



Unit4 Cyberspace单元练习1(Lesson1&2)


science class.

if you just sit there and watch TV all day.

3. The Chinese government states that there is no to China from Japanese nuclear accident.

my family's religious belief.

to solve the traffic problem of the city.

in the sky.

automobile industry in the long term.

of the furniture in our new house took me a long time.

and soil aren't suitable for its growth.

that the sick child needs food and sunshine.


11. There are many new 科学的) discoveries.

12. It was at your 建议) that they set off on that long tour.

13. The 工程) wasted a considerable amount of time and money.

14. We should learn to stay 乐观) no matter what difficulty we may have in our lives.

15. It is 明显) that festivals are times of happiness and fun.

16. There has been a 增长) in the number of college students.

17. You are easy to be 攻击) when you are in red in front of a bullfight.

18. We shouldn't 排斥) different ideas just because we disagree on them.

19. If the sun were to 消失), what would the earth be like?

20. I hope the 安排) won't upset your plan.

21. If this heavy rainfall continues, it will surely 淹没) the crops.1

22. It is said that the early Mahjong was designed for 娱乐) and education.

23. The important decision will 影响) the company's future.

24. It's reported that 256 people in the 坠毁的) plane lost their lives.

25. The 现实) is that there is not enough money to pay for this project.


26. --- I wish to study chess and now I've got it!

--- Oh, it's wonderful! Your dream (实现了). (come)(词数不限)

27. We help adopted children who want to 与亲生父母亲取得联系)

28. 挂在墙上的那幅画是我侄子画的。(词数不限)

The picture was painted by my nephew.

29. --- 你来决定——你想干什么就干什么。

--- What shall we do tonight then?

--- whatever you want.

30. 她站在街道拐角处好像在等人。

She stood at the corner of the street someone.

31. 很显然他一开始就被愚弄了。 (词数不限)

he was fooled from the beginning.

32. The dark clouds suggest that 要下雨了). (词数不限)

33. 我们错过了公共汽车,看起来好像我们不得不步行去那里了。

We have missed the bus; it looks as if we 34. 乌云密布,天似乎要下雨了。(词数不限) (rain)

The dark clouds are gathering as if it 35. 打开电视你就会经常看到各种各样的广告。(see) (词数不限)

Turn on the television and you various kinds of advertisements.


36. --- Hi, Mr. Smith. Which department do you work in?

--- I am in the Marketing Department now, but I in the Sales Department before long.

A. worked C. have worked B. will work D. will have worked

37. Though she was much older than the other players, Zhang Ning to win the gold medal in the final match.

A. hung up B. hung down C. hung on D. hung out

38. If a man succeed, he must work as hard as he can.


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