新人教PEP 四年级上英语期中测试A卷(含解析+听力材料+听力音频)



满分:100 时间:60分钟

三年级班 学号姓名 成绩注意事项:

1. 答题前填好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息; 2. 请将答案正确填写在答题卡/纸上; 3. 考试时间60分钟,满分100分。

Listening Part(听力部分30分)


() 1. A、GYB、JNC、XO () 2. A、 sixB、classroom C、school () 3. A、too B、to C、two

() 4. A、Thirty-three B、forty-three C、Twenty-three () 5. A、lightB、boardC、picture

() 6. A、Good morning.B、Good job. C、Good idea.() 7. A、I'm full. B、I'm fine.C、I'm five.

II.听音两遍,选出你所听到的句子或与你所听内容意思相符的句子,将其前标号填入题前括号内。(5分) () 1. A、My friend is strong.B、My friend is thin.

() 2. A、My brother is in the classroom.B、My brother is near the window.

( ) 3. A、Chen Jie is tall. She likes English and music.

B、 Chen Jie is quiet. She likes science and music.

( ) 4. A、The ruler is in the desk.

B、The ruler is under the desk.

( ) 5. A、There is a desk, a chair and a Chinese book.

B、There is a desk, a chair and a walk-man.

( ) 6. A、There are 2 teachers and 30 students in the classroom.

B、There are 20 teachers and 40 students in the classroom.

( ) 7. A、The eraser is on the teacher’s desk.

B、The crayon is on the teacher’s desk.

( ) 8. A、John is strong. He likes sports and math.

B、Mike is strong. He likes sports and math.

( ) 9. A、I have a new schoolbag. It is purple.

B、I have a new pencil-case. It is green.

( ) 10. A、My classroom is very nice. I like it.

B、 My sharpener is very nice. I like it.


( ) 1. A、 In the classroomB、 It is a picture.

( ) 2. A、 She is my friendB、 She likes English.

( ) 3. A、 I’m Amy. B、 Her name is Amy.

( ) 4. A、 They are monkeys. B、 Near the door.

( ) 5. A、 Red. B、 Fans.

( ) 6. A、 Door. B、 Mom.

( ) 7. A、 Sure. Here you are.B、 You’re right.

( ) 8. A、He likes sports. B、 Yes. I like it.

IV.听音并选择你听到的图片序号。( 5分)

1. Let’s clean the .

2. I’d like some .


4. My sister has


V.听音并判断.对的打“√”,对的打“×”。 ( 5分)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

( )

Writing Part(听力部分70分)


1. 窗户 w 2. 计算机 ter

3. 书包 sch lbag 4. 强壮的 str g 5. 鞋 e ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


1. girl(对应词) ___________ 2. he’s(完全形式)___________

3. long(反义词)___________ 4. friend(复数) ________

5. she(对应词) ___________


( ) 1. 想让别人看看你的新书包,你应该说:________

A、I have a new bag, you see.

B、This is my schoolbag.

C、Look , I have a new schoolbag.

( ) 2. 当你看到了一个女孩的照片,想知道她是谁,你可以怎么问:A、What’s your name?

B、What’s her name ?

C、What’s his name ?

( ) 3. 你的一个朋友长得又高又壮,你可以怎么说:__________

A、He is tall and strong.

B、He is short and thin.

C、She is tall and quite.

( ) 4. 老师夸奖你们把教室打扫的很干净,会怎么说:____________

A、Good job. B、you’re welcome. C、Thank you.

( ) 5. 你想知道别人书包里装了些什么东西,你该怎么问:_________

A、What’s in your pencil-case?

B、What’s in your schoolbag?

C、My schoolbag is heavy.


( ) 1. Mike: Nice to meet you.

John: _____________________.

A、Nice to meet you, too. B、 Good morning. C、 Hi

( ) 2. Let ______clean the board.

A、 me B、 myC、 I

( ) 3. How many ________do you have?

A、 math booksB、 math bookC、 a math book

( ) 4. —— _________ is it?

——It’s red.

A、 What B、 Where C、 What colour

( ) 5.Look ________ the blackboard!

A、at B、 / C、 to

( ) 6. We ______ a new classroom.

A、 haveB、 has C、 had

( A、 friend B、 book C、 books

( ) 8.——_______ is my pencil?

——It’s under your book.

A、 WhatB、 Where C、 Who

( ) 9. I have _________ English book and ________ story-book.

A、 a, a B、 an, an C、 an, a

( ) 10. ——What’s name ?

—— Zhang Peng.

A、 he B、 His C、 herV.选择正确的答语。将序号填入题前括号内。(10分)

( ) 1. What colour is it? A、I have 6.

( ) 2. How many books do you have? B、It’s yellow.

( ) 3. What’s in your bag?C、Good idea.

( ) 4. What’s her name? D、Her name is Amy.

( ) 5. Let’s clean the window. E、3 pencils and many books.


1. go / Let’s / see / and / .


2. classroom / a / We / have / new / .

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