



Module1 British and American English


of magazines here. You can take whatever you like.

advantages to a five-day week.

from each other in many ways.

his lover to a rose.

they finally succeeded.

7. Generally speaking, he thought that lower class people betrayed themselves with their whenever they spoke.

difficult sums.

of weight.

of the meeting being put off?


11. I was (迷惑) by what she said just now and I didn't know what she meant.

12. He is in good shape as a result of the 多样性) in the diet with different nutrition.

13. It is 明显) that festivals are times of happiness and fun.

14. Try to 简化) your idea and tell us.

15. Your performance in the driving test didn't reach the required 标准)—in other words, you failed.

尝试) but all of them were in vain.

17. 比较) with western countries, China uses materials carefully.

18. He comes from Guangdong Province and speaks with a different 口音) from us.

19. The new 版本) of encyclopedia will appear in the bookstores next week.

20. Students often find it hard to understand the 结构) of some long and complex sentences.



21. 这对孪生兄弟有许多相同之处。

The twin

brothers 22. Your age shouldn't any whether you

get the job or not. (没有任何影响)


They 称这个男孩子为) a little hero.

24. 学生们喜欢第一个的原因如下。(词数不限) (be)

The reasons why the students the first one are as follows.

25. It was the driver's carelessness that 导致) the traffic accident. (词数不限)

26. 多亏了他的研

究), the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.


He总是问傻问题), which makes his mother annoyed. (always)

28. What

magazines (你定期


29. 计划这周讨论他的建议。(词数不限)

What he has suggested this week. (discuss)

30. 他两星期以前离开了家, 到现在我们一直没有他的消息。(词数不限)

He left home two weeks ago and 四、单项选择

31. I'm glad to learn that his attitude this plan is similar mine.

A. to; in B. towards; as C. to; to D. about; with

32. The twin sisters have with each other except that they look alike.

A. a lot in common B. little in common C. nothing to do D. no common

the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.

A. Comparing with B. Compare with C. Compared with D. To compare with 2

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