



分) ( ) 1. A. Monday B. FridayC. Sunday D. day ( ) 2. A. MissB. musicC. Mr D. Mrs ( ) 3. A. fat

B. tall

C. big

D. bag ( )4. A.muttonB. strong C. tofu D.fish( ) 5. A. smart

B. strictC. short

D. sugar


1. 土豆po_at_2. 树tr _ _3. 房 子 h __ __ se 4. 花 fl _ _ er5. 森 林 f _ r _ s t6. 建筑物bu _ _ ding 7. 公 园 p _ _ k 8. 公路r _ _ d9. 桥 bri _ _ e 10.干净的cl _ _ n 三、用所给的词填空,组成与汉语意思相符的词组。(10分)houseworkhomemakesetwash 1.做家务do_________ 2.洗衣服_________the clothes 3.摆饭桌________the table 4.在家里at______5.铺床 _______the bed


() 1. I don't like grapes. They are ____.

A .sweet B. sour C. healthy

( ) 2. ---What would you like for lunch?-- I'd like some ______.

A. green beansB. green bean C. bean( ) 3. What ______you?

A. areB. aboutC. do( ) 4. What do you ______ on Saturdays?

A. is B. doesC. do ( ) 5.____ two pens on the desk?

A. Is B. Am C. Are D. Are there ( ) 6.—How many books are there on the shelf?---_____.A. Yes, there areB. No, there aren’t.

C. They are many books. D. Three () 7. —Can you see the cat in the picture? ---_____.

A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, there is. C. No, I canD. No, there isn’t

(the river.

A. inB. on C. overD. in front of

( )9.There are A. noB. notC. manyD. a

( is the closet?It’s near my bed.

A. What B. WhereC. WhoD. How ( ) 11.There ___ a small closet in my bedroom.A. am B. is C. areD. be ( ) 12.There ____ some pictures on the wall. A. amB. isC. are D. be

( ) 13.My father has ______air-conditioner. A. a B. anC. someD. \

( ) 14.Tom is behind Jim, Jim is _______Tom.A. frontB. in front ofC. overD. behind

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