吉林省吉林市第一中学2015-2016学年高一下学期开学验收 英语试





1、I ______ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since the new year.()

A. will playB. have played

C. playedD. play

2、They won’t buy any new clothes because they _____ money to buy a new car.

A. saveB. were saving

C. have saved D. are saving

3、Why don’t you arrange your trip _____ you did last summer?

A. in the way whichB. the way whichC. the wayD. by the way that

4、The general manager can't use his office at the moment, which ______.()

A. is being redecorated B. has been redecorated

C. is redecoratedD. was redecorated

5、As is recorded in history, silkworms(蚕)were first raised by a woman in ______ is today Hebei Province.

A. whereB. the place C. whichD. what

6、Mum, I was wondering if you could lend me a few dollars until Ion Friday.

A.get paidB.got paidC. have paidD. had been paid

7、You boys and girls, remember to write your composition ______ you are told.

A. what B. that C. as D. like

8、was reported in the paper, people in mainland China sent disaster relief materials to help the flooded area in Taiwan Island. ( )

A.It B.That C.As D.What

9、A new factory ______ on this site next year.

A. is to locateB. is to be located C. is locatedD. is locating

10、The writer for ________ life used to be poor does not care about making money even when he is quite famous now. ()

A. whose B. whomC. whoD. That


11、Professor Bumble is an old man, thin and short. He is 1 absent-minded but seriously shortsighted. His mind is always busythought, plan, new ideas, and so on, and he hardly noticesaround him.

One fine day he went out for a walk in the countryside, and, as always, he had in his hand. As soon as hehis walk, he began reading attentively. He far when he knocked a big cow and fell 高考提分,学霸之路 www.99jianzhu.com

down. He had lost his in the fall, and he he had stumbled over a fat lady. “ , madam,” he said with a low bow before searching for his glasses. When he Now Professor Bumble went on on the country road. Soon he was concentrating on his book again and paying no attention to he fell over again, losing . This time he became very angry. He beat the “cow” angrily his umbrella until he could not reach it. Then, after his glasses, he realized that he had made mistake. A large fat was running away from him as fast as she could, crying for help with horror.

1. A. not B. not also C. not only D. only

2. A. with B. in C. have D. doing

3. A. what is happenedB. what is going on

C. that is taken place D. that is happening

4. A. a glass B. a pair of glasses

C. a black bag D. a book

5. A. set off B. began to set off

C. set out D. acted off for

6. A didn’t go B. hadn’t gone

C. hasn’t gone D. wasn’t gone

7. A. intoB. at C. down D. over

8. A. book B. bag C. glasses D. umbrella

9. A. realized B. saw C. thought D. noticed

10. A. Make an apology to meB. Thanks

C. I show sorry to you D. I beg your pardon

11. A. happily B. angrilyC. rudely D. politely

12. A. had put on them B. had put them on

C. had put it on D. had worn them

13. A. with his walk B. for a walk

C. to walk D. walking away

14. A. something elseB. other something

C. else anything D. anything else

15. A. when B. than

C. before D. after

16. A. all his book and his glasses

B. either his book or his glasses

C. both his book and his glasses

D. neither his glasses nor his book

17. A. to useB. withC. by D. in

18. A. searching forB. looking for

C. finding for D. finding

19. A. the secondB. a second

C. again D. other

20. A. cow B. man

C. woman D. bear

12、It was in the past two years that Aaron Segura was always sinking at West Mesa High School in Albuquerque, Aaron was ―just walking through the chapters hard‖ in courses like chemistry, his grades were low, and he 高考提分,学霸之路 www.99jianzhu.com

was dropping out. It was not that Aaron didn't have it simply didn't exist in his large, impersonal public high school.

Then his mother heard about Albuquerque's Charter Vocational High School(特立职业高中), a place where was to go into , and Charter Vocational had just the thing for him: an architectural CAD(computer-aided drafting) program. 学徒school district couldn't pay for any longer. a charter school law, and a ,time in traditional high schools. He'd also be filling an increasing across New Mexico for skilled labor.

1.A.average B.excellent C.curious D.different

2.A.abilityB.ideal C.study D.mission

3.A.certainB.close C.cautious D.eager

4.A.ambition B.energy C.courage D.experience

5.A.pay B.gainC.draw D.bring

6.A.appealed B.attracted C.employed D.comforted

7.A.firmB.golf C.chemistry D.architecture

8.A.applied B.attended C.qualified D.admitted

9.A.recognized B.enjoyed C.found D.devoted

10.A.job B.condition C.situation D.occasion

11.A.pick up B.make up C.take up D.set up

12.A.change B.progress C.effort D.achievement

13.A.realized B.ran C.discovered D.offered

14.A.since B.until C.though D.after

15.A.passed B.made C.proved D.appeared

16.A.crazy B.fondC.interested D.aware

17.A.direction B.answer C.promise D.success

18.A.create B.worry C.regret D.target

19.A.royal B.tough C.free D.short

20.A.demand B.form C.order D.satisfaction

13、Last spring, Michelle fell in love with kite-boarding, an adventure sport that combines surfing and sailing. So she got a kite-board, took some and a few months later drove out to the Banana River. There she met John, who offered to help her her skills.

One day, John Michelle while his wife, Nancy, stayed behind on a Jet Ski (摩托艇). In that way, there would be to bring back Michelle if she got into trouble. After John gave her a few , he took off. He’d sailed about three quarters of a mile down the river when he felt the wind . He knew that the stronger the wind grew, the more it would be for Michelle to control her board. 高考提分,学霸之路 www.99jianzhu.com

, he turned and started sailing back toward the two women.

Michelle had decided to head for shore. The wind was too strong for her to handle the kite. She prepared to land her by releasing one of the four lines that kept the sail in the air. she didn’t have a chance. She was thrown over the water, still to the kite. Seconds later, a huge wind sent the kite upward. Even more dangerous, the sail’s lines started to twist together, round and round. Michelle to free from the kite. But she failed.

Nancy was several hundred feet away on the Jet Ski and couldn’t get to her enough to help. By then, John had closed in and Michelle felt John her out of the water. As she held his arm, he tried to pull the handle but couldn’t it. Then suddenly, John let go. At that point, Michelle was sure she would die without him holding her. But John had seen Nancy approaching and that he’d have a better chance of helping Michelle. He jumped onto the Jet Ski. As the kite dived down, with all his , he jumped from the Jet Ski onto the kite and dragged it to the water. Finally Michelle was saved.

This experience hasn’t kept Michelle from loving kite-boarding. ―Life is fragile (脆弱的), but it’s meant to be ,‖ she says.

21. A. lectures B. lessons C. skills D. measures

22. A. show B. teach C. require D. improve

23. A. expected B. controlled C. instructed D. saved

24. A. anyone B. everyone C. none D. someone

25. A. sails B. chances C. tips D. handles

26. A. get up B. slow down C. die down D. pick up

27. A. challenging B. exciting C. interesting D. frightening

28. A. Amazed B. Worried C. Frustrated D. Surprised

29. A. always B. still C. already D. even

30. A. board B. line C. boat D. kite

31. A. So B. And C. Or D. But

32. A. attached B. appealed C. applied D. added

33. A. managed B. attempted C. demanded D. advised

34. A. bravely B. nearly C. slowly D. quickly

35. A. fetch B. bring C. lift D. put

36. A. reach B. sense C. remember D. feel

37. A. down B. onto C. back D. out

38. A. doubted B. insisted C. figured D. pretended

39. A. heart B. strength C. care D. consideration

40. A. enjoyed B. pleased C. pushed D. spent

14、People always say that the earlier one learns a language, the ___1___ it is to do so, in theory it is that, ___2___, in my opinion, that refers to spoken language. Capability to practise some essential ___3___ of a language and read between the lines can only be trained through proper reading ways and hard work ___4___. So spending money to help ___5___ learn English may ___6___ with disappointment. It is likely that the more you ___7___, the more you are let down.

The daughter of one of my friends ___8___ English in primary school, ___9___ her foreign teacher’s blindness ___10___ psychology. She did not want to go on ___11___ English until middle school, ___12___ a college student studying in English slowly ___13___ her interest in the language.

It is better to have the child learn Chinese, than to have some difficulty ___14___ learning English for several years. Having been engaged in English education, ___15___ find that despite their excellent ___16___, many students have ___17___ command of English words and phrases. So I suggest that children 高考提分,学霸之路 www.99jianzhu.com

___18___ classical Chinese prose, rather than ___19___ them to learn English hurriedly. Otherwise, they may ___20___ the best time to improve the language ability of their mother tongue.(www.99jianzhu.com)

1.A.easy B. difficult C. easier D. more difficult

2.A.but B. however C. though D. yet

3. A. opinions B. regards C. requests D. expressions

4.A.directly B. orally C. properly D. indirectly

5.A.people B. girls C. children D. boys

6.A.begin B. start C. finish D. end

7.A.pay B. get C. buy D. take

8.A.loved B. liked C. disliked D. learned

9.A.because of B. because C. instead of D. instead

10.A.of B. at C. in D. to

11.A.learning B. to learn C. with learning D. for learning

12.A.while B. where C. when D. as

13.A.introduced B. practised C. explained D. developed

14.A.in B. to C. at D. of

15.A.He B.I C. She D. They 16.A.pronunciation B. phrase C. language D. writing

17.A.few B. less C. little D. fewer

18.A.write B. do C. remember D. memorize

19.A.have B. let C. cause D. make

20.A.get back B. let go C. bring in D. go away

15、I close my eyes and can still hear her—the little girl with a ___1___ so strong and powerful we could hear her halfway down the block. She was a(n) ___2___ peasant who asked for money and ___3___ gave the only thing she had——her voice. I paused outside a small shop and listened. She brought to my mind the ___4___ of Little Orphan Annie. I could not understand the words she ___5___, but her voice begged for ___6___. It stood out from the noises of Arbat Street, pure and impressive, like the chime of a bell. She sang ___7___ an old-style lamp post in the shadow of a building, her arms extended and ___8___ thrown back. She was small and of unremarkable looks. Her brown hair ___9___ the bun(发髻) it had been pulled into, and she occasionally reached up to ___10___ a stray piece from her face. Her clothing I can’t recall. Her voice, on the other hand, is ___11___ imprinted in my mind.

I asked one of the translators about the girl. Elaina told me that she and hundreds of others like her throughout the ___12___ Soviet Union add to their families’ income by working on the streets. The children are unable to ___13___ school, and their parents work fulltime. These children know that the consequence of an ___14___ day is no food for the table. Similar situations occurred during the Depression(萧条) in the United States, but those American children were ___15___ shoeshine boys of the ___16___. This girl was real to me.

When we walked past her I gave her money. It was not out of pity ___17___ rather admiration. Her smile of ___18___ did not interrupt her singing. The girl watched us as we walked down the street. I know this because when I looked back she smiled again. We ___19___ that smile, and I knew I could never forget her courage and ___20___ strength.

1. A. will B. strength C. voice D. determination

2. A. American B. Chinese C. Japanese D. Russian

3. A. in return B. in turnC. by hand D. in silence

4. A. voice B. image C. story D. looks

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5. A. said B. murmured C. used D. sang

6. A. attention B. love C. help D. mercy

7. A. across B. from C. under D. from underneath

8. A. hands B. feet C. head D. face

9. A. fell out B. escaped C. did up D. tied to

10. A. remove B. tear C. cut off D. dress

11. A. never B. permanently C. occasionally D. sometimes

12. A. latter B. rich C. former D. great

13. A. attend B. finish C. leave D. enjoy

14. A. unhappy B. unsatisfiedC. unusual D. unsuccessful

15. A. faced B. real C. faceless D. visible

16. A. twenties B. thirties C. forties D. teens

17. A. and B. whileC. but D. or

18. A. contemptB. pity C. bitterness D. thanks

19. A. stopped B. shared C. won D. exchanged

20. A. full B. inner C. brave D. fighting

16、The half-empty coffee cups, still standing next to their plates, tell of a morning like any other. And yet, that grey covering of dust that everything tells a different story: it tells of screams, tears, terror and again serve breakfast. And never again will all those people go there to eat or gone tear-stained(泪水沾湿的) faces.

to be the biggest problems in the world. Tonight, so many across the country know that America’s pain is at its ever.

We have World WarⅡ. But to most of us students, that’s an event on a textbook that would never happen today.

After all, this was a time of and wealth—the United States was powerful and successful. There would be no more wars, and we were to live in such a time.

But when those planes ; when firefighters with on their faces ran among the parts of the building that had fallen; when people for their family members; when history was unfolding before our eyes, in full, clear color—then we knew the world had been changed. how many human beings turned to ashes in a second, and seeing some jump from the buildings, I know that my generation is growing up in a world where can still be evil.

But seeing those heroes risk their lives among the castle-like ruins, and seeing the blood donors at the hospitals, my generation has learned that tears are allowed, that mankind can also be ghost of evil never the spirit of good.

1. A. dresses B. getsC. wears D. covers

2. A. blood B. surprise C. laugh D. cry

3. A. still B. never C. hardlyD. seldom

4. A. workB. drive C. play D. swim

5. A. yesterday B. tonight C. last night D. this morning

6. A. unknown B. untold C. unchanged D. unsaid

7. A. turned B. had C. got D. seemed

8. A. least B. worst C. best D. most

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9. A. experienced B. known C. read about D. seen

10. A. text B. lesson C. copy D. page

11. A. tears B. terror C. peace D. health

12. A. unlucky B. promising C. convenientD. lucky

13. A. fell B. landed C. hit D. exploded

14. A. terror B. surprise C. joy D. smile

15. A. called B. screamed C. died D. reached

16. A. Knowing B. Telling C. HearingD. Remembering

17. A. everyone B. nobody C. mankind D. our country

18. A. unwilling B. eager C. happy D. curious

19. A. beautiful B. terrible C. terrified D. hopeful

20. A. hurtB. beatC. wins D. defeats


17、Body language is a very powerful tool of a communication, not only between people but in the animal world as well.

In many instances, we produce idioms which are all understandable by borrowing examples from animal communication.

For example, we know that a frightened cat will arch(拱型). From this starting-point we might hear the expression. ―He gets my back up!‖ meaning ―He makes me angry.‖

In the same manner, we know that many animals, if challenged(挑战)by attackers, will not turn and run away because this will encourage the attackers to attack them more forcefully. Instead, they will move backwards slowly to get out of harm’s way, always facing their attacker. We call this action ―backing off‖ and it can be used as well with humans as with animals.

In the case of humans, however, the back-off may not be physical but oral, as in using a kinder tone of voice and gentle words instead of fighting against the attackers.

1. When a cat arches its back high in a rigid curve, it shows that it is A. angry B. pleased C. frightened D. defeated

2. In the article ―back off‖ means .

A. to escape from the attackers

B. to get away quickly

C. to keep out the attackers

D. to avoid the attackers in words

3. Which of the following is wrong according to the article?

A. To learn knowledge, humans must learn from animals.

B. Both humans and animals have the body language.

C. Both humans and animals have ways of getting out of harm.

D. ―Face your attackers‖ means to encourage yourself.

4. What is mentioned(提到)in this article belongs to study of English A. grammar B. idioms C. expression D. communication

18、Frank Smithson woke up and leaned over to turn off the alarm clock. ―Oh no!‖ he thought to himself.‖ Another day at that office; a boss who shouts at me all the time.‖

As Frank went downstairs his eyes fell on a large brown envelope by the door. He was overjoyed when he opened it and read the letter inside.‖ Bigwoods Football Pools(足球赌博公司) would like to congratulate you. You have won half a million pounds.‖

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Frank suddenly came to life. The cigarette(香烟) fell from his lips as he let out a shout that could be heard halfway down the street.

At 11: 30 Frank arrived at work. ―Please explain why you’re so late,‖ his boss said. ―Go and jump in the lake,‖ replied Frank. ―I’ve just come into a little money so this is good-bye. Find yourself someone else to shout at.‖

That evening Frank was smoking a very expensive Havana cigar(雪茄) when a knock was heard on the door. He rushed to the door. Outside were two men, neatly dressed in grey suits. ―Mr Smithson,‖ one of them said, ―we’re from Bigwoods Pools. I’m afraid there’s been a terrible mistake…‖

1. What do we know about Frank?

A. He was a lazy man.

B. He was a lucky person.

C. He didn’t make a lot of money.

D. He didn’t get on well with his boss.

2. When he heard the knock at the door, Frank probably thought _______.

A. someone had come to make an apology

B. someone had come to give him the money

C. his friends had come to ask about the football pools

D. his friends had come to congratulate him on his luck

3. On hearing ―…there’s been a terrible mistake…‖ Frank was most likely to be _______.

A. disappointed B. worried

C. nervous D. curious


They like using the Internet.They have lots of pocket money to spend.And they spend a higher proportion of it online than the rest of us.Teenagers are just the sort of people an online seller is interested in, and the thing they want to buy ---games, CDs and clothing--- are easily sold on the Web.

But paying online is a tricky business for consumers who are too young to own credit(信用) cards.Most have to use a parent’s card.They want a facility that allows them to spend money.

That may come sooner than they think: new ways to take pocket money into cyber (网络的) space are coming out rapidly on both sides of the Atlantic.If successful, these products can stimulate(刺激) online sales.

In general, teenagers spend huge amounts: $153bn (billion) in the US last year and £20bn annually in the UK.Most teenagers have access to the Internet at home or at school-88 percent in the US, 69 percent in the UK.According to the Jupiter Research, one in eight of those with Internet access has bought something online-mainly CDs and books.

In most cases, parents pay for these purchases with credit cards, an arrangement that is often unsatisfactory for them and their children.Pressing parents to spend online is less productive than pressing on the high street.They are more likely to ask ―Why?‖ if you ask to spend some money online.

One way to help teenagers change notes and coins into cyber cash is through prepaid cards such as Internet Cash in the US and Smart cards in the UK.Similar to those for pay-as-you –go mobile telephones, they are sold on amounts such as £20 or £50 with a hidden 14-digit number can be used to load the cash into online account.

1.What does the word ―They‖ in paragraph 1 refer to?

A.Sellers.B.Buyers. C.Teenagers. D.Parents.

2.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.More than half of the teenagers in the US and the UK have Internet access.

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B.Teenagers pay for goods online with their own credit cards.

C.Most teenagers in the US and the UK have bought something online.

D.Teenagers found it easier to persuade parents to buy online than in a shop.

3.A new way to help teenagers shop online is to use ______.

A.a new machine B.prepaid cards

C.special coins and notes D.pay-as-you-go mobile phones

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Online shopping traps. B.Internet users in the US and the UK.

C.New credit cards for parents. D.The arrival of cyber pocket money.

20、Oliver Radtke believes Chinglish mistranslations may be fun, but are not to be made fun of. ―My message on Chinglish is: It should be conserved (保存). It shouldn’t be treated as a cheap joke for foreign tourists to laugh at but as a cultural treasure,‖ said the 32-year-old multimedia designer, who frequently visited China for almost a decade before moving to Beijing in 2007.

―I’m trying to challenge the idea that there is only one type of standard English — the English that’s spoken in America or in the British Isles — which is shortsighted, because Chinglish is already being used by millions of people to communicate with one another.‖

So, since 2005, he has collected more than 5,000 examples of ―the wonderful results of an English dictionary meeting Chinese grammar‖ on his website www.99jianzhu.com

A. disagree on Chinglish signs

B. have both lived in China for nine years

C. once argued face to face about Chinglish

D. both have much knowledge of Chinese culture

四、语法和词汇(注释)21、Dear Bob, Hello. I learn about you from my English teacher, 1. ______ Miss Fang. I’d like to your penfriend, and get to know 2. ______

more about your country. First, let me tell you something more about myself 3. ______

My name is Li Hua. I live in Beijing, where is the 4. ______

capital of China. I go to Hongqi Middle School. 5. ______

We study quite a few subject, such as maths, Chinese, 6. ______

English and physics. I use to play ping-pong a lot 7. ______

in my spare time, but now I am interesting in 8. ______

football. Do you play any ball games? What your favourite 9. ______

sport? I look forward to hear from you soon. 10. ______


Li Hua

五、短文改错(注释)22、One day, while my friend and I was traveling through 1_______ Germany, we were not very hungry but we only had a little 2_______

money. We decided stop at a village market to buy 3_______

something to eat. We choose the cheapest biscuits and 4_______

ate it under a tree. We thought the biscuits were great. 5_______

―Let’s got some more,‖ I said, ―They’re cheap and they 6_______

really taste well.‖ My friend could read some German, but7_______

I couldn’t, and I gave her the biscuit bag to find the name.8_______

She looked at it and started to laugh, ―How are you laughing?‖ 9________

I asked. ―Because they’re dog biscuits!‖ She said. 10________

23、There were great advances in medicine in the last ten years.

24、Behind my apartment, there is used to be a dirty and 1.___________

messy comer. Bits of plastic bags hanged on the trees. 2.___________

Broken bottles were left laying here and there. There was 3.___________

a damaging car in the center. The whole comer gave off an 4.___________

unpleasant smell. One year ago, we decided to turn it in a 5.___________

beautiful park. Since then, great changes have been taken place 6.___________

in that comer. All the rubbish have been cleared away. Flowers 7.___________

and young trees have planted all over. Now birds come 8.___________

here to sing, children come here to play, and adults come here 9.___________

to enjoy our peaceful life. It has taken on a new look. 10.___________


文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下写出该加的词。

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删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2.只允许修改 10 处, 多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

Yesterday I bought a new coat in a shop, and I found it so big for me. This morning I went to the shop to change the coat I bought it yesterday. But the salesgirl treated me bad. Firstly, she didn’t admit that I bought the coat in his shop. Then she said I made it dirtier. So I got very angry and quarrel with her, pointing to the rules in the wall. Just then, manager turned up. He said sorry to me. At last they changed other one for me. With satisfaction, I said good-bye to them but took the new coat home happily.

26、People used to laughing or smiling when they are happy. But the people of the certain tribe in Greenland show his joy by running down tears. When someone, for example, win a prize in a race, he cries instead smiling. Though things have changed Greatly in their way of life, they even weep to show their delight. If one day when you have a chance to visit their village and see many people crying together, don’t take them for granted that they feel very sadly. Most probably you would be invited to join the villagers and share tear with them happily.

六、补全短文(7选5)(注释)27、Why Cats Scratch Tings

In has long been assumed that when cats scratch objects with their front paws(爪子)that they are sharpening their claws. By scratching up the bark of a tree (or the leg of your favorite chair) the cat is letting other cats or people know where she is and what she is up to.

Cats tend to pick a small number of noticeable objects in their environments to scratch such as trees, fence In addition, cats have special glands (腺)in their paws so that when they make scratching movements they leave scent(气味)that the cats can smell. The fact that cats leave scent marks by making scratching movements may be the reason that cats will continue to scratch objects even after they have been declawed. We don’t know exactly what cats are communicating with their scratching. Both males and females do it. It is done inside and outside the home and even by cats living with no other cats Cats don’t scratch up your furniture to bother you or just to be destructive, but for specific reasons, one of which is communicating. Cats also scratch to extend their bodies, during play, and possibly as a greeting or to relieve dissatisfaction when prevented from doing other things they want to do.

your sofa after it has become a built up habit. Thus, the goal is to establish acceptable scratching habits by getting your cat to prefer a scratching post rather than the arm of your sofa.

A.It turns out that this is only a secondary reason.

B.This is why the tree next door looks so scratched up.

C.Cats use other parts of their bodies to communicate as well.

D.Small pieces of bark have accumulated on the ground underneath.

E.Scratching can result in considerable damage, owner dissatisfaction.

F.Declawed cats may still be leaving scent marks on objects they scratch.

G.It could be a defensive warning or just a marker that announces its existence.


根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 高考提分,学霸之路 www.99jianzhu.com

A: Good morning. My name is Peter. I’m the general manager of the personnel department. I’ll be interviewing you. Please sit down.

B: My name’s Jon, Jon Smash.

A: Well, Jon, it’s a pleasure to meet you.

B: I’ve been a manager at Nike for over three years. I won manager of the year award two years ago, and I got promoted last August.

A: OK. Tell me about yourself and your personality.

I think before I act, and if something goes wrong in our company I always remain calm. I never scream at my employees. And I’ve never lost my temper.


B: I think I am good at solving problems. I also love challenges. I work well under pressure. When my boss pushes me to finish a project early, I always get it down and never complain.

A: Jon, you seem like a very good manager. I like your ambition. You’re very confident and motivated. We like that here at Microsoft. Well, our interview is over.


Mr. Li,

Last Sunday I went to do some reading in your library.

, I’d like to which, I hope, would be of help for you to 3_______(创造)a more comfortable place for readers. First, there are few new books on the shelf, and most books are in proper order, making it difficult for didn’t offer good service. Instead, they were chatting. In 7_______, they took no notice of the fact that a light wasn’t 8_______. Leave this state of affairs to stay the same, and I’m 9_______(恐怕) there will be fewer and fewer readers. So, I suggest your 10_______ (改变) all these as soon as possible for the sake of readers.


(有责任的) for housework, but with one of (以下的you give your children the impression that they can do anything quite right, then they will regard

believe they can succeed, they will never become 高考提分,学霸之路 www.99jianzhu.com

(独立) . Don’t always scold and give lots of praise Talk about what they’ve done not about what they haven’t done. If your children a difficult task, reward (酬劳) them 10 a Sunday trip or a ball game of Dad.

31、Dear Nicolaus Copernicus,

I am a s______ studying astronomy and I would very much like to read your new theory about the solar s_____

I hope you will p______it for several reasons.

I understand the problems with the present theory. The way the plants move is not what you would expect if the earth was the center of the u_______. It is also odd that the brightness of some s____seems to change. So I agree with you that we need a new theory.

I know your observations have been very carefully c_____out over many years. Now you must have the courage to publish them. S______ can never advance unless people have the courage of their beliefs. I know you worry about what will h_____ if you publish your new theory. No m_______ how people oppose it, time will show w_____your ideas are right or wrong.

So I hope you will feel you can publish your new theory.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

32、Daniel:If we 1 (visit) Hawaii this summer,we 2 (be) able to enjoy sunshine and beautiful views.

(not go)there.We visited it last year.Remember?

Daniel:Oh,yes,last year.Then do you have a better idea?

Kitty:What about New Zealand?If we 5 (go) there,we 6 (see)unique Kiwi birds and other amazing things.

Daniel:No,I don’t like it.It is all th(have) lots of money.

Kitty:I come up with a wonderful (not cost) much if a tour to China.And it’s an old mysterious eastern country.I am always interested in it.

Daniel:It sounds good.OK,now,let’s find some information about the trip.

33、At 16, I left home to do part-time jobs, _______ made me understand 1. _________

―East or west, home is the best‖ b_______ than before. At that time I 2. _________

thought _____ (呆) at home was boring because my parents were always 3. ________

t_______ me what to do and what not to. So when the chance came,4. _________

I left home and washed d_________ at a restaurant. Things were not so 5. _________

easy for me. My hands became frozen because of cold. B________,6. _________

some _______ (顾客) were quite particular. They always scolded me. 7. __________

I f_______I had dropped from heaven. When I talked with my parents 8. _________

on the phone, tears rolled down my cheeks. Since _________ I have9. __________

_________ (意识) that home is my shelter and parents are great. 10. ________

34、As the saying , ―Two heads are better than one.‖

35、Recently our class have a heated discussion about whether the


of moving 2__________

it. For ________ thing, natural environment in the suburb is more 3__________

suitable to animals. For ________, in the city center, there are traffic 4__________

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jams every week ______ to quantities of visitors to the zoo. On the 5__________

the ideas above. They are afraid that 6__________

the move may ______ to the death of some animals. And it will surely 7__________

need a lot of money to b 8__________

1906, the zoo has a worldwide _________(声誉) for its long history. 9__________

We hope the government will make a satisfactory _________(决定). 10 _________

36、M:It’s hard to believe it’s become so (1) c___________ and expensive to buy a pair of glasses.

W:I know. Not that long ago, buying eyeglasses was about as simple as buying a pair of socks. Do you really need new (2) g___________?

M:Yes. I’ve noticed that things are soft of unclear sometimes, but I haven’t seen an eye doctor yet.

W:Oh, so you’re looking for a place to go. Have you checked around?

M:Yes. I’ve just found out that designer eyeglasses can (3) c___________$200 or more just for the frame. W:And a pair of lenses could add well over $100 (4) t___________ that.

M:Yes, (5) d___________ on the material and special lens coatings.

W:So, (6) i___________ the cost of an eye exam, a pair of spectacles can cost as (7) m___________ as a color TV set.

M:It’s incredible. It’s a good thing that I don’t need to buy anything fancy. But it sounds like you have a lot of (8) i___________ about glasses. Did you just buy some?

W:I did. A few months ago. You might check the optometrist in the new mall. Maybe they’re still having a sale.

M:I did. They’re having a promotion now. They’ll include a protective lens coating with new lenses, if you have your (9) e___________ exam there.

W:Great. I hope you’ll find a (10) p___________ of good glasses that you really like.

37、A: Hi!Nice to you. You’re...?

B: Well, the bridegroom is a friend of mine.

A: So am I. So now we are friends too.

ceremony is splendid, isn’t it?

to the guest, let’s go and have one.

B: Why, I’m p A: It’s not surprising, the bridegroom and brid . It is a typical example which is quite d from other countries.

B: You must have known a lot about cand traditions of other countries.

A: You know, we come from the East, we should pay attention to cultural differences to the life abroad.

B: How can I get the information?

B: Don’t you think it’s a good idea to fix a date to surf the Internet together, and then you may introduce your online friends to me?

A: Good idea. Besides I need to some more information for my graduation essay. Will this Sunday suit you?

B: Sure.

38、阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在右边相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。 Dear Wendy,

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