




1. 本试卷满分为120分,考试时间为100分钟。

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1. How is the woman going to Shanghai?

A. By plane.B. By bus. C. By train.

2. What are the speakers going to do today?

A. Go outing. B. Watch a video.C. Do nothing.

3. When will the girl finish her homework?

A. At 8:00.B. At 8:20.C. At 8:30.

4. What does the woman mean?

A. She enjoyed the music at the party.

B. She liked the food at the party.

C. She didn’t have a good time at the party.

5. Why does Sally look unhappy?

A. She was hurt.

B. Her mobile phone was lost.

C. A young man hit her.


听下面3段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8三个小题。

6. What does the man do?

A. A policeman. B. A car seller. C. A repairman.

7. Why will the woman use the car this evening?

A. To a meeting. B. To a party.

8. What time will the woman give the man a telephone?

A. At about 5 pm. B. At about 5 am.


9. How long has the boy worked in the coffee house?

A. For two days. B. For three days.

10. Why does the boy work in the coffee house?

A. Because there are many foreign customers here.

B. Because he wants to improve his English.

C. Because he wants to travel around the world.

11. What does the woman want to offer the boy?

A. A tip. B. Some advice.


12. Where is the tour guide most likely speaking?

A. In Lake Park. B. On the bus.

13. How’s the weather today?

A. Cool. B. Warm.

14. What special view will people get here?

A. Houses of all shapes and styles.

B. Birds of all colors.

C. Schools, teachers and pupils.

15. What do people most like to do here in autumn and winter?

A. Take photos. B. Watch birds. C. To a restaurant. C. At about 4 pm. C. For six weeks. C. A job. C. By the bus. C. Hot. C. Enjoy the beauty.





16. We can’t find Anna Friedell’s __________ in the form.

A. interests B. address C. age D. experience

17. According to the form, where did Anna Friedell work?

A. In a restaurant. B. In a police station.

C. In a post office. D. In a computer company.

18. According to the form, how many foreign languages do you think Anna knows?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

19. What is Anna interested in?

A. Traveling and cooking.

C. Reading and writing.

20. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Anna lives in Arizona.

B. Anna can speak Chinese and Russian.

C. Anna’s phone number is (623) 555-1212.

D. Mrs. Heather Singleton is Anna’s high school headmaster.


When you like your teachers, it’s easier to pay attention to their explanations and improve your marks. When you consider your teachers as friends, you’ll certainly have more respect for them. When your teachers consider you to be a friend, they’ll feel more open in class and that will probably influence the classroom in a positive way. So a good relationship between students and teachers makes the classroom a very pleasant place. Now here are some tips to develop a friendly relationship with your teachers.

If you have any questions about that subject, ask them. Show them that you’re interested in their subjects. That will make them notice you. But never ask questions that you already know the answers to. If your teachers realize that you are not asking real questions, they might think that you’re not actually trying to learn, but only trying to make an impression.

You may also talk about non-school subjects with your teachers. When you see one of your teachers in the hall, greet him/her and ask if he/she is going to that concert or if he/she has seen that movie. That way you’ll show that you consider him/her as a friend. Some teachers don’t like to have friendly relationships with students, but most of them are happy to chat with their students. After a while, they may start to talk with you about The rest is totally up to you. It is very easy to develop a friendly relationship with any of your teachers. If you want to be friends with your teachers, just treat them as friends, but don’t forget that no matter how good friends you are, they will still be your teachers and deserve your respect.

21. What does the first paragraph mainly tell us? B. Playing basketball and diving. D. Playing football and traveling.

A. How to make friends with your teachers in or out of class.

B. How important a good teacher-student relationship is.

C. How to make yourself pay attention to your teachers in class.

D. Some tips for developing a friendly relationship with your teachers.

22. What does the underlined word “non-school topics” in paragraph 3 mean?

A. Topics about studies.

C. Topics about school life. B. Topics except studies. D. Topics you’re interested in.

23. When you ask a teacher questions you already know the answers to, __________.

A. you may make a fool of yourself in trying to be smart

B. it means that you really care what teachers think of you

C. you are actually trying to make fun of your teachers

D. it shows that you’re trying to pretend to know everything

24. What’s the main idea of this passage?

A. What a good teacher-student relationship is.

B. How to make friends with your classmates at school.

C. How to make the classroom a very inviting place.

D. How to develop a good relationship with your teachers.

25. Which of the following shows the structure (结构) of the passage? (P=Paragraph)


Rubbish sorting (分类) probably doesn’t sound like much fun. But there is a new mobile game that may change your opinion about it, and you might even learn something while you play it——Meet Sortee.

Meet Sortee is a puzzle game developed by Flow Studio, a

UK company. It makes you think deeply about everyday objects

(物体) and their meanings.

The rule of the game is quite simple. Two bins are placed on

either side of the screen. Each of the bins has a label next to it and

the label explains what it is for. When an object, such as a car or

an apple, appears on the screen, you need to decide which bin it

should be sorted into and then send it there by moving your finger.

The game seems easy enough at first. But as you move on to more levels, it gets harder. The number of bins increases to three or four and the time given gets shorter. You need to think and move faster. That can be really difficult.

There are 400 objects in total and more than 100 bins in the game. The more objects you correctly sort, the more game coins you can get. It’s a bit like working in a rubbish recycling center, but it has no bad smell.

You can download the free game from Apple’s app store (苹果软件下载中心), but it only lets you play the first few levels. If you want to open the next 40 levels, you need to pay 6 yuan for the full game.

26. The passage is probably taken from __________.

A. a postcard B. a newspaper C. a comic book D. a novel

27. Of the following, which order is right according to the third paragraph?

① An object appears on the screen.

② You send it by moving your finger.

③ Two bins are placed on either side of the screen.

④ You decide which bin to sort the object into.

A. ④③①② B. ①④③② C. ③①④② D. ③②④①

28. Which of the following can we infer (推断) from the passage?

A. You can play the full game for free. B. You can play the full game easily.

C. There are only 2 bins in each level. D. There are over 40 levels in the game.

29. The writer of the passage thinks ___________.

A. the rule of the game is quite difficult

B. rubbish sorting in the game is boring

C. the rubbish smells good in a rubbish recycling center

D. the game can help people learn about rubbish sorting

30. What’s the best title of the passage?

A. A Mobile GameB. Rubbish Sorting

C. Apple’s App Store D. A Recycling Center



International travelers, whether traveling for business or pleasure, will find themselves alone from time to time. Here are a few ways to meet new people and perhaps even get new travel chances.

31. __________________________________

Be relaxed and polite. Remember to put yourself in social activities. Restaurants, shops and parks are all great places to meet people. If you want to make local friends in a country, stay near the place the locals often visit.

32. __________________________________

Keep a small photo album in your bag when you travel. Photos of family, friends and pets will help your new friends learn more about you and give you things to talk about. They will share their own stories with you, and it will help you learn more about your new friends.

33. __________________________________

Can you help your new friends improve their Chinese? Can you cook a traditional Chinese meal? By sharing your skills, you can have a close friendship with your new friends that they won’t soon forget.

34. __________________________________

Many foreigners love Chinese goods but have to pay a lot when buying them in their homeland, so you’d better prepare some gifts such as silks, tea and works of art. They are always popular.

35. __________________________________

If you and your new friends get along well, you can give them your information and plan to live in each other’s house for your next trip. Then you can visit their countries and stay in their houses while they stay in yours. In this way you will improve your friendship and live like a local abroad, but pay less for traveling.




I was eight years old. At that moment in my life, I liked baseball so much that nothing was doings of those men in the black and orange caps. Even now, when I think of the That spring I was , “Mr. Mays, could I please have your autograph?” He said, “Sure, you got a ” I didn’t have one in my pocket. The great Willie Mays just stood there watching in . He just shrugged (耸肩)saying, “ Sorry, kid.” And then he walked out of the ball park into night. I didn’t want to cry, but tears started After that night, I started carrying a pencil plans for that pencil, but I didn’t want to be unprepared. I had been caught empty-handed once, and I wasn’t about to let it happen to me again. If something else, the years have me this: If there is a pencil in your pocket, there’s a goody you’ll feel glad to start using it.

36. A. difficult B. important C. excited D. useful

37. A. who B. what C. where D. which

38. A. behaviors B. interests C. addresses D. names

39. A. greater B. taller C. stronger D. kinder

40. A. joined B. taken C. brought D. carried

41. A. sadly B. simply C. quietly D. excitedly

42. A. cap B. pencil C. ticketD. pocket

43. A. surpriseB. silence C. joke D. anger

44. A. dying down B. putting downC. falling down D. running out of

45. A. change B. keep C. prevent D. remain

46. A. whenever B. wherever C. whatever D. whoever

47. A for B. after C. without D. with

48. A. special B. strange C. different D. usual

49. A. gave

50. A. lesson B. taught C. remembered D. warned B. chance C. game D. example





Wei Ming: Alice, I need some help! My parents are giving me too much pressure about school!

They always refuse to let me do what I (real) want to do. The only thing

I’m(allow) to do in my free time is study. I always feel upset and nervous.

Alice: Hey, Wei Ming. you may be unhappy with your parents, you should talk about

these feelings with them. Proper communication will help them know what you are

they give you so much pressure.

Wei Ming: It’s because they want me to get good grades in order to get into a good university. I


Alice:To tell the (true), I know all about such stress. I don’t think life should just be

about grades. Free time activities sports and hanging out with friends are

important, too.

Wei Ming: I totally agree. I need more free time to do activities I enjoy. This can help

me relax and be healthier.

Alice: Yes, you won’t get good grades if you’re stressed out all the time.

Wei Ming: Alice: Oh, you shouldn’t compete with your classmates to get grades. Instead

you should all be helping each other to improve.

Wei Ming:You’re right. Thanks for all the good advice, Alice.




61. A piece of chewing gum stuck to my shoe. It couldn’t be taken away e__________.

62. Many Chinese always regard T________ as the fourth day of a week. In fact, it’s the fifth dayin English.

63. Jane’s brother was the only kid at the party, so the toy truck must belong to h________.

64. “Now class, h________ in your papers,” the teacher said when the class was nearly over.

65. Engineers improved the software to make it p_______ for the blind to use the computer.

66. The book I bought last week c_______ me ten dollars, but it’s not worth the money.

67. The girl decided to make a paper card by hand on Mother’s Day to show her l_______ to her mother.

68. In the UK, more than 60 percent of 18-to-30-olds like w________ TV or DVDs instead of reading.

69. The girl has l_________ three foreign languages since she was three.

70. The post office is opposite. Be careful when you walk a_______ the busy street.


为迎接G20峰会,政府大力倡导“低碳生活,绿色出行”。对此你班在英语课上也进行了讨论,有同学赞同,有同学反对,你的观点是什么?现在请你以“Is it good to go out by car?”为话题,参照表内信息,写一篇英语短文。

注意: 1. 开头部分已写好,你只需接着写。

2. 所写内容必须包括表格中所有信息。其中自己的观点至少三个。

3. 词数:80个左右。

Recently there has been a discussion in my English class about “Is it good to go out by car or not?”___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

www.99jianzhu.com/包含内容:建筑图纸、PDF/word/ppt 流程,表格,案例,最新,免费下载,施工方案、工程书籍、建筑论文、合同表格、标准规范、CAD图纸等内容。


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