

高考备考材料:作文必备词汇中英文 (新) Mei Hong

1. (水/空气/土壤)污染 pollute (v.), (air / water/soil ) pollution (n.), polluted (adj.), pollutant (n.)

2. 浪费,(因)缺乏waste sth (v. ), be a waste of sth (n.), lack (in)= be lacking in, (a) lack of, for lack of

3. 发展/开发/冲洗(胶卷)/患(病)develop(v.), development (n.), 发展中/发达国家developing/

developed(adj.) countries, 逐渐培养/养成…的习惯develop an interest in, 可持续性发展sustainable development

4. 创造(力) create (wonder/miracle) (v.), creation/creativity (n.), creative (adj.),娱乐


5. 奉献devote(v.), devotion (n.) 致力于/献身于/专心于devote (oneself ) to doing sth=be devoted to

doing sth,专心的/忠实的/深爱的devoted(adj.)

6. 建设construct(v.), be under construction(n.), 建立7. 引起/导致 cause sb to do sth=lead sb to do sth=result in doing sth= lead to doing sth

8. 开了一个班会hold / have a class meeting on(doing)sth/ whether…, 激烈的讨论 discuss heatedly

(v.), a heated discussion (n.), 辩论debate(n./v.)

9. 赞同 be for= be in favor of = approve of, 反对be against, hold an/the opposite view that…

10. 破坏环境destroy the environment, destroys, destroyed, destruction (n. )

11. 方便 It’s convenient for sb to do sth.(adj.) = It’s of convenience for sb to do sth. (n.)

12. (当地)政府 the (local) government,本地人/当地人local/native people/population, 说本族语的人

native speakers

13. 就我而言/依我看as far as /I in my opinion/view/eyes/judgement

/case = in terms of me = personally (speaking)

14. (接近)自然,(有限的/可再生/可替代)自然资源(能源)/灾害(get/be close to) nature,(limited) natural

resources , natural disasters, renewable/alternative resources/energy

15. 对…负/有责任 be responsible for (adj. ) = take responsibility for (n.), have duty to do sth, be up to

sb to do sth, 承担责任bear/shoulder one’s responsibility

16. 释放温室气体emit greenhouse gases, 减排reduce emissions, 全球变暖global warming, 全球古怪

global weirding, 地球村global village

17. 在我们的日常生活中 in our daily life

18. 忍受stand/ bear/ tolerate/ endure/ put up with/ live with

19. 因此/所以/因为 therefore, so, as a result/consequence(of),起因于result from

20. 过低碳生活,节能 lead/live a low-carbon life, save energy(v.), an energy-saving(adj.) society, 过充

分发挥潜力的生活live life to its fullest potential,过最充实的生活live life to the fullest,过既有意义又有作为的生活live a meaningful and productive life, 生活地舒适live comfortably

21. (不)与和谐共处,和谐社会22. 变得越来越糟/沉重/拥挤/有趣/美丽become worse/heavier and worse/heavier, get more and more

crowded/interesting/ beautiful

23. 挤满, 充满be crowded with/ by, be filled with= be full of= be alive with

24. 早该采取措施/行动了。It’s high time (that) we took measures /steps /action., 一系列a series/

sequence of

25. 保护地球protect/ preserve the earth/ planet,保护/保持 preserve,保护/保留/预订 reserve,值得/应得


26. 人类 a human being, human beings, man, mankind

27. 联手/携手join hands (to do sth), hand in hand

28. 照料take (good) care of, look after, 照顾/处理/注意/听取/致力于attend to


29. (扔)垃圾(throw away ) rubbish/garbage/litter/trash (here and there/ everywhere)

30. 对…有益be good for = be beneficial to = do good to (doing),对某人好 be good to sb // 对…有

害 be bad for = be harmful to= do/cause harm/damage to, (创伤/伤口wound, 意外伤害injure/injury, 割破/切伤cut, 使受伤/使伤心/使受皮肉之苦/疼痛/受伤的/痛苦的hurt ( vt./ vi./ n./ adj.)

31. (不)擅长be good at= do well in, be bad at= be weak in = do badly in

32. 循环, 再使用recycle, reuse

33. (厉行)节俭 Thrift is a traditional good virtue., practicing thrift, thrifty(adj.),产品/货物/物品

produce/product/goods/items, 生活在贫困线下live under poverty line, 过节俭的生活live a saving life, 不浪费,不想要Waste not, want not. 感到羞愧feel ashamed of / to do, 时髦/流行(的)be in fashion, fashionable,过时be out of date/ style

34. 提高人们的环保意识,环保的,意识到raise people’s awareness of environmental protection,

environmentally friendly, be aware of / that…

35. 养成好习惯,戒除(改变/抵制抛弃)坏习惯form/ develop/build good habits, get rid of/

kick/change/reject (abandon)bad habits, 风俗习惯custom, 练习/实践/惯例/做法practice, 嗜好hobby

36. 教育(体制),深造educate(v.), educational system (adj.), further/higher education (n.), 一个受过良好

教育的/有教养的男士a well- educated (adj.) man

37. 严重疾病serious/severe diseases,生病/入睡fall ill/ asleep,恢复/痊愈recover from

38. 受益/害benefit (a lot/ greatly) from, suffer from

39. 应该负责任/应该受惩罚 be to blame for, answer for, 偿还/报答/惩罚/报复pay back,付…款,为…

吃苦头/受惩罚pay for,还清/努力得到回报pay off,付清全部欠款pay up

40. 健康状况良好,保持健康,保持健康平衡的饮食be in good health(n.), keep/stay healthy/fit, keep a 节食 go/ be on a diet

41. 节约时间金钱和精力save time, money and energy, 珍惜treasure/ value /cherish

42. 只有通过学会分享,尊重,给予,爱和合作, 我们才能创造一个和谐社会和享受一个更美好的生

活。Only by learning to share, respect, give, love and cooperate, can we create a harmonious society and enjoy a better life.

43. 合作,团队合作/精神cooperate(v.), cooperation(n. ), team/group work/ spirit

44. 包含/容纳/控制contain, 包括include, 包括我including me= me included

45. 尽快全力以赴/竭尽所能do as much as sb can to so sth =do all

sb can to do sth =try one’s best to do sth

46. 健康快乐地成长,抚养长大,成人grow up(vi.) happily and healthily(adv.), bring up(vt.),

grow--grew--grown, growth (n.), grown-ups= adults

47. 表现好/坏behave well/badly, 规矩点/老实点behave oneself,有好/坏礼貌 have good/ bad manners,

给…树立榜样set an example to sb

48. 交流/沟通,交际技巧,社交技能,社交的基本准则,社交场合communicate with (v. ),

communication(n.), communication skills, social skills, the basic rules of social communication, 在一个社交场合on a social occasion, 偶尔on occasion=occasionally

49. 尊敬,关心,理解,爱,合作,宽容,同情respect, care, understanding, love, cooperation, tolerance,

sympathy,对…表示怜悯have mercy on/ show mercy to sb, 误会 misunderstand(misunderstood, misunderstood),消除误会 remove misunderstanding,尊敬师长show respect for parents and teachers

50. 塑造个性 shape one’s character/personality, 培养品质/提高质量develop quality, 开朗/随和/慷慨/

诚实/勇敢/善良/无私/睿智/博学/有才智/谦虚/勤奋/热情/热心的outgoing, easy-going, generous, honest, brave, kind, selfless, wise, learned, intelligent, modest, diligent, enthusiastic, warm-hearted,美 2

德virtue, 自私selfish(adj.), 无私selflessness(n.), 是…的特点 It’s typical of sb to do sth.

51. 与…交朋友 make friends with, develop a friendship with

52. 与…相处好get along/on well with, be on good(bad) terms with

53. 很重要 matter/ mean (a lot / everything ) to sb, 分秒必争Every minute counts.

54. 幽默的,幽默/责任/成就/正义/自由感humorous, a sense of humor/duty(responsibility)/ achievement/

justice/ freedom

55. 与…保持(取得)联系/失去联系keep/ stay in touch with, be in / out of touch with sb(状态), get in

touch with sb, lose touch with sb =lose track of (动作) ,记录/保持联系/了解(的动态)keep track of

56. 体贴/谅的,相当大/多/重要的/该注意的/ 应考虑的,考虑,视作considerate, considerable(adj.),

consider doing, take into consideration/account (n.), consider (as/to be)(v.)= regard / recognize /see /view /treat/ keep…as=look on/ think of/refer to…as

57. 做…有困难/麻烦/问题 have difficulty/ trouble/ problems (in) doing sth,面临着困难be faced with

difficulties,直面困难face difficulties (bravely),克服困难difficulties,解决困难solve/ settle/work out /figure out difficulties, 惹麻烦make/cause trouble, 处于困境中/有麻烦be in trouble,陷入困境get into trouble,脱困be out of trouble,解决问题的关键 the key to solving the problem, 在危难/困境中in need, 贫穷的needy

58. 科目,项目,活动subject, program/project, event/campaign/ activity

59. 在(具大)的压力之下be under great pressure/ stress, feel stressed (stressful) / stressed out, 减/释压

reduce/ relieve /release stress

60. 感到挫败和沮丧/厌倦feel frustrated and depressed, be/get tired of= be bored with= be fed up with,

情绪低落/感到沮丧feel down, be in low spirits= be in a bad mood

61. 徒劳/白辛苦 be in vain, 在痛苦中be in pain

62. 使信服convince, 我相信I’m convinced, 确信/认识到be convinced of, 相信 believe, 信任believe

in= trust (in) (v.), 信任/信仰/信念belief (n.), 坚持信念hold the belief= be in the belief that…

63. 网上冲浪surf the Internet, 在因特网上on the Internet, 通过因特网via/ through the Internet, 登录/

注销log on/off, 点击鼠标/发送/与…一拍即合(一见如故)click on /away /with, 玩电脑游戏play computer games,语音/视屏聊天voice/ video chat with, 在线/网上聊天chat online

64. 可以接近/获得/使用have access to, be accessible, 可获得的/可以使用的/可达到的/有效的/空闲


65. 定期锻炼,运动,锻炼 take exercise regularly, do sports, work out, 踢足球/打篮球/慢跑/游泳play

football/basketball, jogging/swimming

66. 参加,竞赛join the army/club, join in/ take (an active) part in/ participate in, 加入join sb (in )doing

sth, compete in(v.), competition= contest, competitor (n. ), competitive (adj.)

67. (积极参加)课外/户外活动(take an active part in)after-school(after-class)/outdoor activities

68. (建立)自信,自尊 be confident(adj.), build up self-confidence (n.), self-respect/ self-esteem

69. 设置/实现目标/梦想set a goal, achieve/reach one’s goal, realize/ live/ achieve/reach/ follow/fulfill

/accomplish one’s dream/ideal, My Chinese dream will come true sooner or later. It’s a (实现了的梦想)dream come true. purpose/goal/ aim//target, 旨在/瞄准be aimed at, aim sth to do sth/ at doing sth

70. 对生活采取/有/保持积极的态度take/ have/ keep=maintain a(n) active/positive/ optimistic attitude

to/ toward (s) life, 消极/悲观的passive/ negative/ pessimistic,冷漠的/漠不关心的 indifferent, 客观的objective,主观的subjective

71. 努力/尝试/试图,努力,不遗余力,我的努力迟早会得到回报。(make an) attempt to do sth, make

efforts/ spare no effort to do sth, / My efforts will pay off sooner or later.

72. 被录取be admitted to, 承认admit doing sth


73. 失去信心,发脾气,迷路,丢脸lose heart, lose one’s temper/ way, lose (one’s) face

74. 放弃,屈服give up (on sb)= let go of, give in (to sb/sth) ,弥补make up for, 接通电话get through to

sb,通过/穿过/度过/通过议案/考试及格/接通电话/完成/结束/经过…后仍活着/用完花光get through,通过/经历/仔细检查go through

75. 成功/取得进步succeed ( in ) doing sth (v.) = make it = manage to do sth, success(n.), successful

(adj.) , successfully (adv.), make (great/ much) progress/ advances

76. 有作用/有影响/有所作为make a difference (to), 不重要/不要紧make no difference= It doesn’t


77. 选择choose---chose---chosen(v.), make a choice/ choices (n.)

78. 摆脱be free from(adj.), free (v.)from, 除掉get rid of, 逃离/离开/远离避免/摆脱get away from

79. 同时at the same time, meanwhile

80. 丰富生活,拓宽视野/知识enrich one’s life, broaden one’s horizons/knowledge

81. 对…诚实/友善/礼貌/粗鲁/忠诚/敏感/严格/生气/谨慎/认真/好奇be honest with, be friendly(kind)

/ polite / rude/ loyal (true) / sensitive to, be strict with sb /in sth, be angry/annoyed with, be cautious /serious / curious about,好奇(心)/古玩curiosity

82. 参加考试 take a test,欺骗/作弊cheat(n./v.), take in, Tom was caught cheating in the exam.

83. 努力学习/工作study/ work hard(v.), hard work(n.), hard-working(adj.)

84. 认为…理所当然take… for granted,认真对待/轻视(泰然处之)take… seriously/ lightly,正确对待

treat…correctly/ rightly

85. 以…告终 end up as/ with / (in) doing sth

86. 失败fail (in) the exam, fail to do sth(v.), Failure is the mother of success(n.). suffer from failure

87. 感激thank/ forgive/ blame (scold) sb for (doing) sth ( v.), be thankful/ grateful to sb/for sth(adj.),

express/show/give gratitude/ thanks to (n.), 感激/欣赏 appreciate doing sth, I’d appreciate it if you lent me a hand when necessary. (委婉), 自责blame oneself for (doing sth),道歉apologize (make an apology ) to sb for (doing) sth

88. 鼓励encourage sb to do sth(v.), encouragement (n.) inspire/ inspiration, 受启发/给灵感feel inspired,

感到被吸引feel invited to do sth,支持support, stand by, be on one’s side

89. 说服persuade sb (not)to do / into(out of ) doing sth, argue/tell sb into( out of) doing sth, 争论argue

with sb about/over sth, 坚决主张Sb argues (that…)

90. 牺牲sacrifice (n./v.)

91. 出生于be born on February 2nd, 1992 in Sichuan Province

92. 毕业于graduate from,毕业/辍学leave school, 上(大)学go to/ attend school/ university, 获得中

学毕业证书receive one’s high school diploma, 获奖 receive award/ prize, 赢得比赛win the race, 期末考试中取得好成绩get good grades in one’s final exams

93. 归功于owe…to, 由于/因为owing to=due to =because of,幸亏/由于 thanks to, 拥有own = possess

= take possession of / be in possession of = have, 独自on one’s own= by oneself, 亲自/为自己for oneself, 为…所拥有be in the possession of

94. 想象imagine/ fancy (v.) doing sth, imagination(n.)

95. …的原因 the cause of= the reason for, The reason why/for which…is/was that … 因果the cause

and effect, 查明和分析原因find out and analyze the reason(s) for

96. 志愿者volunteer(n./v.), voluntary (adj.) ,做好事do a good deed/ good deeds,做坏事do wrong

97. 慈善(组织),捐赠charity, donate (v.), donation (n.) charity organization, 基金(会) fund/ foundation

98. 贡献/捐献/投稿/促成/导致/有助于contribute to doing sth (v.), make a contribution/ contributions to

doing sth(n.)

99. 甘愿be (un)willing to do sth, 渴望be eager to do sth = be keen to do sth, 准备/乐于be ready to do 4

sth,能够be able to do,应该/被期望be supposed to do, 可能be likely to do, 倾向于/趋于tend to,打算/故意 mean to do, 喜爱/渴望be keen on,同甘共苦share happiness and sorrow

100. 允许/禁止/使可能allow/ permit/ forbid doing sth/sb to do sth, ban doing/ban sb from doing sth, be

allowed to do sth

101. 对…有(深远/坏)影响 have an ( a profound/ a bad ) effect/influence/ impact on, influence/ affect


102. 有/无必要做某事,做某事没有意义/作用,毫无疑问,很可能,无法做某事,难怪 It’s necessary for sb

to do sth. There’s no need to do sth. There’s no sense/point (in) doing sth= It’s useless doing sth. 毫无疑问There’s no doubt that… 很可能There is a very high/good chance(possibility)that…=The chances are that…= It’s likely that… 无法There is no way (that )… 难怪 It’s no wonder that …我怀疑I doubt if/ whether …

103. 祝福。期望收到你的来信 Best wishes! I’m looking forward to hearing from you/receiving your

letter/ your early reply.

104. 请注意。有通知。May I have your attention, please? (Attention, please!) I have an announcement to

make. On behalf of / stand for /represent (v.)/ representative(n.)

105. 很荣幸在此演讲。我的题目是“低碳生活,从我做起”。It’s a great honor for me to (I’d like to )

deliver a speech here. My topic is “Low-carbon Life From Now On and From Ourselves.”

106. 完毕。谢谢。(口头通知/发言稿) That’s all. Thank you for your listening. That’s all. Thanks. 107. 意识到,学了一课,上课/教训,向…学习 realize, learn a lesson, teach/ give sb a lesson, learn from 108. 注意, 认出 notice (take notice of ), recognize, 弄污/看出/认出/注意到/发现spot

109. 地震灾区 earthquake-stricken areas, 成为废墟 be in ruins, 重建家园 rebuild one’s home(s), 呈

现新面貌take on a new look

110. 美丽 beauty(n.), beautiful(adj.), beautify (v.)

111. 名胜古迹,历史遗迹,参观/拜访(景点)places of interest, historical sites, scenic spots, pay a visit to/

make a trip to (a tourist spot/ attraction/site/sight ),带领某人参观take sb on a tour = show/conduct sb around sp

112. 在…的帮助下 with one’s help = with the help of sb, 修理/建设/讨论/考虑/控制中be under repair/

construction/ discussion/consideration/control, 失控lose control= be out of control

113. 在/从国内外,出国,外国的/人at/ from home and abroad, go abroad, foreign (adj.), foreigner (n. ) 全世界all over/ throughout the world

114. if necessary / possible / so /not / ever /any /可能/这样/不这样/曾经有过/曾经有一些 话

115. 百货商场(department) store,杂货店 grocery, 购物中心shopping mall, 超市supermarket, 购买

purchase, 折扣/打折discount, 检查/核对/付账check (登记入住check in,付账离开 check out ) 116. (传统)节日,周年庆 (traditional ) festival, anniversary,家庭成员family members

117. 对…有吸引力/呼吁/要求appeal to, 引起某人注意某事物draw/ attract/arrest sb’s attention to

(doing ) sth, 使某人注意某事物bring sth to one’s attention, 注意pay attention to (doing) sth, 吸引眼球/注意力catch one’s eyes= catch sb

118. 聚会/集合 get together (v.), get-together(n.), 集合/采集/收集gather,团结/联合unity(n.)/ unite(v.) 119. 庆祝celebrate (v.) celebration (n.), 观察/察觉到/庆祝/遵守observe (v.)

120. 父母,孩子,青少年parents, child/kid---children, teenager, adolescent, youngster

121. 兴奋,紧张,着急,忧心于/苦恼于be excited/ nervous/ anxious/upset about, 减轻紧张reduce anxiety 122. 幼儿园,小学,初中,高中kindergarten, primary school, junior/senior high school

123. 被卡住,陷入(交通阻塞),高峰时间be/get stuck in, be caught/ struck/trapped in (the traffic jam), the

rush hour


124. 提供offer sb sth,= offer sth to sb = provide sb with sth= provide sth for sb= supply sb with sth=

supply sth to sb,主动提供offer (to to) sth

125. 着迷/迷恋, be crazy(mad) about /go wild about,上瘾be addicted to(doing) sth, 喜欢 be fond of =

be into,爱上/与…相爱 fall/be in love with

126. 在过去的几年里in/during/ over/ for the past/last few years,/ Great changes have taken place in my

village in the past 10 years.

127. 位于,被环绕,历史多久,占地多大,人口多少,由…组成,(气候/天气/气温)温和多雨,官方语言,富含,

以出名,政治,经济,文化,金融,旅游,交通lie/be in/on/to, be located /situated in, be surrounded by/ with, have a history of, cover an area of, have a population of /the population is, consist of= be made up of, (weather, climate, temperature) be mild with a lot of rain, official language, be rich in, be famous/ (well-)known/noted for, politics, economy, culture, education, finance, tourism, transportation,文化遗产/差异cultural relics/ differences, 介绍/使了解introduce to

128. 感动,留印象move/ touch/ impress/ strike/ affect/inspire, impress sb with sth = impress sth on/upon

sb, be impressed with/ by, leave/give/ make/ create an impression on sb, the first impression of

129. 惊奇surprise/ amaze/astonish/ shock/ rock, 惊奇地 in surprise, 让某人非常吃惊的是much to

one’s surprise = to one’s great surprise

130. 事故accident,小事情/政治事件incident,重大事件/运动项目/活event,事务affair,偶然by

accident/chance=accidently, 绝非偶然be no accident,标志/迹象/招牌/征兆/分数/记号mark, 信号signal, 象征/符号symbol

131. 粗心,酒驾 careless (adj.), carelessness(n.), drunk driving (n.),行人pedestrian (n.),闯红灯run red

lights,乱穿马路 jaywalk (vi.),遵守交通规则respect/ obey/ observe/follow the traffic rules/ regulations, 罚款fine, 批评criticize,惩罚, punish(v.), punishment(n.), 交通方式means of transport 132. 精疲力竭/筋疲力尽(破旧/磨损)= be tired out= be used up= give out, 用完/耗尽run

out (of)/use up

133. 安全,质量/品质,个性safe (adj.), safely (adv.), safety (n.) / quality / personality/ character/

characteristic/ feature,个人才能personal qualities,开朗的性格 an outgoing personality

134. 阻止/防止 prevent/ stop/ sb from doing sth, 保护…使其免受protect… from (doing ) sth/

against sth, 挽救…免于save/rescuse …from

135. 适应adjust/adapt (oneself ) to doing sth, 收养/采纳/接受adopt

136. (感到/失去)兴趣 be interested in = have interest in/take an interest in, lose interest in,最喜欢的


137. 请求/求助ask sb for sth/ ask sb to do sth, turn to sb for help,给某人帮助give/lend sb a hand, reach

out to sb

138. 沉重的课业/经济负担heavy burden of schoolwork/ finance (economy), be busy with sth /doing

sth= be occupied/engaged with/ (in) doing sth

139. 让失望,不辜负期望let sb down/ disappointed, live up to one’s expectation(s), 对(某人)寄予…的期

待/指望(某人)… expect (too much)of sb

140. 一方面,另一方面,甚至,更好/糟的是,然而/可是,虽然/尽管on the one hand, on the other hand;

besides/ furthermore/ apart from/ in addition (to); what’s more, what’s better, what’s worse=to make matters worse; however, although/ though/while/as, 最后但同样重要的是last but not least

141. 发生,消失,灭绝,危及happen/ disappear, die out, (vi.) endanger, 濒临灭绝的


142. 消费(者),(营养)蔬菜/水果/肉类/牛奶/鸡蛋consume/ consumer, (nutrition) vegetable, fruit, meat,

milk, egg

143. 俗话说/常言道 as a saying/proverb goes, 原因如下The reasons are as follows:


144. 不劳无获。No pains, no gains. / 时光不等人。Time and tide wait (s) for no man. / 诚信为本。

Honesty is the best policy. / 有志者事竟成。Where there is a will, there is a way. / 世上无难事,只怕有心人。Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. / 实践出真知(熟能生巧)。Practice makes perfect. / 活到老学到老。 It’s never too old to learn. / 冰冻三尺非一日之寒。Rome was not built in a day. / 患难见真知。A friend in need is a friend indeed. / 入乡随俗。Do as Romans do in Rome. / 条条大路通罗马。All roads lead to Rome. / 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。The early bird catches the worm. 145. 如图表所示得出结论 As is shown in the chart/graph, a conclusion is drawn that… /As can be seen

from the chart…

146. 独立思考,个人(的)be independent in thinking (adj.), independence (n.) independently (adv.) /


147. 花费 It took her three years to found / establish/ a charity organization for the

disabled/handicapped where the atmosphere is fairly harmonious. It cost her parents three thousand dollars to deal with the mistakes she had made. He spent years on the research into wildlife / (in) showing his talent in designing computer programs.(有天赋/才华have a gift/talent/genius for=be gifted/talented in,有品位have a taste for,偏爱have a preference for, 有胃口/渴望/爱好have an appetite for )

148. 担心/关心/在乎 care about, be concerned about,担心/担忧worry about, be worried about, 喜欢/想

要/照料care for

149. 代沟 (understand, narrow/ bridge/fill/ remove ) the generation gap

150. 骄傲/自豪 take pride in = be proud of

151. 季节,月份,星期,周日,周末(season) (in)spring, summer, autumn= fall, winter/ (month ) (in)January,

February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December/ (week ) (on)Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, weekday, weekend

152. 微笑/安静/沉默/冷静 It’s no wonder (that ) he is always with a smile. (smile n./ v.), smile at sb

153. 现象There’s a common/ strange phenomenon that…(pl: phenomena ), The picture shows/reflects(反

映/反射/反思) the phenomenon that…

154. (充分/合理/广泛) 利用,开放,开办/经营make use of= take advantage of, make the best/most of =

make full use of, make good use of = use wisely and properly, be widely used / / be open(adj. ) to the public, open (v.)/run a company, 胜过/优于have an advantage over, 过去常常used to do sth, 习惯于be/get used to doing sth=be /become accustomed to doing sth, 被用来做be used to do sth, be used for (doing) sth, 把A用作B use A as B,在使用in use

155. 将某人/物当作中心/重点center on/upon, 专心致志于/全神贯注于concentrate on= be absorbed in,

集中/聚焦于focus on, 沉思/陷入/专心于/全神贯注于/被埋葬在be buried in, 陷入沉思be lost in thought,迷路/迷失 get lost

156. (在…方面)扮演角色/起作用play/act a role/part in…,扮演play the role of, …的一部分be (an

important )part of

157. 流行/受欢迎be popular with/ among sb in sp, popularity(n.)

158. 放松/松弛relax oneself(v.), relaxation(n.), feel relaxed (adj.)别着急/别紧张take it easy,不要紧/没

关系never mind, (使)高兴起来/(使)振作起来cheer up,为…欢呼/鼓劲加油cheer on,玩的开心have a good time= have fun= enjoy oneself, 没关系/算了吧/忘了它/休想! Forget it. 不谢/不提/不客气Don’t mention it. 坚持insist on/ stick to,不可能Not likely.不完全是/不见得Not really. 并非如此/不完全是这样Not exactly. 远非/完全不Not nearly. , not a little= very much, not a bit=not at all 159. 申请/请求apply for, 应用/运用apply…to, 合格/适合/胜任这个职位be qualified/fit/suitable/

suited for the position/post, 对…有经验be experienced in, 对…熟悉 be familiar with,与…相似be 7

similar to (similarity n.), 熟知/熟练掌握have a good knowledge/command of,职业career/ occupation/ profession, 职业前景career prospect, 英语流利be fluent in English, fluently(adv.), fluency (n.), fit sb(well)合身, go (well) with协调/搭配, agree with与某人观点一致=同意/赞同某人的意见,与…相符/一致,(气候、食物等)适合于某人

160. 决定/决心/决意做某事decide/determine to do sth, be determined(adj. 下定了决心的/坚定的/毅然

的) to do sth,下定决心make up one’s mind to do sth, 改变主意change one’s mind,心里考虑某人/某物have sb / sth in mind

161. 执行/进行/完成 carry out (do/ conduct) a /an (experiment/ operation/ survey),进行研究do/ 学习/研究/书房study,调查investigate/investigation,暗示imply,推断infer,下划线/主旨the best title/ the main idea, 跟随/接着follow

162. 改进/改善/提高improve,促进/促销/提升promote,增加increase, 在增加/长be on the increase, 减

少decrease,下降/谢绝decline, 衰败没落/走下坡路/大势已去be on the decline, 谢绝decline to do sth, 举起/提升/增加/抚养/饲养/筹集raise(vt.) (collect /raise money),升高/上升/上涨/起来/起床/增加/兴起 rise (rose---risen vi.), 产生/出现arise (arose- arisen vi) ,增加上升/减少下降到(了) rise/increase/ fall/drop/ decrease/ decline/ reduce to(by)

163. 够不着/力所不能及beyond one’s reach, 超过限度beyond the limit, 超越自我go beyond oneself,

不可思议 beyond belief, 无法形容beyond description, 超出人的想象 beyond one’s wildest imagination,挑战challenge,抓住机会take/seize/catch/grasp the chance/opportunity, 富有挑战又有回报be both challenging and rewarding

164. 信息information, 设备/装备equipment(be equipped with= be armed with), 设施/设备facilities, 数

据/资料data, 发出指令give instructions, 按照说明进行follow the instructions/directions

165. 方法/ 通路the way to do / of doing sth, the approach to( doing) sth, 通过这种方法/方式 in this

way/manner = by this means= with this method, 绝不by no means, 一直/一路上/从远处/特地/完全/全部all the way, 顺便说/问一下by the way, 取道/经由by way of,在某种程度上 in a way, 挡道/妨碍in the/sb’s way,相反地the other way around/ on the contrary,在去…的路上be on one’s/the way (to), 在路上/即将来临be on the way=be (just)around the corner,在进行be under way,即将过时 on the way out, 让步/向…妥协give way to,迷路lose one’s way,找到路/认得路find one’s way, 前进make one’s way, 蜿蜒前进wind/ snake one’s way, 挤着/摸索着前进push (shoulder) /feel one’s way, 半工半读work one’s way, 前往head (to/ for),被紧急/火速送往 be rushed to (hospital)

166. 提建议不可数), make suggestions, 给某人(在某方面)提出建议/忠告give sb some

advice (on sth), 向某人征求意见/seek sb’s advice,接受某人的意见/ follow/take sb’s advice, advise sb to do sth, suggest/ advise doing sth, 尖端/小费/建议tip, 秘诀top tips

167. 随着时间推移over time =as time passes by = with time passing by, go by

168. 值得做be worth doing= be worthy of being done= be worthy to be done, 值3美元be worth 3

dollars, 名副其实 be worthy of the name,准备/为…做好了准备的 prepare for, be well-prepared for = get ready for, 需要/值得做need/ want/ require/ deserve doing/ to be done


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