looking for C. is looking for

B. sat C. am sitting B. looked for D. looks for

D. was sitting


A. because of; Because C. because; Because A. because; because C. because; because of

B. because; Because of D. because of; Because of B. because of; because of D. because of; because

A. show I around C. show me around A. make A. in the A. In surprise C. To ours surprise B. makes B. in B. show I for D. show me for C. to make C. on the B. To our surprise D. To his surprise D. making D. on 二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 21. Our teacher often tells(告诉24. Keep quiet(保持安静三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 导致) me to believe there was some problem. 警告;告诫) him, but he wouldn't listen. 同样的) to the one that you made in yesterday's homework. 回复). 保护) those endangered wild animals. 注意) the traffic on both sides. 避开) the number 13 because they believe it is unlucky. 出现) at the party. 公众的) voting. 喊) for help. So he called the police. 客人) were there at his birthday party? 美味的). 礼貌的) boy, and we like him. 礼物) from my friends. 空的).


41. 离开课室时请关灯。

不要在墙上张贴广告)? (mind)(词数不限) --- Sorry, I won't do it any more.

43. 当别人犯错误的时候不要嘲笑他们。

44. 在公共场合大声说话是不礼貌的。

45. 令他惊奇的是, 他妈妈的电话改变了他的生活。(词数不限) 46. 我带你到处看看。 47. 当你听到火警警报时,应立刻离开。

48. 我们中国人见到来宾的时候经常握手、微笑。

49. 当我爸爸回家的时候,我正在写作业。

50. 他们那时不在打排球。


Lucy's mother is a pretty woman. She likes new clothes, and she buys many new clothes. They are buying things. She always comes to visit our family, they may think I must be a cook."

"A cook?" her husband says. "Do they think you are a cook? And you always buy so many new dinner."

51. A. same 52. A. with 53. A. buys 54. A. shop 55. A. other 56. A. at home 57. A. and 58. A. true

B. the same B. and B. buy B. to shopping B. others B. at work B. but B. false

C. different C. for C. buying C. shopping C. the other C. goes out C. because C. really

D. the different D. to D. bought D. to do shop D. another D. was out D. or D. real

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